Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 26-03-2025 10:39

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Novasoul (Ελλάδα), 26-03-2025 06:35

Voidwalker - Voidwalker - Heroes 3 map

recommend * more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 25-03-2025 22:41

Thank you ! - Chaos and Corruption - Heroes 3 map

One of my favorite map, good job! more...

Author: Le cong , 25-03-2025 16:14

:) - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I play as Brown, release hero with fly to kill necromancer 's 98 to get fly for Dessa. then I kill Replica to get DD, take Amagadon Blade and win. There's no need to use CoTK or capture all castle s=)) more...

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 24-03-2025 22:26

:) - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Yo! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how the rest of your playthrough goes! I'd love any feedback that you might have! I'm honored that you hold my map in high regard like that of Maygwan's! more...

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 16:18

All good! - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I also have to say that this is one of the greatest maps I've ever played!
The attention to detail, the replayability, it's all so good.

And I know how hard it is to make a map this big without some small errors like this getting through, so you have my sympathies :P

Author: 32167 , 23-03-2025 15:47

amazing map - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

What is going on everybody?!? Epic Map is really epic!
I'm still very far from the victory, but I can already say that the map is absolutely fantastic.
In my rating, the map is on the same level as the maps "Gelu the Necromancer part 2" & "Gelu and Hot 2.0".
The gaming e

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 23-03-2025 15:33

DD access - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

OK, so having knowledge about access to tents' areas has influence mainly on final bosses' fights, I was able to avoid morale and luck penalties. As for the game itself, It was slightly easier thanks to better stats from libraries and having extra towns with morale and luck bonus. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (Cz), 23-03-2025 14:59

:) - Finding Leena II - Heroes 3 map

Привет, Ирен и Василий, приятно снова вас слышать. Ваше здоровье! more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:34

See bellow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

Forgot to add like :) more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:31

Holy Cow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

The design is pure genius. I am in awe how many objects you were able to extract from towns. This map is level above any other map I have seen..

Amazing work Nalandor!

Btw, I have been toying with the idea of using some of those objects on battlefields that I plan to create. Would that be ok

Author: Technocrat , 23-03-2025 14:19

Good to know - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I remember I was testing the spawning, but perhaps I placed resources after.
I'll fix it.

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 13:36

Airship Yard - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Shipyards (and Airship Yards) check the available spots to spawn at the start of the game. If all of the cells are blocked, it doesn't matter if they become unblocked later, no ships will be able to spawn. more...

Author: aaa010203 , 23-03-2025 12:55

1 - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

Have you finished the game? It took a few days.
I hope you can share with me

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Heroes3 - Your opinions about The Devil Is In The Detail - map rating = 53 Likes

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Download map The Devil Is In The Detail - heroes 3 mapsDownload map The Devil Is In The Detail - heroes 3 maps

   Download map -> The Devil Is In The Detail

Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss

HotA 1.7 Factory update

Quite a few various updates to the map, incl 3/9 oclock changes, lowered guards in player forts, small changes to water paths etc.

Factory cannot be played from the beginning, but provides an alternative strategy later.

- DD, Fly banned
- Slow, Resurrect, Berserk, Clone, Town Portal can be obtained from the map

Good luck and look forward to your feedback!

Previous versions are included!

Added: 10-06-2024

Heroes 3 maps: Погребальный остров - Icewind Dale - Burial Isle (Duel) | Slugfest (6) | Slugfest (8) | El color de la magia

| 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | ... | 241-267 |

Author: Jethro (Rampart, Europe), 19-02-2025 16:57
New Eagle Eye strat. - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hi all. With new patch there is an easy trick that you can use to win the game. Get Hero with Eagle Eye (preferably specialist). I've picked Malcolm as Rampart is awesome on this long map (early Dwarven Treasury gives infinite gold). Get Malcolm to say level 20,give him 7 upg Pegasi. Fight any Pink hero in the middle and retreat immediately. You will learn all the spells from the fight alone. Town Portal, Resurrection, Slow, Animate Death, Berserk, Clone, all of it. Once you got the spells and the money from Treasuries it is only a matter of time to win the game. I like to get Tower and Castle Players for Titans and Archangels. With Clone, Berserk, Resurrect and all other spells fights are easy. To the author - you might want to ban Eagle Eye now. Anyhow - great job on the map, it gave me a lot of fun!

