Author: Spyloxguy43 (zagreb, croatia), 03-05-2024 14:15

supernatural more like super softlock - Supernatural - Heroes 3 map

this is a planned map so everything has to be put in place to work effectively. When I was trying to get to the first skeleton i was softlocked because an enchanted spring was placed in the way. So i had to give myself leeway by placing a bit of dirt in the world editor also the sharpshooter bow isn more...

Author: Stoyan (Bulgaria), 03-05-2024 12:54

Perfect map - The Devil Beneath You - Heroes 3 map

Thank you for the great map !!!
I really really like it :)

Author: alderski , 03-05-2024 12:48

Author's comment - Alderski's Grand Skill Test - Heroes 3 map

A skill test that uses Hota's new capabilities and introduces several new features:
- More balanced army forces of both players thanks to equalizing the sum of "AI value"
- Depending on specialization, heroes have different starting levels (more pronounced unit specialties )
- 110

Author: Andor (UK), 03-05-2024 10:55

Thank you! - To conquer the world - Heroes 3 map

Amazing map my brother! Simple and complex (a bit crowded but the benefits outweigh that ten fold).

All the heroes are gods with super weapons which makes for a very engaging adventure, there is some water and islands, great layout, what more you want.

Author: Дмитрий (Россия), 03-05-2024 09:14

Великолепная работа! - Легенды прошлого (Legends of the past) - Heroes 3 map

Спасибо автору за столь интересную карту!

Варвары убились просто.

Подземных тварей убил вместе со звероящерами (так как они мешались).

С нежитью пришлось попотеть.

Не понял как запечатать Обливион, поэтому в конце пришлось убивать объединенное войско Дзаздры.

Было интересно, спасибо!

Author: sasha (valencia, spain), 03-05-2024 01:03

bad map - The 5th element - episode three - Heroes 3 map

horrible map, dont waste your time more...

Author: Michal , 02-05-2024 19:20

average - Planeswalkers - Heroes 3 map

too long, too tedious, it's hard to get to the green one. more...

Author: Rastislav Wolf (Slovensko), 02-05-2024 15:52

Krásna krajina - A Beautiful Land - Heroes 4 map

ok more...

Author: Katechkin (Saint-Petersburg), 02-05-2024 14:01

Super! - Архипелаг Энрот (Archipelago Enroth) - Heroes 3 map

Очень качественно прорисованная карта! Сразу видны старания. Особенно понравились атмосферные места, создающие впечатление деревень, гаваней, городов. Визуал мне чем-то напомнил мой любимый Disciples. Одним словом, супер! more...

Author: Dion (Athens, Greece), 02-05-2024 10:12

Access to the underworld - 007 meets Dr. No 2020 - Heroes 3 map

I've managed to fly over the pond in northwest and now I'm in 28,2,0. I can find access portal or access to underworld, nor I can reach the necropolis on the east at 61,1,0! This map is masterpiece, please help! more...

Author: Katechkin (Saint-Petersburg), 01-05-2024 22:41

The map Aeten Nomere has been updated! - Aeten Nomere - Heroes 3 map

The map has been updated to version 1.91!
-Several new events have been added.
-Added a possibility to play Factory (2nd and 8th players).

Карта обновлена до версии 1.91!
-Добавлено несколько новых событий.
-Добавлена возможность играть за Фабрику (2-ой и 8-ой игроки).

Author: Sasha (Canada), 01-05-2024 18:16

Yellow two way portal - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Wow, I was in the airship but was not able to figure out that path. Thanks a lot for your help more...

Author: VAD , 01-05-2024 14:02

Revenge from the Swamp - Revenge from the Swamp - Heroes 3 map

Отличная работа! more...

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 01-05-2024 13:40

:) - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Need to get to airship yard at 56, 31 and then fly to portal via path which starts next to Tower city at 26,34. Just follow green bushes, there is a hint in the storyline.
To get to airship yard area you need to have diplomat's ring, which you get from a hut at 10,115 . All coordinates are for

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Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss

Time of peace is over. The world is stumbling in another conflict. If you are hoping you will get to play for a overpowered bad guy, who can easily swipe away his enemies, nop. Once again, you will be the underdog, who got the short straw from destiny, and has to fight his way to the top.

