Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 26-03-2025 10:39

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Novasoul (Ελλάδα), 26-03-2025 06:35

Voidwalker - Voidwalker - Heroes 3 map

recommend * more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 25-03-2025 22:41

Thank you ! - Chaos and Corruption - Heroes 3 map

One of my favorite map, good job! more...

Author: Le cong , 25-03-2025 16:14

:) - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I play as Brown, release hero with fly to kill necromancer 's 98 to get fly for Dessa. then I kill Replica to get DD, take Amagadon Blade and win. There's no need to use CoTK or capture all castle s=)) more...

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 24-03-2025 22:26

:) - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Yo! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how the rest of your playthrough goes! I'd love any feedback that you might have! I'm honored that you hold my map in high regard like that of Maygwan's! more...

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 16:18

All good! - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I also have to say that this is one of the greatest maps I've ever played!
The attention to detail, the replayability, it's all so good.

And I know how hard it is to make a map this big without some small errors like this getting through, so you have my sympathies :P

Author: 32167 , 23-03-2025 15:47

amazing map - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

What is going on everybody?!? Epic Map is really epic!
I'm still very far from the victory, but I can already say that the map is absolutely fantastic.
In my rating, the map is on the same level as the maps "Gelu the Necromancer part 2" & "Gelu and Hot 2.0".
The gaming e

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 23-03-2025 15:33

DD access - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

OK, so having knowledge about access to tents' areas has influence mainly on final bosses' fights, I was able to avoid morale and luck penalties. As for the game itself, It was slightly easier thanks to better stats from libraries and having extra towns with morale and luck bonus. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (Cz), 23-03-2025 14:59

:) - Finding Leena II - Heroes 3 map

Привет, Ирен и Василий, приятно снова вас слышать. Ваше здоровье! more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:34

See bellow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

Forgot to add like :) more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:31

Holy Cow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

The design is pure genius. I am in awe how many objects you were able to extract from towns. This map is level above any other map I have seen..

Amazing work Nalandor!

Btw, I have been toying with the idea of using some of those objects on battlefields that I plan to create. Would that be ok

Author: Technocrat , 23-03-2025 14:19

Good to know - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I remember I was testing the spawning, but perhaps I placed resources after.
I'll fix it.

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 13:36

Airship Yard - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Shipyards (and Airship Yards) check the available spots to spawn at the start of the game. If all of the cells are blocked, it doesn't matter if they become unblocked later, no ships will be able to spawn. more...

Author: aaa010203 , 23-03-2025 12:55

1 - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

Have you finished the game? It took a few days.
I hope you can share with me

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Heroes3 - Your opinions about Portishead - map rating = 19 Likes

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Download map Portishead - heroes 3 mapsDownload map Portishead - heroes 3 maps

   Download map -> Portishead

Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss

A long time ago, Captain Corkes set sail on a great expedition in search for the fabled port of Portishead. Now, with the rest of his crew and provisions for the last seven days, he sailed to the unknown land.

Added: 20-12-2023

Heroes 3 maps: Earth Center 2 | End game | Ochopper's Map | 1vs.1 Duel map

| 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-130 |

Author: brgljez (zg-cro), 10-02-2025 14:08 Like
great playability up to castle area - Portishead
tnx for map and your time. i see there is a lot of time invested here. some coding, this, that, balanced income, challenging battles. but... when u come to castle area you waste your time because you donno what to do except with gelu. if you explored too much, brown comes and you are done. if i have to spend a lot of time just to find wich way/what quests to do, i find i bad. and watching utube video just for way is nonsense. i suggest you to make some info signs if there is place with multiple crossroads/quests.

  Nebel 74 (Cz) writes:
11-02-2025 18:47

Castles - Portishead

Hi, what can I say? The map is obviously not easy and at this stage of the game you need to move quickly. On the other hand, I think the progression is still linear: take two castles and go underground. Anyway, thanks for the thumbs up!