Author: Jarin, 15-02-2025 18:25
where Factory town - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hello I have open all 2 last version but canat see factorz town 3/9 o clock as you mention, where are these towns?

  koget writes:
15-02-2025 21:52

Factory - The Devil Is In The Detail

Hi Jarin, please open "[HotA] The Devil Is In The Detail.h3m" from the pack after downloading on this site.

  Jarin writes:
17-02-2025 02:23

which is hardest - The Devil Is In The Detail

I found it, which version is hardest? Diferrence between teo versions from 10.6.2024 is that one have gelu and dracon so it should be easier one?

  koget writes:
17-02-2025 14:59

hardest - The Devil Is In The Detail

Hardest would be the latest in the pack just called “The Devil Is In The Detail”, incl. factory updates.

Author: Rezzq (Vaksdal), 05-01-2025 06:55
Clone - The Devil Is In The Detail
Where do i get clone spell?

  koget writes:
05-01-2025 16:17

Clone - The Devil Is In The Detail

3 o'clock seer hut :))

Author: Krumov (Sofia, Bulgaria), 27-12-2024 21:25 Like
How to obtain Berserk - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hi, I am a mediocre player - despite I play Heroes III for 25 years give or take. Please tell me how to obtain Berserk? Is it from a quest or somewhere specific place?

  koget writes:
29-12-2024 16:05

Berserk - The Devil Is In The Detail

9 o'clock seer hut

Author: Matija (Zagreb, Croatia), 26-11-2024 18:33
The best - The Devil Is In The Detail
One of the best maps out there!

Author: Boris, 14-11-2024 01:04
Difference between this and the one that comes with the game? - The Devil Is In The Detail
Just curious if any or not? Like do they keep updating the map with each update of hota or not?


  koget writes:
16-11-2024 20:22

Updates - The Devil Is In The Detail

The version in HotA doesn't have factory towns at 3 / 9 oclock. There has been also some minor map changes to water paths and other minor changes.

Author: Freefiur (Helsingfors, Finland), 25-10-2024 23:22
68 days people! - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hello. To cut it really short, I managed to beat and recruit Darkness (Hero specialty: Necromancy) at the town portal site in the middle of the map.
This occured on the seventh day of the second week of the second month.
After this, recruiting and even income wasn´t much of an issue any more.
Get the Orb, get Darkness to the Pentagram underground garrisons. He´ll have 20k+ skeletons after two succesful garrison battles. Yes, beating the undead in battle gives you MORE undead with necromancy. Didn´t know that...
Anyway, Darkness is unbeatable after this and voilá. Generally, I would recommend eradicating the south players first for a speed run.
Starting hero was Lord Haart of Whitestone.
I really need to stop playing this wonderful map now.
68 days people! - The Devil Is In The Detail

Author: koget, 20-10-2024 22:14
Maybe try again - The Devil Is In The Detail
My friend, all magic (except DD and Fly) is available on the map. The quest is to get to the middle fast, or how you put it, there is a timer to do it early. You don't have to fight big opponents early game, but if you are a strong player, you might as well do that. This map has got a 100% win chance for good players. But it can feel challenging and overwhelming in the beginning, especially if you play it blindly.

Author: GIAKOUMARAS (HELLAS), 18-10-2024 12:59
other way - The Devil Is In The Detail
I'm not a map designer and I greatly appreciate everyone who takes their time so that I can enjoy my favorite game, even for a few rounds. But we all want a nice adventure and strategic enjoyment among the many chalenges and difficult decisions. When you face an enemy with eg 100 dragons outside your castle in the morning, there is no enjoyment or strategy. There is a bad-minded fashion to make a map unbeatable and unbalanced. Excessive AI boost, removal of basic magic, etc. In my opinion, the greatest chess player of all time Alekhine used to say "I don't play with the criteria of winning, but to make a game worthy like a good painting ! " Meaning to win beautifully, original and impressive .
An easy map can be extremely challenging eg with a time or time limit, which will determine the type of medal. There are many ways to have challenges. There's no need to remove basic magic that is the great hota technique or hide items behind volcano smoke. A strong starting AI hero is often more than enough. How powerful? The designer needs to test his map a bit. Think of must TP early other way is very boring the nice islands.Thanks for your time.

