Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 12-05-2024 22:47

Mirlanda - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Hey trotyl, I think it's very simple, under the prison with Mirlanda is another port, get on the ship with all the heroes and continue south to the portal. As soon as you arrive at the next port, read the dialogue carefully, which will tell you how to proceed with the heroes on the next path.

Author: Hevneren (Norway), 12-05-2024 20:25

Bit dissapointing end - Pathways - Heroes 3 map

Was omy to calim the grand price in the map, but there is no way to reach the place after fighting tons of enemies. Impassable point. more...

Author: trotyl (Poland), 12-05-2024 19:42

Mirlanda - Portishead - Way Home - Heroes 3 map

Heyy Nebel, I have released Mirlanda from prison and I am super stuck - I have no idea how to advance in the map. I have been wondering around for a week :( from quest, there is only pendant of will to be obtained ( i don't know where it is but I see that you get 100 peasants, which still wont more...

Author: 32167 , 12-05-2024 19:27

:) - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Hi Sulim, thank you so much for your feedback! I’m very glad you managed to finish the map and it left a pleasant impression. From now on, I’ll be more careful about the timing of the new maps releasing :)
I plan to make "easier" version 2.5 (multiplayer/with allies) of this map. So, it

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 12-05-2024 15:55

Done - Battlejuice 2 Delirium furens - Heroes 3 map

Finished the map. What can I say? I am totally exhausted. I gave up several times and then came back, trying different tactics. It is like a drug, was worth to wait since Christmas. Now I understand what Wasilix wrote about few maps combined in one. more...

Author: Katechkin (Saint-Petersburg), 12-05-2024 14:46

Карта работает нормально. - Aeten Nomere - Heroes 3 map

Проверил только что версии с сайта в игре - все запускаются.
Могу предположить, что:
1. Возможно, вы не обновили версию HoTA до последней версии 1.7.1.
2. Некая проблема на стороне игры, опять же лучше переустановить.
Либо, самая невероятная:
3. Некий антивирус ругается на незнакомый ему форма

Author: Little_Buddha , 12-05-2024 11:18

Ответ - Стражи Шотландии (Guardians of Scotland) - Heroes 3 map

На карте магия воздуха доступна, но лично я на созданных мною картах редко полагаюсь на неё.
Если по твоему мнению она сможет помочь тебе в прохождении, то дерзай :)

Author: Рашид (Украина), 12-05-2024 10:47

Нужно нарастить армию и освободить Сера Мюллиха - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map

Например Сер Мюлих имеет ТП. Так же есть ТП у "золотого героя" на острове с библиотеками, за 3333 коричневых драконов
Чтобы нарастить быстро армию за синих надо дипломатом присоеденить магов - 600-700+, главное которые 300 чтобы присоединились... И сразу внизу за гидрами освободить в тюрь

Author: Рашид (Украина), 12-05-2024 10:39

Ищу на этом ресурсе карт шедевры, и конечно хвастаюсь)! - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map

Ищу на этом ресурсе карты шедевры, и конечно хвастаюсь) - или для чего тут комментарии? Или другие люди опытом тут не делятся?
Не пользуюсь читерством, не играю в случайные карты к сожалению - только ищу здесь и на других ресурсах карты-шедевры и пробую играть... как проходить быстро в описаниях и

Author: Andy (UK), 12-05-2024 10:27

Lots of fun - Apocalypse Child - Heroes 3 map

Great story and character build up. First map quite tough at start but persist. Really loved the final map and building up a peasant army while under constant attack. more...

Author: Дмитрий (Россия), 12-05-2024 10:05

Пока сложно - Стражи Шотландии (Guardians of Scotland) - Heroes 3 map

Спасибо за советы!
Видимо, я не успеваю бить красного до объединения их армий.
Если с первой волной я справляюсь, и на вторую еще есть шансы, то дальше становится совсем тяжело, так как приходит совсем лютая армия красных.
Еще вопрос - Уоллес может научиться магии воздуха или это невозможно?

Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 12-05-2024 08:09

Читер и в Африке читер - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map

Перед кем? Открыл редактор, подкорректировал героя, посмотрел все проходы, квесты и возможность присоединения. Вариантов уйма. Вах, умник нашёлся. more...

Author: Jess T , 12-05-2024 07:58

Good map! - Divided and Hateful - Heroes 3 map

A bit long but enjoyed playing it more...

Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 12-05-2024 07:57

Привет правильщику - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map

Насколько я понял ты находишь интересный для себя сценарий, смотришь через редактор кард, где не нравится правишь, а затем идёшь на скоростной проход... а смысл? Лучше создай парочку хороших карт, а читерство оно и Африке читерство. А на турнирах похожие на тебя кадры сразу орут, что другие читерят. more...

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Heroes3 - Your opinions about Attraction - map rating = 0 Likes

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Heroes 3: The Shadow of Death

Defeat all enemies win the scenario. Fail to win by month 12, week 4, day 7.

