Ukko, a great barbarian (pagan) who has lost everything, wakes up in a small island in an unknown land; a land full of unmathced perils and puzzles... Can you survive this tale? Can you beat the impossible odds? If so, consider yourself a true master of Heroes of Might and Magic 3!
Author: Irene and Vasily (Moscow), 17-11-2024 23:06 Like To Tame a Land - To Tame a Land Получили огромное удовольствие от карты Начало просто супер. Дальнейшее развитие событий просто захватывающее. Огромное спасибо!
Author: Slobodan (Serbia), 20-09-2024 17:37 Like GrobarNS - To Tame a Land have problem with this lizard, have any tips-advice?
Author: pranksta (Budapest, Hungary), 08-08-2024 17:16 Like finally... but not finished - To Tame a Land alright. I wanted to say finally finished, but in all honesty, I can't be arsed anymore :D
there's only a few fights left (black dragons, gate, lord of light, castle), but it's gotten quite repetitive by the end, it's all the same slow/kite/berserk/blind. just having a lot of strong creatures gets old quickly for me, I much prefer smart battles with limited resources and spells.
it's an awesome map, nicely designed, well balanced, and I really enjoyed the quests.
although, some of them can be quite cruel. I spent so much time just travelling from one end of the map to the other (and sometimes for nothing - yes, I'm looking at you, one enchanter for 25 peasants!).
all in all, I rate it 8/10, thanks for the experience Jaakko, it must've been a shit ton of work mate
Author: pranksta (Budapest, Hungary), 05-08-2024 17:55 Like rashka... - To Tame a Land I've restarted this battle a dozen times, but his archdevils keep getting luck, so the one remaining stack is still too strong for my behemoths :/
the best I could get the last stack down to was around 2000, but my behemoths can only kill around 1500. damn exhausting!
Author: Ett, 02-09-2023 14:24 very complex map - To Tame a Land I played. Sometimes I found it really tough. And sometimes I thought there is no way I could continue or even win. But finally after 928 days I did. With very little external help, almost no map editor, no walkthrough etc.
Map is perfect and crafted with great attention to detail.
Only minor thing I would improve is the cash and resources flow. Sometimes i needed to wait a month or two to amass enough resources to buy army able to withstand first two rounds with enemy. After that even the toughest fight could be won with blind and cloning archangels. I think if there is a castle with two thousands of titans to be bought, there should be a way how to get enough money to buy them...
Author: J, 29-07-2023 07:56 Recanters cloak - To Tame a Land Hi where do you find the recanters cloak?
Ett writes:
02-09-2023 14:26
Recanters cloak - To Tame a Land
there was a message in a bottle saying something like: Enchaters sometimes wear recanters cloak to great events...
Author: TMC (United Kingdom), 11-12-2022 18:21 Loved this map! - To Tame a Land This map was brilliant, lots of intriguing puzzles. It took me a lot of time to figure out the inferno and peasant puzzles, but I got it! Okay, I cheated and looked at Lexiav's videos for the inferno one. This map was on the level of Wayfarer in my opinion, and the last battles were a lot of fun. The only negative aspect was how late it was that you found town portal, which meant a lot of slogging around for reinforcements and double mana.
Author: Xavier (Belgique), 20-08-2022 02:37 Like Berserker - To Tame a Land Hello. Great map ! I'm stuck because I don't have the Berserker spell, don't know how to get it. With the Eagle Eye skill ? From a tower ? From elsewhere ? Thank-you for the answer
Cone (Pol) writes:
18-09-2022 14:36
Seer hut - To Tame a Land
Its in the seer hut near Stygius town
Author: Jason (USA), 12-02-2022 21:37 Helm of Chaos/ Wyverns of West - To Tame a Land Really enjoying this map but I am stuck to the point where it isnt fun anymore. Please tell me how to get the helm of chaos and/or access the Wyverns of the West, 4 hours of aimlessly clicking every inch of the map and I am still stuck :-(
Author: Tomas, 13-09-2021 12:05 Tame a land - To Tame a Land Great map, 40hours play!
Author: BenS (Austin, TX), 09-09-2021 05:33 Like Great map! Some things were a little bit much... - To Tame a Land It took me 939 days to complete lol
Incredible map, one of my favorites. Intricate & well thought-out, I was such a big fan. Thank you to the author!