Author: koget, 17-10-2024 16:01
Frustration - The Devil Is In The Detail
I understand your frustration, but sadly it is impossible to make a G map designed to play vs AI without giving AI significant boosts. You can check any big, top rated map on this site and all of them will provide both resources and creature growths to AI. If you don't do it, the AI will not be able to ever leave their zone and you will just walk around the map uncontested and map will become boring after initial expansion. But as was discussed multiple times, always happy for feedback on suggestions on how to handle poor AI play differently.

Author: GIAKOUMARAS (HELLAS), 15-10-2024 14:11
Waste of time - The Devil Is In The Detail
You are absolutely right. Very quickly I faced 2 powerful heroes of tan and pink. Tan was defeated after a 3 past round repeat, the Pink a bit easier. After that I read your comment and was troubled to see, that these two had much stronger heroes following already from the beginning. I thought the non-human heroes were overpowered. Let's go on a bit. On 2-4-6 I take blue's coastal castle empty, but with a lot of units in reserve. Good, I'm already very well. 28K per day, 8 cities, 5 heroes +- 20 lv (2 archers and 3 swords). I leave for the next blue castle and a blue hero appears with the same stats as my hero, but with about 30 week units. Before giving up, I take his castle with no losses and try to defend by buying about 15 weeks worth units from his castle, as much as I could. All this in just 8 weeks of play. It’s a pity for the nice designed map! And our waste of time !

Author: Hamza Hasan Ellahie, 22-08-2024 06:09
Such a Banger - The Devil Is In The Detail
I like the one on the left with the island in the middle and the 19 connected platues.

Indeed the level is in detail :)

Author: koget, 13-08-2024 12:03
AI - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hi Aistis

All AIs have boosts in creature growths and resources, otherwise they send weak armies and lose them, never conquering the map. Sadly heroes AI is really bad at G maps, hence need for boosts.

Author: Aistis (Belfast , United Kingdom), 12-08-2024 16:05
Weird AI - The Devil Is In The Detail
Although I like this map it`s share size and magnitude is weird. It feels like it is made to play multiplayer or 3-4 people who would keep pushing and bashing both teal and pink at very beginning. What was weird that I was playing just few weeks and another computer player (blue) had 500 archmages 300 genies etc. I restarted map made reveal cheat and kept tracking AI. And how come that for example blue player at Turn 3 already gets like 200+ stone gargoyles while starts pretty much with nothing? Also other AI seems to be very weak and doing pretty much nothing , while Pink looks like scripted to push further towards player by coming month. The very idea of a map is good and I like it very much , but weird stacks of monsters in AI armies out of thin air and all based like vs 1 player makes it less enjoyable. I think gotta check and remake this version to be able to have allies lol ;)

21-10-2024 12:32

To be or not to be BLIND ? - The Devil Is In The Detail

My friend, if you are not blind and read my comments carefully, you would realize that they refer to the general prevailing trends and not exclusively to your chart. Unless you think your map is the exclusive interest of players.
Since you are not blind but open-eyed as you bluntly stated, can you enlighten us what you achieved by testing the latest version of your map? With specific month per month data, please? OR Is your vision so strong that you see the game unfold without playing it?
You also asked for alternative suggestions in your previous answer, but you completely ignored them. In any case, if you think that they were useless for your talent, which is confirmed by the many likes : Please try to play Element Land, to see how easy it is to build an amazing challenge map, without imbalances and stupid boosts, which all they achieve is the frustration of wasting players' time !

  wasilix writes:
21-10-2024 18:18

- - The Devil Is In The Detail

Hey, Giakoumaras!

No need to be so butthurt and you'd do better for yourself if you've shown some respect to map maker. Author respectfully and very coherently replied to you WHY he did things he did. If you don't agree, it's up to you to prefer other things, but it's not up to you to dictate how others should view things.

Recalling your past statements, you are too reliant on control spells (both combat and map control) in your gameplay. Having access to them eliminates huge part of the challenge that you by your own statements crave for. AI is dumb and certain spells are overpowered, that's the truth known to any decent H3 player. Vast majority of great maps address at least one or another, some do both, and that's good. Not everyone has to make maps whichever way I prefer them to do either, they mostly do it to fit their own preference in gameplay.