Author: Jacek, 27-10-2024 21:52
Rib cage - Portishead
Where i can find Rib Cage? It is last for missing Armor of the Damned

  Nebel 74 (Cz) writes:
28-10-2024 01:14

Rib Cage - Portishead

You get it from the event. Head east from the Rampart, which is located in the Burnt Forest.

Author: Pb, 10-09-2024 17:12
Finally done - Portishead
Finished the map, the last fights were quite difficult and required a lot of experimentation + good rng. Winning combination was sharpshooter stack + frenzy. Unsure if anything else will produce sufficient dmg vs the huge lvl 7 creature stacks on 99 stat hero.

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 21-04-2024 16:07
thx - Portishead
Čau Morty, díky za lajk:) Jsem rád, že se mapa líbila. Jakou jsi hrál verzi? Předpokládám, že 1.8. Měl jsi někde problém něco najít nebo bylo něco zcela nelogického? Pokračování je téměř hotové, nyní se testuje.

Author: MortymorRobotron (CZ), 21-04-2024 01:52 Like
Incredible map - Portishead
I was saving this map as the last one to play from all Nebel maps, and oh boy, was that a good idea! I loved all of the previous ones, and this was probably the most complex and difficult one of them. Epic fights where you almost lose hope, just to be rewarded by the thrill of finaly managing to find the right strategy. Hidden paths, things disguised as other things, cheesy spells from enemies, this map has it all. Excelent job making this, im looking forward to the sequel!

  MortymorRobotron (CZ) writes:
21-04-2024 16:40

Incredible map - Portishead

Ahoj, není vůbec zač. Hrál jsem verzi 1.5, protože už jsem to měl delší dobu uložený v PC, a nějak mě nenapadlo se před začátkem hraní kouknout, jestli nevyšel update. Ale na hratelnost to vliv nemělo, s tím žádný problém nebyl. Co mi problém dělalo byl samozřejmě začátek, ten jsem opakoval asi 5x, ale tam se s tím tak nějak počítá :) Jinak popisky byly napsaný fajn, dalo se z nich celkem dobře pochopit co dělat, tajný cesty taky zajímavě udělaný, o texturách se ani bavit nebudu, ty jsou naprostá bomba...prostě parádní mapa, díky!

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
21-04-2024 17:19

Portishead - Portishead

Myslím že současná verze je i o něco lehčí, takže super že jsi to prošel. Jinak začátek je na YT jsou tam i dva pěkné průchody celou mapou. Každopádně jestli jsi zvládl začátek bez nápovědy klobouk dolů, některé komentáře co jsem četl na YT, psaly že je ten start pěkně crazy:)

  MortymorRobotron (CZ) writes:
21-04-2024 17:33

Incredible map - Portishead

Snažil jsem se všechny tvoje mapy hrát bez návodů i editoru, a většinou se mi to myslím povedlo. Ale párkrát jsem mrknout musel, když jsem třeba minul artefakt co není vidět na mapě, ten se pak zpětně hledá hodně těžko... :D A začátek se mi líbil, člověk jen musel pochopit co dělat, pak už to šlo.

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
21-04-2024 18:10

Portishead - Portishead

Ano editor až v nouzi i já takhle hraji, ale občas je nutné to zkontrolovat:) Ještě jednou dík za koment a koukni na pokračování až vyjde.

  MortymorRobotron (CZ) writes:
21-04-2024 19:31

Incredible map - Portishead

Určitě si ho zahraju, už se těším ;)

Author: Jordi (Spain), 02-04-2024 11:16
Can't run in my HOOM3 - Portishead
Hello, I can't open this map in my HOMM3. I have the special DVDs with Heroes 1 to 4, and all the expansions.

I thought that purchasing the one from GOG would do the trick as I read somewhere on the net, but it can't run it neither.

I know I put the map file in the correct folder as I can open other maps from this website, so that's not the problem.

Any ideas, suggestions, downloadables to resolve this problem? This does not only happens with this map

  sphinxx writes:
02-04-2024 15:48

:) - Portishead

This is a horn of the abyss (hota) map. Hota is a heroes of might and magic 3 addon. Google horn of the abyss, download and install it. Now you can play all hota maps.

