Author: Sasha (Canada), 02-06-2024 20:17

Race - GELU and hota 2.0 - Heroes 3 map

One more question, do I need speculum to water walk? more...

Author: Sasha (Canada), 02-06-2024 20:16

Race - GELU and hota 2.0 - Heroes 3 map

How to win the race. I found another route but still cant beat him more...

Author: Sasha (Canada), 02-06-2024 19:02

Race - GELU and hota 2.0 - Heroes 3 map

Thanks for your answer, so need to find water walk first. more...

Author: Anthony Hawking , 02-06-2024 15:54

fixes - Crean Isles - Call of the Void - Heroes 3 map

Hi, so I found the problem, it was to do with hero placeholders. I have sent the updated campaign in, so the new version should be up soon.
The map should be fully playable then, if you still wish to continue.
Thanks for pointing this out.

Author: Ja Rite (United States), 02-06-2024 12:59

Wow - Crean Isles - Call of the Void - Heroes 3 map

Ok so I restarted at hard difficulty and was able to hold back against all the attacks since I had an army 3 weeks faster. I took over the map, killed all the enemy heroes but none of the heroes I killed had the Shaman Puppet.

Maybe the hero that had it ran away from a castle attack? Anyhow I we

Author: PMUET , 02-06-2024 12:18

Oasis - GELU and hota 2.0 - Heroes 3 map

And before starting the race, don't forget to rest at the oasis to get +1000 MP for the next day :). Oasis is carefully hidden in a bush near the starting position. more...

Author: PMUET , 02-06-2024 12:15

WW, SB - GELU and hota 2.0 - Heroes 3 map

You must have Water Walk, Scuttle boat. Then you must find secret path, use SB to destroy boat there and WW to pass. Try to use suits that increase your movement speed and don't forget to wear wayfarer shoes before starting to move, Try to go to speed increase locations during the race and don& more...

Author: Sasha (Canada), 02-06-2024 09:37

Race - GELU and hota 2.0 - Heroes 3 map

How to win the race. I found another route but still cant beat him more...

Author: Ja Rite (United States), 02-06-2024 00:35

Tried this - Crean Isles - Call of the Void - Heroes 3 map

So the first few maps were fairly straight forward and easy. I was enjoying it though.

Suddenly map 4 you're starting with new undead heroes, with nothing in the starting area. It took a couple weeks to get going. Five days at 500gp a day just to get a town hall etc. Then randomly just as I

Author: Andy (UK), 01-06-2024 23:55

Good but not very balanced - Unholy Alliance (Remake) - Heroes 3 map

First half of maps were quite tough and took a few attempts, but once I built up the heroes and got some good spells then it became really easy more...

Author: CragHack , 01-06-2024 23:04

Buggy - Purple player is stuck - The Lord of the Rings Classic Adventure Story - Heroes 3 map

During the first or second week, the Purple Player just gets stuck. more...

Author: Nick (Canada), 01-06-2024 18:34

Mistake - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Okay i see, i didn't realize until way too late how to get to pink (after defeating the players there and getting every town and lighthouse) and i thought i had to abandon stuff when the thiefs came in because even if i was really strong some were really strong too, and then kyrre got somewhat more...

Author: Doctor (Воронеж, Россия), 01-06-2024 18:33

Французская версия - Brownie. Soul reunion - Heroes 7 map

Друзья, в архив добавлен файл языковой локализации на французском языке. Спасибо Франсуа. Надеюсь, что появятся переводы на другие языки и не только этой карты. Если есть желающие помочь с переводами - пишите. more...

Author: gemasia (Poland), 01-06-2024 17:08

Amazing! - Power of Dragons - Heroes 5 map

The most beautiful map more...

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Heroes3 - Your opinions about Metamorphosis - map rating = 4 Likes

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Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss

The young become the old.
Mysteries do unfold.
Cause thats the way of time.
Nothing and no one goes unchanged.
{Bernard Ighner 1945-2017}

Added: 31-01-2024

Heroes 3 maps: Archibald's campaign | Jennifer's Dream Journey (CHI) | Ascension (Вознесение) | King of the knight IV

Author: Iren & Vasily (Moscow), 11-04-2024 21:22 Like
Metamorphosis - Metamorphosis
Thanks a lot for your fantastic map. It's quite challenging and fun to play. Hope to see more new maps.

