Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 23-04-2024 13:26

Navigation, logistic, earth and one scholar. And ECONOMY, ECONOMY, ECONOMY. - Sail Into The Black - Heroes 3 map

3 navigators, but spend a lot of time for new castles. Possible to finish early. Sail and explore, be careful - a lot of traps. All connected with water-i mean enemies cities. more...

Author: Платон мне друг (Latvia), 23-04-2024 13:18

DIPLOMACY DOESNT WORK - Sail Into The Black - Heroes 3 map

Thx for good work,finished on 3m3w1d.Elfs forever, started with Enova. First step 3mines including gold, 2 heroes with expert money and 2 navigators onboard. One collecting, second Voy took inferno castle on 7th day with 50 centaurs. In the end had 5 heroes with TP and ressurection. more...

Author: Ja Rite (United States), 23-04-2024 01:26

Nice Map - To conquer the world - Heroes 3 map

Well done map, lots of detail, agree with other poster no reason to have tents if you have FLY/DD.

I'd recommend a version with some banned spells (or gettable later so it's easier to clean up at the end). Also buff up computer players, otherwise fun map.

Thanks for the upload!

Author: Luis (Peru), 22-04-2024 20:38

like - Road to Victory III - BACK TO YESTERDAY - Heroes 3 map

is very funny more...

Author: Kir (Russia), 22-04-2024 15:19

map - To conquer the world - Heroes 3 map

Good balanced map. A variety of filled in locations. All spells are allowed, which makes keyman tents pointless (didn't visit any). more...

Author: handrew (Bellingham WA USA), 22-04-2024 07:23

I'm stuck with the same issue - Fawn's Labyrinth - Heroes 3 map

month 50 :( more...

Author: AdeLaida (Omsk, Russia), 21-04-2024 22:40

something go wrong on this site - A GRANDMASTER'S CHALLENGE - Heroes 4 map

I try to attach photo again more...

Author: AdeLaida (Omsk, Russia), 21-04-2024 22:33


Ok, I finished it. Central island was very boring, so I thought drop this map, but return and win.
About map:
- terrain is awful! Only "Pathfinder" spell in early stage makes me sane and calm - but it was luck (twice a row - a find spellbook in first skeleton, then I find shrine near ma

Author: MortymorRobotron (CZ), 21-04-2024 19:31

Incredible map - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Určitě si ho zahraju, už se těším ;) more...

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 21-04-2024 18:10

Portishead - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Ano editor až v nouzi i já takhle hraji, ale občas je nutné to zkontrolovat:) Ještě jednou dík za koment a koukni na pokračování až vyjde. more...

Author: MortymorRobotron (CZ), 21-04-2024 17:33

Incredible map - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Snažil jsem se všechny tvoje mapy hrát bez návodů i editoru, a většinou se mi to myslím povedlo. Ale párkrát jsem mrknout musel, když jsem třeba minul artefakt co není vidět na mapě, ten se pak zpětně hledá hodně těžko... :D A začátek se mi líbil, člověk jen musel pochopit co dělat, pak už to šlo. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 21-04-2024 17:19

Portishead - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Myslím že současná verze je i o něco lehčí, takže super že jsi to prošel. Jinak začátek je na YT jsou tam i dva pěkné průchody celou mapou. Každopádně jestli jsi zvládl začátek bez nápovědy klobouk dolů, některé komentáře co jsem četl na YT, psaly že je ten start pěkně crazy:) more...

Author: We love BiskupKonrad's Studios (Croatia), 21-04-2024 16:52

A - Blood, Death and Redemption - Heroes 3 map

Can I apply for beta testing :D more...

Author: MortymorRobotron (CZ), 21-04-2024 16:40

Incredible map - Portishead - Heroes 3 map

Ahoj, není vůbec zač. Hrál jsem verzi 1.5, protože už jsem to měl delší dobu uložený v PC, a nějak mě nenapadlo se před začátkem hraní kouknout, jestli nevyšel update. Ale na hratelnost to vliv nemělo, s tím žádný problém nebyl. Co mi problém dělalo byl samozřejmě začátek, ten jsem opakoval asi 5x, more...

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Heroes4 - Your opinions about PIRATES NIGHTMARE - map rating = 1 Likes

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Download map PIRATES NIGHTMARE - heroes 4 mapsDownload map PIRATES NIGHTMARE - heroes 4 maps

   Download map -> PIRATES NIGHTMARE

Heroes 4: Gathering Storm

This is a land once controlled by pirates...
the former king succeeded in isolating the pirates ... in many untold places so no one can free them again....
hundred of years passed away until Fugative Three Princes unlocked ONE of the portals to these places,
Two prisoned Pirate kings are free , and they are united with deadly allience... their goal is freeing the pirates to rule the world again.. not only that they succeeded in spreading some kind of strange item in the air that makes the Pirates who inhale them stronger everyday... in Hope they can break free faster!!!
The leaders of these Pirates are the seven legendary Thiefs hidden somwhere ... it is once told that who ever find them will know the truth!
can u find them?
you have only 24 months b4 the two KINGS Teal and Purple can open the locked places!!!