While I can't speak of the last version specifically, this map was finished billions of times (ok, not literally) by many players. I didn't like this map as much as some people did, but even I finished it, had good time with it and found it to be of very high quality. Numerous people, judging simply by this thread, couldn't help themselves but speedrun it over and over again, and it's one of the most popular maps for HoTA for a reason. It's a testament for how well this map is done.

PS: that's honestly quite funny that you think that Element Land is a challenge map. It's a fun adventure map with a couple of maybe somewhat challenging fights depending on your pathing, which probably even can avoided altogether if played fast.

22-10-2024 19:04

Mr. Expert - The Devil Is In The Detail

Mr. «Expert»
• I didn't allow you to write me, and especially not in an inappropriate way.
• If you were careful and well-intentioned, you would have noticed that my initial response was to my teammate, who first noticed that the map was unplayable. I simply confirmed it.
• The map maker, defending his work (legitimately), asked for suggestions on how the AI could stand otherwise.
• I responded both with a general review and with specific suggestions (as he asked for), even though I have never been a map maker.
• I received a response that completely ignored the suggestions, as well as an aggressive - insulting one, which resulted in me playing the map blindly and proposing to try the unplayable version again!
• I responded again politely to the insult, regarding who wants to ignore reality and asked for data that verifies his opinions. DATA. ‘Verba volant, scripta manent’.
• Then you voluntarily assumed the role of advocate, analyst and expert, indeed for a game version, that you admittedly did not play !!!
• You even mocked a lovable map Element Land for many players. A map that if the owner used the common trick of continuous versions, would have much more funs. That doesn’t mean that we are not grateful for many updated efforts for a better game.
• Who are you and pretending yourself as an expert? Unfortunately, H3 does not have an international rating, like ELO in chess. So everyone can projects and presents himself as an expert?! Of course, how can these self-proclaimed experts understand that the great challenge is the time to achieve the result, for a thousand reasons. That is why a lot of strategy games have always defined various levels of victory depending on the time!! Many slow historical victories ultimately turned out to be disasters. UNDERSTANDABLE or NOT???
• Finally, if you have a psychological need to show that you are good at something, please address to your relatives, friends and those who allow you to be a teacher and judge.
• As well do not allow you to write me again or use my name from now on. Keep your posts away from me, so that those who admire you, can read your subjective opinions.

  wasilix writes:
22-10-2024 19:29

- - The Devil Is In The Detail

I'm sorry, but I will still address you even if you don't want me to. We seem to have different views of politeness, as your comments towards the author didn't come across polite at all. Both you and your teammate were polite enough to complain about waste of time. A rather toxic way of saying that you didn't enjoy the map, in my view.

I admit, that I have been hostile towards you, but I'll reserve an apology for the time when you admit that you are wrong yourself.

Also I didn't mock Element Land. I said it's a fun adventure (which is a positive esteem). I played both versions, and enjoyed them. What I mocked is you calling it a challenge map, which it clearly is not.

I didn't really want to show anything about myself but to say that you are wrong in how you address the map maker, that's all. Map makers spent/spend good part of their life making maps for players like us and deserve better. Perhaps your comment about psychological need of showing that one is good at something could be applied to you too, because you insist on changing koget's mind on how he did his map even though he clearly stated why he did it this way. Why not just agree to disagree and move on?

Lastly, you called him out on progress and some such (in my view, in clearly aggressive and not polite manner, again), but if you glanced over the thread you'd find at least several comments of people finishing the map since it was last updated in February. There you have a reply to that question of yours.

All I wanted to say is address your criticism in a manner that doesn't involve name calling and shows basic courtesy towards map makers. Don't expect that your wishes will be taken onboard just because you think they are for the best. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to the gameplay, and you might be wrong.

23-10-2024 06:44

PLATO - The Devil Is In The Detail

"Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
— Plato 427 b.c. – 348 b.c

Author: dogshit map reported (dogshit map), 01-08-2024 19:50
dogshit no factory reported this shit - The Devil Is In The Detail
there ain't no factory in this shit clickbait reported dogshit

  koget writes:
03-08-2024 13:47

factory - The Devil Is In The Detail

Hello kind sir,

Thank you for your comment and sorry to disappointment you.