Added: 08-10-2023

Heroes 3 maps: Conquest Universe ult ed | Antagarich The Continent War | 3098 (vh) English version | Four Elements. Spirits and You

| 1-30 | 31-40 |

Author: Y (UA), 09-01-2024 00:42 Like
perfect map - Flames of war
very big and detailed. One of my favorite now

Author: xyz, 01-01-2024 14:35
Unbalanced starts? - Flames of war
I'm not sure if I get the idea but for me it seems that some castles start with big advantages.
For example for stronghold we can hire Dessa and the Behemoth guy and we get a set of movement speed artifacts for free. With the Behemoth guy you are able to snowball through the map on Day 3. Get all the castles and stuff.
On the other hand in the case of dungeon you hide everything behind strong monsters, disable the best heroes and it is just a pain to play. You even hide the second castle behind a Garrison with a plenty of minotaurs.
Same for Rampart, you disable their best advantage the gold making buolding and hide their Tent behind Crystal Dragons which you can acquire with massive losses.
For castle you have placed a plenty of Griffin Observaroties around to give massive amount of angels.

Doesn't seem to be very balanced.

Author: xyz, 28-12-2023 01:13
Who finished this map with faction other then Castle - Flames of war
So who could finish this map really without cheating and inviting heroes which are not available at all in custom games, like Gelu.
And who has finished it with a faction other then Castle.

Author: Rashid, 19-11-2023 00:16 Like
Прохождение за 19 дней - Flames of war
Хорошая карта, но можно очень быстро пройти, даже если не будет крыльев ангела(может на неделю больше тогда проходить).
Если без крыльев - то надо прочитать все палатки.
Если взять крылья в 1-183-131 - то как я за 19 дней при игре за синих.
Пробивать на проклятой земле событие 9999х7 лазурных драконов уже писал таким способом: 1 феникс и 3-6 ядовитых змий(султан-ифритов можно), всем скорость и потом подстановка под двойной удар драконов - чтобы били по своим... 9999х7 надо сначала сделать 9999х6 приблизительно, т.е. сначала надо уничтожать только один отряд драконов! Потом когда будет 9999х6 тогда 6 змиев если без страха то за раз 2000+ драконов уничтожается...
Прохождение за 19 дней - Flames of war

Author: dodo, 18-11-2023 18:26
great map - Flames of war
really well made map thank you

Author: Morten (Denmark), 31-10-2023 23:37 Like
Thank you - incredible map - Flames of war
Thank you so much - this is an incredible map.
Beautiful to explore and perfectly balanced for my skill level (not too difficult, not too easy).

I am at month 7 now and have the strongest army and heroes, so just time for clean up :)

  Morten (Denmark) writes:
03-11-2023 22:41

Endgame - Flames of war

Just wanted to add that the endgame is unreasonable easy - it is kind of anti climatic.
I suppose the Purple Portal boosts are for the AI? But taking them as player makes it too easy. Maybe I should have just let them be there for AI and try to win without them, but I think instead a balancing could be better. Or even leaving those boosts out of the map, because the AI only takes like 20-30% of them and I get all the rest :-)

Thanks again for a wonderful map!

Author: Рашид, 27-10-2023 00:37 Like
Крутая карта! Супер! - Flames of war
Никогда не думал что против ИИ можно настроить карту, так чтобы все цвета могли играть за людей! Думаю пройду за 3-4 месяца, сейчас на 2-2-5 открыл Дракона и прочитал две палатки(зеленая и синяя) и Киррь подходит к красной.
Стратегия такая для быстрого прохождения:
- прыгаем через односторонние порталы, с ящиков берем войска и накачиваем героев - Мефала, Десса, Киррь, Орион
- ненужные войска продаем у внешних наемников
- Джеллу делает лучников стрелками

План такой: читать все палатки, взять Змий(там есть за скилы на море и за 99 пегасов на суше около 2000). Потом змиями и кем-то побыстрее трепать 9999х7 лазурных драконов - это надо делать по такой схеме: сначала уничтожить один из отрядов 9999 и мы получим 6х9999 - их уже можно равномерно уничтожать подстановкой змиев
- взять где-нибудь сферу уязвимости и после уже искать-пробивать супервойска за крыльями ангелов и др. Хотя после прочтения всех палаток - а для их прочтения так понял не нужно много войск, то можно и так закончить карту, без полетов и дверей измерений...
Крутая карта! Супер! - Flames of war

Author: Mrkfa, 08-10-2023 21:25
Update - Flames of war
Thanks for you feedbacks.
I have updated the map (new version should be up here 24hours from the time of this post). No big changes.
Deleted some forgotten map testing items, like money boost and TP spell in starrting area of tan player.
Boosted a bit the red player.
Took away the DD, buffed up the guardians in one of the AI boosting areas, which proved to be map breaking.
Probably the last time i did get back to this, hope people will have fun in the map, enjoy :)

Author: DanDan (ISRAEL), 24-09-2023 23:41 Like
Incredible map! - Flames of war
just played it for the first time, and it was incredible!!! it has been a long time since i enjoyed a map so much!