Added: 30-01-2018

Heroes 3 maps: A Dracolish Helmet | Abyss | The Fall of Gondolin | Necromancia

Author: aimless, 14-05-2023 17:35
Too hard for me I guess. - Attraction
Tried this map a few times. The best try was when I got boots of levitation in a Dragon utopia. The problem is, I have no idea how to make enough army to stop computer who gets crystal dragons from Pandora boxes. Town portal would help, but 29 azure dragons guarding it requires FF and a lot of archers or strong melee army.

I guess the best bet is to try and first get Barbarian castles, but i am not good enough to make it there fast enough to be stronger than computer.

I deleted my saves out of frustration and now i kind of regret it, the boots of levitation was a great asset.

Anyone played this map? Can't find any video, quite interested to see how a good player would deal with it.

  Blade87 (Bydgoszcz, Poland) writes:
11-10-2023 23:44

Failed too - Attraction

I've had an insanely hard time with this map. The more I tried, the more frustrated I got. I reached the moment when I released one hero from a prison in the middle of the map who had boots of levitation with him (like you, instead you acquired them in the dragon utopia). They didn't help me much. I thought maybe I could trick the computer enemy by invading their land and capturing the cities over and over again to win some time and perhaps inhibit them a bit from moving forward. All in vain, until then they had become so powerful I hadn't been able to resist their troops. Not to mention enormously packed neutral creatures on the map. No idea how to succeed either :/ I wrote to the author of this map and he claims that it has been tested, and it is doable indeed. There is a map called 'A long way' which is a modified version of 'Attraction', but the differences are way to extensive to rely on any walkthrough on YouTube that could possibly help learn some tactics and implement them in this map. I definitely give up this map, I reloaded it too many times and I'm just exhausted and discouraged.

  aimless writes:
12-10-2023 00:09

feel the same - Attraction

Well, ye, agree. Kind of discouraging. This map could be for really hardcore players. I know some maps which I can't do, but some people play and win. I'd really love to see how it's done on this map. But there's no videos for this map.

And at my level even if I go as fast as I can and have some luck (with said boots of levitation), computer is too strong. And to kill neutral creatures and get strong yourself you either need really tough army, or good spells. And somehow I don't see how to achieve this.

  Blade87 (Bydgoszcz, Poland) writes:
25-11-2023 00:53

Done! - Attraction

I don't know where my determination comes from, but I replayed this map and completed it! The only thing is that I decided to make it on easy level. After so many failures, I told myself that I should just do whatever it takes to consider this business done. No matter what legal and avilable measures would it take, only to complete this in a manner excluding any cheating. Actually, I made my own custom settings before launching the map, i.e. I set premium artifacts to all players (of course, including myself) and made them play Fortress. However, I left the purple with a Tower as previously I had have some other plan on how to deal with this map. Anyway, given this easy level attempt, the enemy is way less aggressive in comparison to higher difficulty levels. They still rush to conquer my original location, but you can admit it's way easier to hold them off. I've found out that the turning point of this map could be the moment you leave your starting location and start moving west going past the narrow passage with some mines that is blocked with mobs. I gathered some troops, while struggling to neutralise subsequent waves of the enemy attacks, and killed two stacks of monsters only to find out that some of them would join me. In the screen, you can see that I'm starting to get a bunch of useful units to include minotaur kings, master genies, liches, dendroid soldiers, and earth elementals (all coming in stacks of 44 each). Not to mention a great pack of treasure chests that allow you to advance multiple levels in a short time. From this point I was able to scare the enemy off a bit, at least for some time to charge the batteries and further strengthen my position. I believe this moment is a real gamechanger at higher difficulty levels, though it had helped me on easy as well. Back to the point, I progressed sufficiently enough over time to dominate a pretty huge fragment of the map by attacking the enemy with more heroes and capturing their towns. Sometimes, when switching to Malekith, I did use a sort of guerrilla tactics involving efreets/sultan efreets supported by the 'Armageddon' spell, namely 'cast-and-run' attacks to weaken the foe, surrender, and then strike again after recruiting the heroe in a tavern. The gameplay was long, sometimes I had to fight quite strong heroes, and you need to remember that it's impossible to eliminate all the computer players since we cannot get to their land due to one-way monoliths (the purple one cannot be accessed). That's why you need to always stay nearby the exit doors not to let enemy heroes invade your areas. In fact, there's a huge problem with neutral creatures guarding key points of the map. They are set to accumulate, so after some time their numbers had grown to huge values, making it hard to access crucial adventure-specific areas. Despite many obstacles, I finally completed this map. Keep it in mind that this is an EASY case for the scenario. Personally, I don't feel bad for choosing this difficulty level. I'm satisfied and glad that I've succeeded at all. I've played all Heroes III campaigns offered by the original title and its successive expansion sets, and I've completed all of them. But custom maps created by other players... That's a completely different story. Some of them are intended for some sick hardcore players :) If you don't mind lowering difficulty, feel free to give it a try and play this terrific map on easy. Cheers!

Done! - Attraction

  Blade87 (Bydgoszcz, Poland) writes:
25-11-2023 00:53

Done! - Attraction

Last day before seizure.

Done! - Attraction

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