Added: 04-12-2017

Heroes 4 maps: 2 players - 1 gate | Wartowns-patch01 | World Leade2 | Learn To Conquer

Author: To the trash bin with you (North), 20-05-2023 20:13
There's a lot of deserved criticism for this map, but I'll keep it simple: at what seemed to be 98% completion of the map, you get to a mandatory quest hut with a broken script. You can't complete the quest even with cheats, making the map impossible to finish.

Author claims they completed this map in 12 months, but they got caught lying because their map isn't even finishable :)

Author: Gosha (Kostroma, Russia), 22-08-2020 17:43
Pirates nightmare - PIRATES NIGHTMARE
Не могу войти в пурпурный город! Все квесты выполнены, кроме Крег Хага. Strenger квесты выполнила, и больше из ворот выйти не может. В подземелье северо-зап

Author: gosha (Kostroma,Russia), 22-08-2020 17:13
Все мертвы.STRENGE R зашла к братьям инженерам там и осталась,в

Author: Erik (Danmark), 11-02-2020 21:00
OMG this could have been good but the author messed up good! you have to kill all Orange heroes but they can easily get stuck on islands behind quest gates you can't get past... game over. All the time wasted. Too bad. Nice idea, terrible outcome.

  Hero writes:
25-02-2020 05:55


Same thing happen to me. I am trying to find the last Orange creature but I can't for 4 months.

Author: Marc, 06-12-2018 20:34
How to release Hope? - PIRATES NIGHTMARE
I defeated orange, took all castles back from teal and got the town Pandemonium (right bottom corner) defeating 6 heroes at the gate beside. What's next? I see the prison with Hope, but I can't reach there. What to do? Help, please.

Author: Rael, 15-01-2017 13:04
How to release Hope? - PIRATES NIGHTMARE
I defeated orange, took all castles back from teal and got the town Pandemonium (right bottom corner) defeating 6 heroes at the gate beside. What's next? I see the prison with Hope, but I can't reach there. What to do? Help, please.

  Marc writes:
06-12-2018 20:32


How to release Hope? - PIRATES NIGHTMARE
I defeated orange, took all castles back from teal and got the town Pandemonium (right bottom corner) defeating 6 heroes at the gate beside. What's next? I see the prison with Hope, but I can't reach there. What to do? Help, please.

Author: m, 03-09-2015 13:44
A tip for those who have trouble with 7 level 70 hero armies - archmage set+ Hand of Death work wonders XD (just do not deplete their health first, otherwise they'll keep reviving each other)

Author: m, 03-09-2015 13:36
The root of the quest hut problem seems to be the completion condition - BOOGA and Co need to be dead OR in prison, and not just "dead". If you take back your cities from teal first, booga-fooga-ooga can't be dead any longer

Author: m, 03-09-2015 13:18
I agree with leeman, hope doesnt get the GM scouting after Booga and Co are killed. Actually finding 43 stealthy pirates without looking into the map editor is kinda impossible, even if you are looking for Booga and Co only (for instance, how the heck are you supposed to know OOGA is within the treasure island? there is no tip about that and looking for him all over an XL map with underground level and a couple dozen of islands can take forever)

Author: Leeman (Beijing, China), 11-05-2014 22:18 Like
No way to get into the town Fugatives
Game sticked on the entry of purple town Fugatives when orange and all of 70th level single pirates were killed. all my 11 heroes arrived in western land. Said that it's something available when HOPE released and pirates BOOGA,Wooga...killed . It's done. but nothing happened when touched the black traven with HOPE. I let hero "Stranger" she entered the traven with small gate and finished the task with touch. But Heroes still can't enter the town Fugatives. touch the gate it says one technician blocked the entry and couldn't fine him. Then no idea how to continue. exhausted.

  dinostamp (Romania) writes:
21-12-2019 12:31


How can stranger enter on volcanic way to touch the gate?
I can`t do this

Author: m (Bulgaria), 09-05-2010 18:07
What to do?
After I got all my towns back from the teal what to do next?Where is Jerez and Term Te Bog?Was it mistake I let a teal army to escape to Jerez?I am in 18th month now and I feel stuck...

Author: oax-81, 27-02-2009 13:05

Author: Andrean (Berlin, Germany), 15-02-2009 21:21
Schade. dass man hier keine Antworten kriegt - da kuemmert sich Salamandre besser um seine Fans!