The design work here is amazing! very well balanced. AI gets strong, and nothing is given to you without fighting for it.

Because this was my first try, and I went in without reading anything from the comments, I was VERY CLOSE TO LOSING. so much fun to play with your back to wall, and you have to be creative.

First try took me 9-01-07. I assume that playing it now will take me around 5-6 months to finish. it is very possible to shave down to 3-4 months if you are really organized and abuse DD.

Great job on this! thank you!

Author: MarekW (Poland), 04-09-2023 22:53 Like
Great map but overly dependent on reaching purple portals. - Flames of war
Map may seem difficult if you play 1st time or not use map editor, but in fact its very simple, you just need to rush to the purple portals early enough and collect all units + heroes that are provided for free in these locations. If you do it within 3-4 months, then enemies probably didnt reach it before you and winning will be trival. If you will be slower - enemies will take all units from there and winning may be impossible.

Map is nice but strategy overly depends on these purple portals, bonuses provided there are far too big and fighting with compurter players was not challenging at all. But generally map is designed very well and I enjoyed it a lot.

  MarekW (Poland) writes:
04-09-2023 23:06

steps to win - Flames of war

1. reach your tent ASAP
2. walk through few portals and collect some units from pandora boxes, etc
3. find berserk / blind / tp (for blue player it was behind one-way turquoise portal)
4. go to tents + purple portals (400 archangels was enough to beat guardians)
5. after you find all tents and collect all units and heroes there, you will easily be able to get DD (behind purple portal) and crush everything that is able to walk on this map

Played blue with dessa, gelu (having water, fire magic is super useful)

Author: Cole (Denmark), 16-08-2023 14:41
Azura Dragons - Flames of war
My hero that starts at the town portal and with a lot of creatures, need to fight off 7 x 9.999 Azura dragons before the hero can use the town portal. Anyone know a way around the Azura dragons?
Azura Dragons - Flames of war

  wasilix writes:
18-08-2023 08:38

- - Flames of war

Your stronger hero in the beginning is supposed to be killed by that event. AI heroes will leave and help him in their biomes.

It's part of intended help for AI. If you play fast it's still far from making the map difficult for you, even with all the help AI gets.

  Cole (Denmark) writes:
20-08-2023 17:15

Fast - Flames of war

You have to play really fast. You need to know the map, and make zero mistakes.

  wasilix writes:
20-08-2023 18:00

- - Flames of war

Well, as I said you better play it fast :) But you don't have to break records really. If I recall correctly, some people reported that they completed the map month 12 or something like that. All you really need to be able to fend off other players is to have access to blind and TP. That's the only thing can make it or break it for you. You can stumble into it by accident (there multiple places with these spells if I recall correctly).

And no, there is a lot of room for error, however you are right, that to play fast you need to have a knowledge of the map. Still as I said some people didn't have it and didn't play fast, but still finished the map.

Author: Romeo P (US), 05-07-2023 01:11
Nice map but a little too easy - Flames of war
The beginning is a little rough to take on enemies, but as as soon as you get to a certain point it becomes a cakewalk. There are way too many resources and free creatures + so many level 8 dwellings. Also way too easy to get heroes to 99 in all stats.
The map was definitely cool, but would have liked a harder endgame. Finished in Month 3, week 2, day 3. Was easily able to take on the 70K Azure dragon piles with 0 losses by that point.

Author: John (New York), 05-06-2023 11:50
Love it - Flames of war
Is it normal fortress starts with 1 million gold? So far i've played dungeon and fortress and im guessing its normal fortress has buffs (town portal and extra gbold) but im just curious, so far the map is really nice and challenging and fun to explore tho keep it up

  wasilix writes:
05-06-2023 17:11

- - Flames of war

I don't think it's normal to be honest. Probably was added for testing or something and then wasn't removed. TP becomes available fairly far into the map.