Please read the description on this site, factory cannot be played from the beginning but has been added as an alternative strategy on the map.

Wish you a great day "dogshit map reported"!

Author: Izcode (Sverige), 14-07-2024 18:58 Like
Great map - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hard map, have to plan out quite a bit and retries to get it done but it feels like an achievement to manage to win this one!
I would say Fiery Riches are about the same diffculty.

Author: Ying, 09-06-2024 16:17
Access to old versions and the impossible version? - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hi sorry I am new to this website. But it seems to me that currently there is only one version (expert difficulty) available? Is there any way I can download the impossible difficulty version, and/or the old versions?

Thank you!

  koget writes:
10-06-2024 20:07

Old versions - The Devil Is In The Detail


You can find latest version before Factory update and last version with Gelu/Dracon still available. (hota version)

  koget writes:
10-06-2024 20:31

Update - The Devil Is In The Detail

I have also asked to include both in the map pack - it should be updated on the site soon.

Author: mee (UK), 07-05-2024 16:58
factory version is not auto updated to 1.7.1 - The Devil Is In The Detail
also, looks like only the factories have spell research enabled

I just now reinstalled hota 1.7.1 latest version from and chose the first mirror linking to the download at and checking the default map using mapeditor and Find, there were no factories on the map. I manually downloaded and installed the new version listed here (04/02/2024) to find only the factories have spell research enabled.

  mee writes:
10-05-2024 16:16

factory update fangram quest - The Devil Is In The Detail

why increase the requirement from 125 to 333? Isn't that kind of ridiculous?

  mee writes:
10-05-2024 16:21

beware of fangram quest change to this factory update map 1.7 - The Devil Is In The Detail

I spent 4 months getting the 125 with my whole strategy planned out to get to the seer hut with 125 and suddenly it's 333 now? I abandoned my game, deleted your map and reinstalled the old map with a more reasonable quest requirement. 333 takes way too long. I wonder if there's even much left to kill on the map to actually use the reward after so long. Seems like a bad change.

  Koget writes:
11-05-2024 23:43

Fangarms - The Devil Is In The Detail


Thanks for feedback. The fangarm quest end the map - there is no more challenge after a player gets it. The idea behind the quest is to allow a player to win from any position rather than to allow an easy win after accumulating a relatively low amount of fangarms, hence the change. FYI the fangarm quest didnt event exist in Hota version before 1.7, it was only available in the version from this site.

Author: Ivan (Bulgaria), 17-04-2024 20:28 Like
Playing against time - The Devil Is In The Detail
It can be done even under 100 days.
Example from HoTA 1.71 map, impossible difficulty
Playing against time - The Devil Is In The Detail

Author: Рашид, 31-03-2024 23:56 Like
Можно пройти за 120 дней, как? - The Devil Is In The Detail
В игре необходимо собрать плащ дипломата, раскачать супердипломата - он только в Хота 1.7 появляется. Потом набрать побольше пикси - неделя пикси в помощь!
+ еще одна хитрость: все вражеские города с производством фениксов и пикси берем "незаметно для компьютера или ИИ".
Т.е. подходим или с воды с шляпой адмирала - ИИ тогда не использщует потенциал набора войск или подходим с никаким войском(например 5 пикси по ячейкам по одному), но накаченный герой с вызовом элементалей - т.е. обманываем ИИ, комп тогда оставляет кучу потенциального прироста в замках! Таким способом я по 1000 пикси "нахаляву" получал!
После пробития гарнизонов антимагии игру можно закончить за менее чем за неделю - т.е. менее 120 дней всего в хота 1.7 это очень хороший результат!