Author: Andrean (Berlin, Germany), 30-01-2009 01:29
don't know what to do;
1oth month, I defeated orange, and fought Term Te Bog; digged silver oracle;
there are 2 enemies - violet with one town (Fugatives) and some heroes, all of them unreachable; and one ? blue army without a town (invisible and does not move);
looking into the editor there are some events (e.g. that one of my heroes (stranger) should be dead ??? ); got heroes Paulus, Oris, Shaera;
what to do that the story goes on ???
fights were easy (only 2 hard ones - the one against the 7 heroes, and the one near Term Te Bog against 6 heroes and some hundred blackies - but with summon phonix, cat reflexes, dragon power, divine invention? and some immos quite feasible...

Author: Donald Mathieu (Canada), 23-01-2009 05:07
Talk about tough, man I guess I took to long but the dang ghost heroes keep comin back so I gave up! lol I even tried not to engage them but then some Huge armies showed up attacking lol Was ok if only it was in English! Maybe I'll give it another go buuut I doubt I will succeed.

Author: Banalord (Russlandia), 03-12-2008 22:39
I tried the map twice. Both times i hit dead end. When i was looking for Lord Paulus after 2 hours i found out i killed him(and i was supposed to have him on my side.....

Author: Renaud (Paris,France), 13-12-2007 21:37
Hum 5
One hero with chaos magic is enough:twice attack(4-level spell)is useful indeed.You need order and life,at least two heroes each.
The seven heroes slayed,you will come back to the map(take the opportunity to level up your team)and will have many things to do:i am at month 16 with 45 heroes of level 70 in my prisons and the game is not finished!
Good Luck.

Author: Renaud (Paris,France), 13-12-2007 21:18
Hum quatro
At true begining only we can hire two more heroes:do it of course this is a must,no tavern will exist further and if you see one,it is not for you).Orange player killed,we are allowed to enter the last gate with our six players,but we are very far from the endgame.First a battle with seven heroes (one such battle in a game is fine,but other battles await you,in my opinion it is too much and boring:you have to get plenty of mana bottles because this is a summoning strugle,when your opponent has no mana,he is done...this is quite long of couse!!!).

Author: Renaud (Paris,France), 13-12-2007 20:59
Hum ter
We have to choose at the begining of the game between death(default),order or nature;so we have to free our hero (by the way this is difficult,i did it at the month nine only:50 megadragons and 50 black dragons wait you).We can't free other heroes:Mapala is a nature hero,if you play death he is not for you.

Author: Renaud (Paris,France), 13-12-2007 20:49
Hum bis
I tried the game a second time:the orange was kind enough to forget me a while(i don't know why,he is so strong!).Nine months were necessary to kill the orange player(mapmaker,dear friend,a hero without castle for three days should be automatically eliminated!runing after small armies scattered on a XL-map and without any walking abilities due to your scenario,looks like a punishment)...

Author: Renaud (Paris,France), 05-12-2007 02:02
I played one month quite nicely,but at the begining of the the second month,an orange player(level forty) with troops twice as strong than my troops came near my poor little castle and destoyed me.Of course if i play a second game,maybe the orange player will forget me,maybe not!this is precisely the job of the mapmaker to avoid such misadventures to the player...

Author: noa (Israel), 25-08-2006 19:11
Pirates Nightmare
Could have been an excellent map, but:
I tried to enter the gate in the north west, managed, but discovered the way was still blocked.
Got back to search for unsolved quests, since I thought that's why the way is closed.
Some of the quests are related to free some heroe but to free her I had to have Mapala with me. Who the hell is Mapala? I have no heroe named mapala.
The way to other was still blocked, with no way to know how could I open them.
I gave up.
The fact that some of the quests are in German doesn't help.

Author: yjyrdy (were), 26-07-2005 15:54

Author: Vigga, 24-11-2004 21:17
Pirates nightmare
I think this is a good game, but unfortunately I gave up after I had spent 4-5 hours searching for the last orange player. And all orange players had to be destroyed to go on with the game.

Author: Charles Watkins (La Grange, Texas, USA), 24-10-2004 10:05
Pirates Nightmare
This could have been an excellent map. It has an interesting premise and many novel features.

Sadly, as you reach what looks to be a promising endgame, the mapmaker forces you to abandon all of your armies and carry on with a team of 7 heroes, who then must go up against a surprise attack by 7 level 40 heroes, boosted to level 70. You are not told this, but you can only pass the entry one time. After that, the way is closed and you might as well quit.

What a pity such a fine map was spoiled by such poor design. I can only hope the mapmaker sees this note and corrects the problem before others are disappointed.

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