I had to hex edit my save to add angel wings to get past one place, because I mistakenly played this in HOTA...
Some tips:
- Gunnar needs to be around level 40 or so at least to do the dark blue tent
- Getting the 30K gems, mercury etc. was fairly tedious to figure out... for those, you may want to just use the map editor & go to these tiles mentioned by someone else below:
Don't give away the orb of vulnerability until you've gotten the purple tent, you'll need it
santo_bliz (Turkey) writes:
23-08-2022 19:17
yea - To Tame a Land
Author: Vitalie (Moldova), 13-08-2021 09:55 Like Best map - To Tame a Land The highest quality map I've ever seen, I respect the author. Everything is calculated with great precision. There are no blocking situations, everything has a solution.
Author: TTG (Thessaloniki), 28-06-2021 03:07 good map - To Tame a Land Good map average to small difficulty. The only bad thing is that you have to travel forth and back several times until you find town portal (sometimes even after town portal). But overall a good map worth playing
Author: nam truat (a), 25-06-2021 22:19 ds - To Tame a Land ds
Author: Inscizor (pigland), 23-05-2021 08:15 To Tame a Land - To Tame a Land I got stuck on the one way yellow monolith and there was no way out. Map is broken 3 weeks in. It was interesting though. Really brings out more of the rpg aspect of homm. Maybe I was just feeling imaginitive :)
Author: tobe, 20-03-2021 00:45 3K titans? - To Tame a Land How did you get so many titans at only 14 months? I finished at around 18th month and had like ~2200 only. Haven't lost a single titan in previous fights either.
Author: ddoraa, 18-02-2021 15:21 waterwalk - To Tame a Land Where get waterwalk? i cant find in in map_editor = levi boots tofar, 1st need kill unded i think, but cant kill hydras and cant back with waterbook because waterwalk off in map propety. help plese =((
Author: Manu (France), 13-02-2021 05:59 Clover of Fortune - To Tame a Land Great map, but I cant find the clover of fortune to access the necro territory, anyone remember where I can find it_
Author: pauw (Nederland), 17-09-2020 22:51 Thx - To Tame a Land Thx for this well created map. Had a great time!
Author: Sparven (Sweden), 01-08-2020 15:50 Many hours of pleasure - To Tame a Land Thanxs alot for this great map. Everything worked as it it should, had a little bit of time spent to figure out where the last, purple, tent was.
Lord of light was hard to beat, but possible. Hope to see another great map from you
Author: Thao Vy (Viet Nam), 28-05-2020 02:46 the hard battle is with the lord of light - To Tame a Land It was really hard to fight the Lord of Light. Some stratergies used to win him:
-First round, try to kill multiple groups to let the angles resurrect them
-Try to kill 8000 group angle with high priority. Because if this group is still survice. The lord will clone and this group then clone angle will resurrect other groups
- Your Behemoths and Titants should be around 3k mens.
-Keep the Zealots enermy around below 200 mens at the end to resurrect our army. If you kill them all. There is hard or no way to resurrect your army at the end
-Try multiple times and get luck
Ondrik (Czech republic) writes:
13-05-2021 14:50
Alternative - To Tame a Land
I had only around 2,7k behes and 2k titans. But I won that fight with a help of ghost dragons. At the start of the battle, I casted slow and then attacked the 8000 AA stack with my ghost dragons, hoping to get aging ability. Then I was able to take down that angel stack easily with behes and titans. The rest is brawling and luck. But it takes a lot of attempts to win that fight and resurrect your army.
TTG (Thessaloniki) writes:
28-06-2021 03:01
no need such an army - To Tame a Land
there is no need for such an army. Finish it with 1500 titans, 20 arch devils and 1 wizard. keep the orb of vulnerability. force field titans and devils. Blind one by one the units. Clone the titans and kill them all. Same to the final battle
CragHack (NL) writes:
24-07-2022 02:13
800+ Azures? - To Tame a Land
The number of Azure dragons don't make sense either, unless there is a secret event that I missed
pranksta (Budapest, Hungary) writes:
10-08-2024 02:00
interesting numbers - To Tame a Land
yeah those numbers seem sus. maybe a different version of the map? I've gotten to the end in ~20 months on first try. never lost anything. getting the grail and/or statue of legion early can make a difference, but not that much
pranksta (Budapest, Hungary) writes:
10-08-2024 02:07
especially the azures - To Tame a Land
you need to trade 300 of them in order to get the 1500 archangels and you can get 333 from the gate, which is +33. everything else must have been farmed. there are 9 frozen cliffs. (874-33)/9=93 plus change. that alone is 23+ months if you have access to the dwellings from the start...