  Jordi (Spain) writes:
02-04-2024 18:28

It works! - Portishead

Thanks a lot! And now I get why I needed the GOG version :)

Author: Fyletto (Praha, Czech Republic), 19-03-2024 01:25 Like
Mephala - Portishead
Is it possible to beat Mephala somehow? I know I do not have to, still I would like to. She takes some of my castles while I proceed to Portishead territory and I wanted a "clean" win.. Huge army, high stats are normal in this map, but immunity to blind and cape of silence makes the difference...

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
19-03-2024 16:22

Mephala - Portishead

Ahoj dík za lajk a gratuluji že jsi mapu prošel, myslím že to moc lidí nezvládlo:)
Ten souboj s Mephalou je na YT posílám link zadej to bez té mezery tady se to nedá napsat jako přímí odkaz a začíná někde v čase 1h36m.

  Fyletto (Praha, Czech Republic) writes:
19-03-2024 19:11

díky - Portishead

Díky moc, fakt super mapa, stejně jako ty Tvé ostatní, které jsem zkoušel. Jak dlouho jsi to vytvářel? Díky za odkaz, možná využiju, i když budu se snažit využít poslední vylepšovák - ve vesničkách před samotným Portishead jsem našel berserek, takže úroveň obtížnosti toho boje klesla :-) Zkusím, jakmile to kolem Portishead vyčistím, před finálním bojem.

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
19-03-2024 22:42

Berserk? - Portishead

Ty jsi tam našel berserk? Ten tam být nemá asi je to chyba:) Nevadí klidně to zkus a potom se podívej na odkaz takto bych to nikdy nesehrál. Mapu jsem dělal průběžně celou zimu, takže i s testováním možná 4-5 měsíců.
Už mám hotové pokračování nyní se testuje a ladí tak můžeš potom vyzkoušet.

  Fyletto writes:
19-03-2024 22:59

Mephala - Portishead

Nj. už jsem pochopil. Mepha musí mit Dračího otce, při pokusu mi nakopala z...takže berserek je k ničemu. Mrknu na návod. Kouzlo bylo v jedné z těch vesniček za teleportem, možná rovnou v té první. Myslel jsem, že je to nástroj pro tu poslední vlnu bojů :-) Budu se těšit na další díl. Máš to opravdu skvěle propracované.

Author: Luca Wei (Milan, Italy), 26-01-2024 01:24
Really nice but hard map! - Portishead
This map becomes really hard after passing through whisperer, boss and hugo, I've been hunted and wandered every second by hugo,boss,sandro,Orrin,Crag Hack, lordhart,thant,with few golds and army··· And a lot of elements in this map is very confusing, Many roads and treasures are hidden, which take me a lot of work to figure it out, at last i gave up this map···
But this map is very innovative, For example, reaching a certain location on the map will trigger the arrival of the main enemy force several months later. It's worth learning from other map creators.

Author: Mrmiller (USA), 10-01-2024 03:17
An incredible masterpiece - Portishead
Probably the best ever heroes 3 map epic/challenge map I've played. Bravo to the creator!!

Author: Graf10a (USA), 09-01-2024 05:27
Boss - Portishead
Any magic strategy you can come up with will be negated by AI. More specifically, it uses Cure, Anti-Magic, Teleport, Haste with high probability. Blinding all enemy units is possible (with a huge amount of luck!) but it does not help either because the towers "unblind" them immediately (unless you have the Artillery Expert skill which I don't). If you keep on applying Blind spell until the towers are destroyed you run out of mana to resurrect lost units. Fighting out of town has even worse results. Anyhow, I am giving up at this point. Too bad I invested so much time into this game just to discover that the map is broken on month 8.
Boss - Portishead

  Mrmiller (USA) writes:
10-01-2024 03:16

You aren't supposed to fight him until much later - Portishead

You're supposed to evade him and a few other heroes until you get much stronger, you have to give up your main towns