Author: Gulo (Xian,China), 02-06-2023 16:43
Great job! - Flames of war
Very cool idea and very hard to play.But even enemies have most power heroes, they will easily be defeated if you took all of their town. Nice to see the more hard version, I like to challenge it.

Author: wasilix, 30-05-2023 21:22 Like
Playthrough in 3.5 months - Flames of war
Played another time with blue, finished on 4-2-4. Should be possble to at least finish within 3 months.

For people struggling, you can refer to the playthrough in this playlist: 02MwI3vxw6l6ts30OsMv6gf3SNf7y48r (remove blanks).

It's not the only way to do that, but if you take it as a general template for your game, you'll probably have a good time with this map. At least I guess you want to have Blind and TP for when opponents come, which you can also find in the playthrough. I added many other relevant milestones as chapters (parts 2-4) to make them easier to find.

Author: wasilix, 26-05-2023 00:07 Like
Great map, a lot of fun to start, a bit tedious later on - Flames of war
Hi there!

Finished with blue on 5-2-2. Didn't manage to squeze in 4 months, because the map is just huge and catching all heroes is just a ridiculous hastle...

I'd say that I loved the opening, because it gives so much freedom in development. So much so that even with huge power boosts AI trails behind after you pick up the pace if you pick right goals in the beginning and go fast.

Tips to those who struggle (for blue player):
1. You have lots of gold via chests in the beginning. Use it to hire 5-6 heroes on day 1. Use Invite Hero feature to hire the best ones. My suggestion: 2-3 heroes with estates (Lord Haart, Cuthbert, Erdamon, etc.) + Gelu + Alamar/Jeddite + Neela/Mephala + scholar hero if no Alamar or Neela.

Develop estates on your heroes on day 1, then develop 2-3 heroes and use the rest to make logistics chains. In towns build angels first, then economy. You have lots of money and can afford it easily.

With this approach I took my tent on 2-1-3 on my first try. For sure can be even better. With the tent you get access to +15 all stats via angelic alliance components, and your stronger hero should be able to enter the angel dwellings area with them, but you can first go to portals. There are a few places where you can get decent angel stacks for yourself. Your goal is to gather a few hundreds of them, at which point you can start going into purple portals. You want to get into areas with level 6 or level 5 creatures, because they contain pandora boxes giving +15 all stats. Getting access to tents is also very benefitial at this point, because it allows you to gather troops of other players from behind color gates and more boxes. Also area with level 6 creatures has 4 prisons with great heroes. You'll want to develop as many heroes to 99/99/99/99 as possible, because they'll be able to learn DD once you push through the antimagic barrier (try to take air magic on your main heroes for this). The barrier is easy if you gather the lvl6 and lvl5 troops, orb of vulnerability + armor of damned will make it much easier and you'll do that with very little losses. After that it's just a matter of cleaning up.

I can imagine that the time can be improved by 1 month, maybe 2. Portals allow certain mobility on a map, but there are so many of them, that I most definitely missed many shortcut opportunities.

I'm kind of sceptical about month 2 finish possibility, to be honest.

Very cool map, enjoyed it very much. Thanks!

Author: 7777 (korea), 23-05-2023 15:56
1 - Flames of war
1 - Flames of war

Author: 7777 (korea), 23-05-2023 15:54
Good game - Flames of war
Game End ( 2 - 1 - 6 )
Start - Stronghold
Speed heroe (Dessa)
Power heroe (Neela) - Vampire Lord
* Tavern - InviteHero
Good game - Flames of war

  wasilix writes:
23-05-2023 18:26

- - Flames of war

Week 5 finish? Wow, that's crazy! Hell of a good job!

  Gulo (Xian,China) writes:
24-05-2023 06:51

Congratulation! - Flames of war

I played more than ten times,Now Could finish map in mouth 5.

  wasilix writes:
24-05-2023 08:26

5 month is great, but 5 weeks?! - Flames of war

Hey Gulo! 5 months sounds great. I'm playing my 1st time now, and I may barely finish in 5 months, maybe 6 months (just guessing). Surely it's possible to do much better than that, but I wouldn't expect it to be that much faster. The screenshot above shows the entire map open on 2-1-6! Truth be told I'm doubtful that it's at all possible, but if it is, that's just amazing. Would love to see the video of it for sure.