  Greg writes:
12-04-2024 00:30

Greg - Metamorphosis

Thanks for the positive feedback. Should have a new map out in the next month. Just testing it out now trying to balance it out.

Author: Jovian, 12-03-2024 08:10 Like
Thank you for the great map! - Metamorphosis
Completed twice: on normal and then on impossible. Though a bit cheated on second time -- waiting for some good artifacts to roll. :)
Both runs was waiting some weeks for the 6th month for the seer to open last enemy town.

  Greg writes:
13-03-2024 20:24

Greg - Metamorphosis

Glad you enjoyed. Would you consider yourself a average player, advanced player or expert. It helps me adjust challenge for future maps. Thx.

  Jovian writes:
13-03-2024 20:28

Closer to beginner - Metamorphosis

Closer to beginner or in the middle with average. I really like the way some creators add maps with several difficult levels -- you can choose whatever suits you more, or just try. So in a map zip file there are 2-4 maps with some tweaks for different difficult levels (boots with resources or armies to AI, some timings, etc). It's not that hard I think for creators to do so, but more people with different experience in HOMM will enjoy.

Author: GIAKOUMARAS (HELLAS (greece is the nickname)), 19-02-2024 11:20
Benard Ighner - Metamorphosis
Congratulations on your musical culture. In my 6th decade I met this wonderful musician, thanks to you. He has beautifully set to music the famous "ta panta rei" of the greatest ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus (6th century BC), which means 'everything flows'. As a veteran and fanatical player since the first appearance of Heroes I, it is worth tasting the work of a cultural designer. I see an abundance of goodies at the beginning, something that probably holds unexpected surprises and difficulties! Feel good my friend, and may the time you spend to give you mental upliftment, which we all seek in our lives!

  Greg writes:
19-02-2024 17:31

Greg - Metamorphosis

Thanks for your kind comments. The song was the inspiration for this map.

Author: syu77 (korea), 04-02-2024 04:34
Good game - Metamorphosis
End 6_1_1
Good game - Metamorphosis

Author: 32167, 04-02-2024 00:12 Like
nice map - Metamorphosis
I’ve had a lot of fun playing this map. In my opinion, the map isn't difficult. Final bosses could’ve been made twice as strong. They can also be released 1-2 months earlier. Finished on 6.1.4.
I really like it when the author has his own unique style of mapmaking. I would have guessed exactly who made this map without knowing the name of the author beforehand.

  Greg writes:
04-02-2024 00:40

Greg - Metamorphosis

Thanks for the feedback. Let me know if you consider yourself average, above average, or expert player. It helps me gage how I need to raise or lower the difficulty of future maps.

  32167 writes:
04-02-2024 01:17

:) - Metamorphosis

I think my level is somewhere between average and above average. I also prefer to play at a slower pace.

Author: Ja Rite (United States), 03-02-2024 14:17 Like
Amazing map - Metamorphosis
Loved the map.

As an average player this map was extremely difficult for me.

I was down to one castle because I just couldn't defend the other two.

I liked the mechanic of costing resources to get access to new areas but it made building up enough to get town portal very hard.

Finally got TP and a good hero and was able to slowly take the map back.

Fly was easier to get because I had more resources by then.

Ended up using Corkes for my main for offense since the main guy had a useless gunslinger skill.

Beat on month 6 week 2 day 5 not too long after the last gate opened.

Thanks again for the great map!

  Greg writes:
03-02-2024 17:21

Greg - Metamorphosis

Thanks for the feedback Ja Rite, that's what I was shooting for. A very difficult map for the average player. Always bugged me the amount of wasted resources in the game so I try to find a ways to make them more valuable. Since you fit the profile of players my maps are geared towards. Would you be interested in testing any maps I make in the future?

  Ja Rite (United States) writes:
03-02-2024 22:46

Sorry - Metamorphosis

I am not good at that, sorry. I'd have told you to make it easier, I almost quit like 3 times...

Once when I was down to 1 castle, then when I had to hide the main hero, and lastly when I didn't know how to get back underground before I found wings and thought the map was impossible if you lose starting towns.

I just play maps that show up here. Thanks again.

Author: greg (United States), 31-01-2024 15:57
Greg - Metamorphosis
Updated a blocked pathway and also blocked a way for human players to access black tent. New version is Metamorphosis V1.1

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