Author: FJ (Sweden), 21-05-2020 12:32 speculum - To Tame a Land Thanks for a great map! I wonder where can I find Speculum?
Author: Jack (UK), 09-05-2020 02:37 Sick - To Tame a Land Great Job Manos! Glad people still play this game and they're making maps for it :)
Author: Manos (GREECE), 07-05-2020 14:00 What a masterpiece! - To Tame a Land I finnaly did it! It took me 24 months but i manage to finish it. Maybe the best map of homm3 i ever played in terms of satisfaction! 10/10
Author: Alex (Romania), 25-04-2020 09:38 Last boss - brute fight - To Tame a Land Wow, cannot believe you have to brute fight the last boss - no blind, berserk, force field strat.
Great map! 10/10!
Author: Manos (GREECE), 02-04-2020 21:05 Scholar - To Tame a Land How i can get scholar with Oris. I have tried so many times and scholar doesnt appear to chose it
Manos (GREECE) writes:
03-04-2020 19:19
Find it - To Tame a Land
Find it! I thought you had to select it from the proposed
22-11-2020 19:08
WHERE HAVE YOU FOUND IT? why by answering t=you didn't put just a simple note whre you've founf=d it. That would probably help to lots of players
Myslius writes:
12-01-2024 22:47
*Answer* - To Tame a Land
A boat in the south from Strongglen. Go to the underground in the west. A hut near the entrance gives you scholar to Oris (only). *DO NOT LEVEL ORIS* *DO NOT MAKE HIS SKILLSET FULL OTHERWISE YOU'LL MISS A CHANCE*
Author: Женя (Россия), 15-02-2020 23:02 Map - To Tame a Land Hello. I disable all adblock, but I can't download the map.
Anybody, send me the map to email:
sidorov.light@gmail. com
Thank you !
Author: Jaakko M. (Finland), 19-10-2019 03:40 A new map is being made! - To Tame a Land Hello folks & fans! Just letting you know that I'm working on a new adventure / puzzle map for Heroes 3 SoD/Complete! Only just finished the beginning part of the map but I'm already thrilled!! Got miself few new ideas since the last time... Anyway, it won't be ready until any time soon but I'll let you know when it is!
-Jaakko Minkkinen, the author of
To Tame a Land
wasilix writes:
19-10-2019 18:27
+ - To Tame a Land
My hat is off to you, sir :)
werther writes:
23-10-2019 22:36
++ - To Tame a Land
i can't wait it. too much hype!
GeorgeJungg (Denmark) writes:
01-01-2021 00:13
Update? - To Tame a Land
Any update on the new map Jaakko?
JM writes:
17-09-2023 12:21
Author - To Tame a Land
I'm afraid I have been sluggish and the progress has been close to nothing for some time. Had some motivational problems and stuff... Anyway now I'm back in business (at least for now) and while I can't make any promises, maybe someday, some year this vast map will be ready...
Author: Dávid Attila (Magyarország), 01-08-2019 19:05 I got stuck - To Tame a Land I got stuck before at the magma elementals. I have expert logistics, Boots of speed arifact, Equestrian's gloves, Ring of the Wayfaherer (+1 all unit's speed). My slowest unit's speed is 7 without ring.
I don't have pathfinding. I watch 2 youtube video. I can't get a entering. What is the problem, I play with this map for days.
Author: Dávid Attila (Magyarország), 01-08-2019 18:11 I got stuck - To Tame a Land I got stuck before at the magma elementals. I have expert logistics, Boots of speed arifact, Equestrian's gloves, Ring of the Wayfaherer (+1 all unit's speed). My slowest unit's speed is 7 without ring.
I don't have pathfinding. I watch 2 youtube video. I can't get a entering. What is the problem, I play with this map for days.