  7777 (korea) writes:
24-05-2023 16:37

Regame - Flames of war

Regame - Rampart ( Gelu ) , Speed heros(dessa), Power heroes ( Mephala )

  Вит. (Москва) writes:
25-05-2023 21:58

Хорошая игра - Пламя войны - Flames of war

вот как???как ее можно пройти за 5-6 месяцев???обьясните...н аучите))

Author: Mrkfa, 21-05-2023 13:59
Feedbacks - Flames of war
Thank you for all the feedbacks, if i count the reactions on this map from outside this website aswell, i would say its more or less balanced now. Map could still use a lesser number of artifacts, but i will leave it at the current state.

Its true that luck can play a big part in each game run, different AI players can one game be the most powerfull, and in the next one he can be one of the weaker ones - but i don t see this as a bad thing, it brings a varriety of outcomes.

The game difficulty - is a matter of opinion. I had feedbacks it could be easier, aswell it could be more challenging. Honestly, i wouldn t mind it being a bit easier myself, i don t count myself for a hardcore player. But it will stay the way it is. Since its really simple, to jump in map editor and give yourself a starting advantage of any sort you like. But a mapwide, balanced change to make map harder - that is a completly different isue. So if you want a easier and for your game taste better map experience, open the map in editor for a advantage, nothing bad about it in my eyes :)

Player are pretty safe in the start locations aswell, and have enough time to get the strenght needed for any direction their playstyle takes them.

Well, enjoy the map in any way you like

  wasilix writes:
22-05-2023 10:05

- - Flames of war

Love that you don't change the map. Only started your map, and love it, and the fact that enemies are getting huge boosts is only welcome :)

Author: Вит. (Москва), 18-05-2023 10:19
Нереально!! - Flames of war
Вообще нереально пройти. Я не знаю,как вы там проходите за 5-10 месяцев...Как комп так быстро раскачивается??? Как вначале пройти засаду лазурных драконов??...да и вообще как и где за короткий срок набрать такие характеристики???

  Andrey K writes:
19-05-2023 21:58

Flames of war - Flames of war

Засада лазурных драконов это фишка карты, этих засад на самом деле много, я прошел карту но ни одну засаду так и не смог пробить.
Комп быстро раскачивается потому на него в отличие от игрока засады не распространяются.
Нужно немного везения, надо не сидеть на своей земле а прыгать в односторонние порталы - там все можно найти: городской портал, берсерк, слепота.
Потом надо найти сферу уязвимости (их больше чем одна на карте) и все тенты. После этого можно найти даже полет. И вот тогда некоторые засады лазурных драконов можно облетать и набрать армию (если компьютерный игрок конечно все не вычистит)
Я за 16 месяцев прошел, не торопился, кое что вкусное все равно досталось)

  Вит. (Москва) writes:
19-05-2023 22:12

Пламя войны. - Flames of war

А с чем прыгать по порталам???Чтобы прыгать,нужно хоть какое нибудь войско,а я пока что то соберу у компа уже характеристики 50+....и вот в самом начале игры как пройти к тюрьме и к вратам города???шаг делаешь - засада.....комп проходит без проблем.....х.з. вообщем...еще кто то собирается закончить за 6 месяцев- да ну нах!!!))

  Andrey K writes:
20-05-2023 09:43

Flames of war - Flames of war

Я же говорю - для компа засады лазурных драконов не работают (в этом легко убедится если открыть карту в редакторе). У меня этот герой с большой армией просто так и стоял всю игру, уже только почти в самом конце я используя полет с ним встретился и забрал армию (хотя к тому времени уже не особо она была и нужна, набрал 10000 лазурных и что-то около 20000 архангелов уже).

У каждого игрока есть зона для буста и вас тоже ждут тысячи лазурных драконов и архангелов. Но они закрыты засадами, поэтому единственный способ туда проникнуть - найти полет (все засады не облететь но все равно дофига народу можно набрать)

Не знаю, может мне просто повезло но меня первые месяцев 5 никто вроде не беспокоил. Потом да - уже подходили с тысячами лазуриков и архангелами, но к тому времени у меня была уже сфера и как-то находился способ с ними справится (пусть и в несколько заходов).