Видео пробития гарнизона антимагии:
Можно пройти за 120 дней, как? - The Devil Is In The Detail

Author: C, 08-03-2024 22:21
Impossible - The Devil Is In The Detail
Is it possible to win the map in case you do not manage to beat pink to the central island to claim TP spell? With 1.7 update skilled heroes do not appear in tavern unless no fresh heroes are available, so there is no chance to beat an unlucky pink or light blue hero and then rehire him. The only option seems to be to get a hero to the center manually, but the pink necromancers just keep circling around.

  impy (Slovakia) writes:
23-03-2024 16:44

TP - The Devil Is In The Detail

Of course there is. Just optimize your journey to TP shrine which involves:
- having Admiral's Hat helps. So start a turn right next to a shore (without Pink heroes getting a chance to attack you) a travel deep inside the land in one turn
- pick the best (shortest) route. One is from the top, right below the Tower island town. This one has Cover of Darkness on your way, use it to your advantage. The other one is from the south, above a stronghold town.
- maximize your movement points. Visit stables, pick Logistics, Pathfinding skills, have Boots of Speed, Equestrian Gloves..
- If you are going to TP shrine later in the game, chances are all or most of passages have been cleared by pink already. You therefore don't need to bring any army, just one fast unit, and pray to get to the shrine really fast.

Author: Mario_J, 08-03-2024 00:56
Had a lot of fun with this map - The Devil Is In The Detail
I've played it three times. I'm not a good player by any standards, reinstalled Heroes 3 this year, but I enjoyed it.
First I had the "great" idea to go to the underworld instead of trying to explore the surface sea with my two main heroes.. who promptly got hunted down by teal, and caused me to rage-quit.
Second was on easy, and that made getting the TP spell the hardest part - the necro heroes were always patrolling the main island. I got it only after conquering my neighbor.

Third one on normal I got the combo biggest necro army including phoenix on the hero with the dragon artifact set, and he was only in my quadrant.. Even when I got the easy necro towns he didn't TP to defend them. Luckily he didn't come for the finishing blow - he came one day away from my capital once but left again. He liked conquering island castles, and I could reconquer them with the admiral's hat. The other pink heroes were easy, and teal was conquering on the other side of the world - got both tower and rampart AI. I got really lucky with the main teal hero since he kept the orb of inhibition in backpack.. But I only beat the main pink after getting 4 surface sides and building the fangarm stack.

Author: Рашид, 03-03-2024 00:32 Like
1,7 версии за 144 дня прохождение - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hota 1,7 нельзя уволить героя и тут же его поднять. Даже вообще потеря героя грозит полным его исчезновением! Это полностью меняет скорость прохождения! Поэтому сразу накачиваем героев и не теряем! Это очень важно! Десса, Оррин и Мельхиор(появился герой дипломат в 1,7!) - это мои основные! А так же мореплаватели желательно! Так же главное лазурных драконов 12шт взять в хижинах провидцев на островах. Дипломатом собрать плащ дипломата - чтобы пробивать гарнизон антимагии стрелками и сдаваться недорого. Потом гарнизоны антимагии добивать Оррином... Десса догоняет самых далеких героев - так на картинке он догоняет последнего...
1,7 версии за 144 дня прохождение - The Devil Is In The Detail

Author: koget, 17-02-2024 17:55
Boars - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hi Mario,

Boar/peasent quest has always been the same in each version. Each player has a "hidden" boar glen in their biom. There is a message with a tip on where to find it at some point. ("boar hunting").

Author: Mario_J, 17-02-2024 15:25
Error on the new version? - The Devil Is In The Detail
I'm playing the newest version right now, I think there is a mistake with a quest near green gate to the underground river (SW) - it wants boars and peasants, but there is no boar glen in the SW or in the S starting area.. Does one need to get lucky with refugee camps for this one? (had boar glen in SE in the previous version)

Author: Koget, 15-02-2024 02:07
Fangarms - The Devil Is In The Detail
If you play the original hota version (no orange desert), there is no hota quest. Otherwise it is just below mid on snow.

Author: Skrash (Espanya), 14-02-2024 14:59
Cannot find The Quest for The Horn of the Abyss - The Devil Is In The Detail
I have a question, I am playing the map and for some reason the seer's hut with the Horn of the Abyss is not there. I have all the fangarm but cannot find the quest. I am playing Hota version, don't if it's the latest version but updated it like a month or two ago. Thought it was deleted with some kind of update but for what you mention here it's still there. Is it possible I have a version of the map where it is deleted? Or is it possible you moved it form middle in the snow on the south entrance?

Thank you!

Author: James, 06-02-2024 04:40
best map - The Devil Is In The Detail
this is probably one of the best maps of all times. I played it so far like 4 times.