Тоже была ситуация когда хотелось бросить карту - когда никак не мог найти городской портал, но потом фортануло наконец и игра заиграла новыми красками)
И карта в итоге стала одной и любимых, потому что сделана она мастерски.

  wasilix writes:
22-05-2023 10:35

Согласен с Андреем, карта просто огонь - Flames of war

Виталий, карта просто шикарная. Проблем с армией, на мой взгляд, быть не должно, ведь стартовый герой с армией может собрать кучу золота уже в первый ход, плюс еще ресурсы на 2й день даются и вокруг замка сундуков полно. Я начал играть за синих, и уже к 4й неделе 2го месяца у меня городской портал, слепота и берсерк + 200 архов. Я карту до этого не играл, но немного поглядывал в редактор, чтобы примерно прикидывать следующую цель, куда идти - мб ещё и пропустил что-нибудь.

Насчет начала могу посоветовать следующее: включите приглашение героев. Вам нужно в первые дни взять пару героев с поместьями (у меня Хаарт, Эрдамон и Катберт), постарайтесь прокачать их до 5 уровня в 1-2 день - это даст 3к золота сразу на старте и позволит не тратить время на прокачку дохода в городе, а сразу строить войска (я таун холл построил только). В таверне доступен Гелу, берите его, и ваши луки станут снайперами - очень сильный буст в начале, + я взял Jeddite для воскрешения на старте (лучше Аламар чтобы сразу со школяром, но он занят уже был), и будущим мейном взял Нилу (заодно не пришлось школяра отдельного брать). Изначально хотел взять Аламара + Мефалу, вроде как получше вариант (Тазар недоступен). После этого просто бегал Гелу и Нилой убивал все, что убивалось, а всеми остальными героями делал цепочки, чтобы не приходилось между ними армию разделять, и чтобы можно было сразу же в разных направлениях двигаться. Свою палатку пробил в начале 2го месяца примерно (имел всего лишь 300+ снайперов и 19 архов против 40 сказочников). Очень уж большая армия в принципе и не нужна, если выходить на простор раньше компов. У меня в игре у красного герой-черт уже 90+ стату имел неделе на 6й. Тут мне особо тягаться тяжко будет, но по карте куча пандор разбросано, и компы туда все равно рано не выходят, поэтому к 8й неделе нила уже под 70 стату набила себе (это с альянсом только), плюс ухватила пару хороших стэков архов.

В общем, карта, правда, позволяет очень агрессивную игру в начале за счет большого кол-ва денег, а благодаря тому, что как правило доступно больше 1го направления для расширения своей территории, то тут логистические цепочки + 2-3 основных героя на боях заходят просто на-ура.

Попробуйте адаптировать по себя мой подход. Мне кажется, что результат вам понравится :)

Author: Gulo (Xian,China), 14-05-2023 11:11
very cool! - Flames of war
Played 5 times, now I wants to finish map in 6 months.Very excited, thanks for your share.

Author: Sir Louis (Poland), 14-05-2023 00:20 Like
Ok - Flames of war
How to give like?

  wasilix writes:
15-05-2023 08:00

Confirm vote through email - Flames of war

Hi there! To show appreciation to the map's author you need to enter you email when you are voting. After posting a comment, the website sends you an email with a link to confirm your vote. Click it et voila.

Author: Sir Louis (Poland), 14-05-2023 00:05 Like
Veni, vidi, vici - Flames of war

Very beautiful map. One of the most difficult, I have ever played. But…. However I finished it, I suggest a little bit changing it. First of all, computer to fast reach tents (abort 5 months), so It is very very difficoult to survive. I checked map on editor map, and there is three tents of every colour – one tent on main area of player, and two tents on different point sof map. I suggest to lock tents (of course not tents situated on main areas of every player) to 10 months 01 week 01 day. Second suggestion is to give view on your tents – then you could control when other players reach your tents.

I am waiting on your other maps !!

Sir Louis
Veni, vidi, vici - Flames of war

  Sir Louis (Poland) writes:
14-05-2023 00:08

My main hero - Flames of war

My main hero and my army on the last day

My main hero - Flames of war

Author: Janko (Ireland), 13-05-2023 10:04
Flames of war
How is it possible to win this map, if AI gets so much boost!? At the begginig of 5th month I was attacked by dungeon player, who had over 600 azure dragons!!! How the hell did he get so many azure!?
I lost my interest, to play it one more time, sorry!
Downgrade the boost for AI!!

  Old guy (Dhaka, BD) writes:
14-05-2023 00:53

Have the same issue - Flames of war

See my other comments below. You have to be lucky to play this map beyond 4~5 months. I edited the map a bit to start with my fav heroes/skills and for the 5th time, I was lucky to defend 2 AI attacks around 4~5 months. My recommendation would be to edit the map and start with TP.

Author: Andrey K, 11-05-2023 13:38 Like
Impressive work - Flames of war
Finally finished this map. I played for the blue player. I think this map is the one why the players go to this site finally)
It is briliant, hard to beat (in my case it was hard and I probably just was lucky to finally get Town Portal).
As I can see this map is not absolutely symmetric and after finishing this map you can try it one more time with other player.

I also have some proposals:
- Town Portal should be given instantly, this will help players to venture for more far adventures.
- Too lot of artifacts, I decided to not collect them but simply destroy them (thankfully there are plases where you can do that)

Author: Old guy (Dhaka, BD), 08-05-2023 17:48
Marvellous Map - Flames of war
Playing since 1999 for fun and entertainment and I have to say this is a Marvellous Map. Enjoyed 4 times even though lost 4 times within 3~4 to months.

I often play impossible maps by editing the maps to start with my favourite heroes and skills just for fun. (i) Sir Mullich with Ofense, Aromer, Earth and Fire with blind, berserk, and TP and (ii) Moandor with Archery, Aromer, Earth, Fire and Air. In return give the grail building to AI teams.

During the 4th attempt, I gave the Horn of Absys to Sir Mulich to start with and still lost at around 4th month. Faced an AI hero heading toward my main castle with 300+ Azure, 300+ gold dragon, 25k Frangrams and several stacks of 1K others. Slow, blind, and berserk did not work; plus AI always cast expert Cure or Dispel. Any clue how to play?

  Old guy (Dhaka, BD) writes:
08-05-2023 17:53

Marvellous Map - Flames of war

Forgot to mention AI hero has all 99 stats plus Ring of Oblivion

  Andrey K writes:
11-05-2023 13:57

Flames of War - Flames of war

This probably the single disadvantage ot this map - you need to be lucky to beat it) You need to get most powerfull spells before this will be to late.
I also troubled with one enemy - it had 7000 azure dragons and blind with berserk did not worked too. I finnaly beat it with only archers (I had several thousands of them) and 1 azure dragon but this took a two fights.
Cover archers and your dragon with wall, spell "rabies" to archers and shoot to dragons. Each shot have been kill about 130 azure dragons. So 24 shots * 130 dragons will give ~3000 dragons per fight. After I exhaused archers' shots I surrendered (as I remeber I paid about 1,5 milllion) and then attacked again)

  Old guy (Dhaka, BD) writes:
12-05-2023 18:50

Flaws in the map - Flames of war

This is a Marvellous map as I said before but its main flaw is the AI gets too strong too quickly plus you need to be lucky. Also, once AI gets the DD, they can access several gates without visiting the keymaster tents, as there are spaces behind the Blue, Red, Green, etc gates where you can land with DD.

Flaws in the map - Flames of war

Author: Vladimir (Russia), 07-05-2023 08:48
help! - Flames of war
HotA stopped working!

Author: Mrkfa, 30-04-2023 22:43
Map update - Flames of war
New version of map should be up in a day or so from the time of this post.
Few changes -
1) Reduced amount of artifacts throught the map, AI shouldn t leave artifact breadcrumbs behind them anymore
2) Deleted/secured the heroes in prisons off the starting areas, the ones with great impact atleast, so players can t aim for AI clearing the guards for them
3) Dimension Door is not avaiable anymore, fly can be still obtained with more heroes
4) AI boosting areas/neutral castle zones from one way portals have stronger guardians
5) Ai can visit their boosting areas more easily, and get better boosts there

Enjoy the map and again, leave me your feeedbacks

  Atanas (Bulgaria) writes:
02-05-2023 23:36

Great Map - Flames of war

Have a great time on it with two friends.

Thanks a lot for the nice map!

Waiting for your next challenge :)

Author: OldMan (Иваново), 27-04-2023 10:42
Good map - Flames of war
7 - 4 -1 = Angel Wings
8 - 1 -1 =59k Archangels, 32k Crystal Dragons
8 - 1 -3 =Released Ignessa, and DD for everyone in the seer's hut
It remains only to finish off the others, it's not difficult.
Played for the Blues.
I didn't use the editor
It seems to me that it is necessary to close the passage for a person to a seer with DD. 9999k Crystal dragons will be able to do this.
The map is good not to waste time.

Author: VAD (Россия), 24-04-2023 09:38
Отличный баланс - Flames of war
Было сложно, респект!

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