Author: koget, 04-02-2024 22:42
Update for Hota 1.7 - The Devil Is In The Detail
Hi everyone,

Thank you all for your supporting comments.

Here is a more detailed changelog for 1.7:

- 3/9 o'clock adapted for factory.
- Less army in forts between players.
- Opened water paths in area next to 3/9 whirlpools
- +5000 gold for Azure dragon quest
- You can get resurrect from mage guild in any of Conflux towns, except those in starting bioms.
- Some small improvements for AI comfort
- Little more fangarm for Horn of the Abyss quest

Overall, as Devil is in the Detail was updated in HotA map pool with latest version, this now stands as a baseline. So old HotA version is gone. Dracon/Gelu is not here, slow is in quest, etc.

  Spail writes:
19-02-2024 14:15

-.- - The Devil Is In The Detail

So is there a possibility to download the previous version with Gelu anywhere? Can't find on this site

  Mario_J writes:
19-02-2024 21:30

Re: Boars - The Devil Is In The Detail

Hi, thanks, I've found it after clicking for a while.. And probably it's on me, since I can't find it again in the SW region, S and SE work fine.

  hiep dang writes:
20-02-2024 14:14

Help - The Devil Is In The Detail

Can y help how to find it? i read boar masseger of castle (near river) but how y can get. just run around?

  Mario_J writes:
21-02-2024 03:00

Azure dragon quest - The Devil Is In The Detail

Hi, the text for the NW azure dragon quest still says 20000, although it requires 25000.

  koget writes:
22-02-2024 15:17

Thanks - The Devil Is In The Detail

You are right with the text. I have fixed it now + few small other fixes. Will be on site soon.

Author: Fedor (Россия), 04-02-2024 01:51
Было интересно. Спасибо. - The Devil Is In The Detail
Всем привет.
Так получилось, примерно две недели назад
закончил прохождение старой версии без квеста с​ фангармами с облегченным получением Шляпы Адмирала и беззащитными городами Бирюзового. Пост об этом есть ниже в этой ветке.
После этого решил пройти версию Невозможно, скачанную на 1.6.1 с этого сайта вдобавок к фангармам с разделенной Шляпой Адмирала и более ранним (2 месяц, 2 неделя, 2 день) появлением Розового на поверхности защищёнными городами Бирюзового.
Как всегда при игре на скорость всегда подсвечивал карту кто что где находятся для максимальной эффективности. Кроме того долго и кропотливо подбирал карту, так как во первых без лежащих недалеко Сапог Скорости и во вторых при сложных подходах к Клинку (например жёлтые, черные драконы, Архангелы Фениксы) добраться до Клинка быстрее Розового на мой взгляд невозможно. Даже с учётом. того, что играл по факту с открытой картой, получить Клинок было очень и очень сложной задачей, чем на предыдущей версии.
Играл опять за эльфов Главный Дипломат Риланд. Подобрал карту с​ ​ ​ Сапогами скорости недалеко от хижины провидца и лесопилки. Проверил монстров на подходе к Клинку.
Как уже писал в предыдущем сообщении большими плюсами начала за эльфов является то, что у них лучший подход к лазурным драконам и​ к провидцу за шляпой, а также к Академии на острове.
Кроме того, при движении на центральный остров недалеко находится хижина провидца с 2 лазурными драконами из соседней "снежной" местности.
Ещё один плюс это удобное расположение Башен Логистики и Пересечённой местности. Получается возможность с самого начала Дипломату получить Сапоги Скорости, потом сразу Логистику, накопив примкнувшие войска и получив рядом Волшебников и Снайперов пробить проход в подземелье за Ожерельем, при возвращении к замку посетить Башню Пересечённой Местности, сразу отправиться освобождать Кирра из темницы, получив от него 15 снайперов и 2х зелёных драконов недалеко, без которых очень тяжело пробиться​ на юг к кораблю. Решил не получать Замедление (личи слишком сильны) опять же для скорости.
ОэВ городе до получения всех 4 лазурных драконов не строил ничего, кроме улучшенных эльфов и кентавров. Ресурсы это 3 героя добытчика (Ризза и остальные, кроме Сефинрот) и два героя с Поместьями. Шахты не захватывал.
В итоге Шляпа Адмирала и 2 Лазурных Дракона были у меня на 29 день. За оставшуюся неделю с длинной хода и Шляпой Адмирала, удалось захватить город Фениксов на острове, разделяющим эльфов и титанов, забрать ещё двух лазурников и самое главное везение получить заклинание Силовое Поле для защиты Снайперов и Волшебников.
В итоге проход к Клинку на острове пробивали 4 лазурных дракона, 4 золотых, 3 Феникса, 2 волшебника, 15 архимагов, 33 эльфа​ и 35 снайпера. Риланд был на 21 уровне при приходе на остров за Клинком.
За день до появления Розового, Клинок был получен.
Дальнейшая стратегия победы описана в предыдущем сообщении о 16 января. Замков Фениксов значительно больше остальных. Захватить их и максимально быстро отстроить, постараться поскорее собрать Золотого Гуся и главное Статую легионера.
Единственное отличие по дальнейшей стратегии от старой версии, это невозможность сразу же атаковать Бирюзового из-за его защтных гарнизонов. Это пришлось сделать несколько позже.
Помня про 300 фангармов (очень уж хотелось выполнить этот квест) при любой возможности захватывал их жилища. Также очень важно контролировать максимально возможное количество Маяов передвижения.
В итоге на 116 день Рог Бездны был получен, но не был применён. Своих войск было достаточно. 224 день конец компании.
Риланд при штурме гарнизонов некромантов. 35 уровень (48 48 46 50). 575 Фениксов, 750 элементалей Магии, 1000 Магмы, 1500 Энергии, 2250 Льда, 2000 Шторма.
Ещё раз большое спасибо разработчикам сценария.

  Fedor (Россия) writes:
05-02-2024 11:15

Ошибка и добавление - The Devil Is In The Detail

575 Фениксов, а не 57 участвовали в штурме гарнизонов некромантов.
Войск, при штурме всех пяти гарнизонов практически потеряно ее было.
При стратегии контроля как можно большего количества городов Сопряжения и концентрирования найма юнитов именно в них, важно как можно быстрее захватить два города Сопряжения на центральном острове и занять рядом с ними два жилища Фениксов.
Если они уже захвачены розовым, то их удобно атаковать снизу одновременно двумя героями с трюком Шляпы Адмирала и длиной хода по суше, чтобы не дать главному розовому телепортироваться в один из них, если вы захватили только один.
Также при атаке гарнизонов некромантов хороши Элементали Магии по причине их бозответной и ещё круговой атаки. Их жилища рядом с островными городами Сопряжения. Для более быстрого прироста стрелков также захватывал жилища Воздуха и Воды у прибрежных городов.

  Alex writes:
19-02-2024 17:08

Интересно - The Devil Is In The Detail

Отлично! Но непонятно, на каком уровне сложности была пройдена карта так, чтобы за день до розового взять клинок.
Сапоги возле лесопилки - большая редкость. 1-2% вероятности. При этом надо ещё смотреть на путь к клинку + магию в замке + расклады по артам.

  Fedor (Россия) writes:
19-02-2024 18:06

Да - The Devil Is In The Detail

Hello, Alex.
I just finished at the most difficult level of the latest version of the Factory, getting a slowdown unlike last time.
I had to build a relay of 6 heroes to hand over the Lazurniks to kill the liches and bring them back to the coast of Ryland.
Yes, it is rare. Therefore, it is necessary to reboot before the appearance of Speed Boots, as well as look at their defenders. For example, long-range flyers or shooters will not allow you to get Speed Boots. At the same time, in order to save a lot of time in the future, it is better to illuminate the entire map immediately after loading and carefully analyze the prospects for obtaining a Blade, as well as test through the endless course and Archangels where everything is or, for example, which troops will join or where what magic is in cities and obelisks.
But this still does not guarantee success. There should be many conditions.

  Fedor (Россия) writes:
19-02-2024 18:11

Ещё - The Devil Is In The Detail

И ещё. Получив Замедление, можно сразу атаковать Храм Моря. Он рядом с Побережьем эльфов. То же самое, если доберётесь до Лазурников соседней снежной локации. Храм Моря там тоже рядом ними.

| 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | ... | 241-267 |

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