  Heilari writes:
27-02-2024 20:58

бред - Portishead

как обычно -который раз встречаю карту , где нужно бросить все города, уйти куда-то непонятно куда, потом накопить кучу войск и вернуться обратно , типо я такой крутой-это какая-то фикс идеячто ли при создании карт у вас такая? Не осуждаю, у каждого в голове что-то своё и свои идеи. Вопрос-есть какие-то карты: градостроительный, накапливаешь войска, исследуешь карты, выполняешь квесты, противник если и атакует тебя агрессивно, то по крайнем мере не все сразу, либо тогда разграничение проходами по цветам и палатками ключников, что если ты открыл палатку, значит уж будь любезен воюй, а так сиди и не лезь пока не станешь более менее готов-в этом плане карта -путь геральта, бог войны идеальны

  sphinxx writes:
29-02-2024 13:23

:) - Portishead

Под такое описание подходят почти все топовые олдскульные карты: the lord of war, wayfarer, jedi story, the empire of the world 1,2

Author: Galavata (BG), 04-01-2024 20:41
OK - Portishead
Sorry guys for my previous comment. I'm too tired and didn't see the clover.

Author: Galavata (BG), 04-01-2024 20:26
Can't pass first seven days - Portishead
Hello everyone. Sorry, but i can't pass the first seven days of the map. I tried everything and couldn't find 2 Serpents to take my first castle.

  Mrmiller (USA) writes:
10-01-2024 03:27

Tricky 1st week - Portishead

There's a play through on youtube, the first week was probably the trickiest part of the whole map. I forget exactly, but you have to do everything in the correct sequence

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 03-01-2024 12:35
ver 1.8. is correct - Portishead
I assume you were playing version 1.7. Someone already drew attention to this imbalance. In the current version 1.8. this should be fixed. Unfortunately, this balance cannot be set 100% with the hero Ai, who can meet and "randomly" mix all armies

Author: sphinxx, 03-01-2024 11:20
:) - Portishead
Post a screenshot of the armies against Hugo and boss pls

Author: Graf10a (USA), 03-01-2024 04:16
Not what I am talking about - Portishead
I am not talking about the part where you are supposed to run away from them. I am talking about the mid-game when you start taking back your towns. In the playthrough videos available on YouTube the strength of the Boss's army is laughable compared to what I experienced in my game. I guess it depends on pure luck how Hugo, Boss, and the third guy (forgot his name) redistribute their armies. And this dependence on luck makes this game not-enjoyable.

Author: sphinxx, 02-01-2024 02:01
:) - Portishead
the first time you meet hugo and boss you should run away and not fight them.

Author: Graf10a (USA), 02-01-2024 00:23
Beware: some enemy heroes are unbeatable! - Portishead
Did not like it at all. The enemy heroes are not balanced. Surviving through midgame relies on pure luck. You can waste multiple hours playing this game just to discover that you cannot beat some Hugo or Boss hero because they have insane army, dispel your magic, or, if you still manage to blind them you still do not have enough mana to win. Do not recomend.

  Graf10a (USA) writes:
09-01-2024 05:29

Wrong assumption. - Portishead

No, I am playing version 1.8. It is still broken (see my comment above).

  Graf10a (USA) writes:
09-01-2024 07:50

JPEG - Portishead

Trying to improve the image quality by attaching a JPEG instead of a PNG file.

JPEG - Portishead

  sphinxx writes:
09-01-2024 10:17

:) - Portishead

only because you cant defeat a strong opponent doenst mean the map is broken.
the amount of your army is a bit to small for the 8th month but should still be doable. but there is no info about your stats, secondary skills, luck/morale bonuses, artifacts and so on..
this absolutely doenst look like its unbeatable. you have to try around with different artifacts/spells/moves combinations. also some tricky stuff with frenzy or forcefield in the corner of the battlefield is possible. there is almost always a way.
if you want you can upload your savegame somewhere and post a link here. i will play it for you, make a video and then you can play it by yourself.

  wasilix writes:
09-01-2024 11:03

- - Portishead


I appreciate you feeling bad, but it's not the matter of the map, but the fact that you seem to be trying the same strategy over and over again and expecting different result. As sphinxx mentioned above a couple of options for you consider changing, those are personally a bit too cheesy (luck dependent), but they can still work. Here are some more suggestions:

1. Use different troops. You should have access to phoenixes at this point if I recall correctly, they are the best filler troop. Using many non-filler troops is rarely benefitial for your war effort. Generally you only need 1-3 fighting stacks and the rest is filler.
2. Generally it's the easiest to fight as an attacker in a siege, wonder if you even tried it (can't deduce from your writing). It doesn't have issues related to blind for example.
3. You say that AI casts nasty spells like teleport, cure, etc. Well, try tricking it. If you don't use 5 shooter stacks and instead you use just 1-2 and use ground or filler troops to shield them you'll find out that AI has very predictable approach to using a teleport and that you can manipulate it into not using it.
4. You said cure, not sure if you mentioned dispel there, but people tend to confuse the 2 anyway. I think you may have access to the orb of permanence at this point, which you definitely should equip and use mainly artefacts/spells boosting your own troops besides blinding the enemy. For whatever reason AI doesn't consider the blind to be worth using the dispel or cure, but often may use those to remove slow for example.

There are so many ways to play and win the game. I said I understand your feeling, because I also keep making this same mistake myself over and over again sometimes thinking that I've tried everything and nothing worked whereas in reality at best I only theorized about some options and never gave them a shot (or even worse simply didn't consider most obvious ways to solve the fight).

Trust me, the enemy on the screenshot can be done 12 ways from sunday, you just need to start doing other things to do it, because your current thing doesn't work.

  sphinxx writes:
09-01-2024 11:35

:) - Portishead

@wasilix: you dont have the sphere of permance at this moment but that shouldnt be a problem.
@graf: i forgot to mention one important thng - fight against hugo and boss in the cove near the stables and not in other towns. because here you have only one arrow tower which makes it easier to blind enemies creatures.

Author: nemo, 25-12-2023 20:38
Great ideas, but gets tedious over time - Portishead
I love the idea of the map, but the further you go the more cheese you need to stack to succeed without absurd army and the less interest I had in continuing with the map. I suppose it's enjoyable to figure out how to kill 70k death knights, but the actual gameplay consisting of [one archer stack + one stack to endlessly kite or forcefield spam] is rather tedious. The map overstayed its welcome by a solid third of its length.
Found a bug btw: if you get into a ship with Gelu near first Rampart without picking up the horseshoe beforehand you can't land anywhere, leaving you stuck.

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 20-12-2023 23:25
Map Update. Version 1.8. - Portishead
A change in Ai's access to resources. Map tweaked for slow progress.
... and some minor adjustments.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

  The_worst_Heroes3_player writes:
21-12-2023 10:02

Thanks! - Portishead

Not done yet, but I appreciate these styles of maps - Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year for you too!

Author: The_worst_Heroes3_player, 19-12-2023 01:18
. - Portishead
Thanks, now I just need to wait out the 100 weeks to get enough fairy dragons to keep Berserk :D (jk, I will give it back)

Author: Nebel 74 (CZ), 18-12-2023 21:56
:( - Portishead
Hi, in the current version Necro are reduced to their original values. You are playing the hardest version, but the numbers of dragons and others you mention are too high. Both of them have all the monsters in a different composition of Level Low and Level High (Bone Dragon - Ghost Dragon, etc.).
In theory, they can upgrade them in the castle, but they don't have access to money. The only thing I can think of is that the other AI sent them the money (they all play in the same team). It is unlikely because they should use the available resources for themselves, but it is possible. At this point, using a cheat is perfectly fine.

Author: The_worst_Heroes3_player, 18-12-2023 20:46
Necromancers - Portishead
The necromancers put all of their army on Thant - not sure if that is supposed to happen, but I saw in Sphinx walkthrough it did not happen for them, and they mentioned that the necros were a tad too strong. With no blind against the undead, I just could not figure out how to beat them so I cheated past there. 2200 ghost dragons, a ton of liches and more.

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
19-12-2023 02:29

No continue! - Portishead

No wait, it's a catch! :) Continue below the Fortress where you defeated Gird is the Seers Hut, build a ship there and go right through the jungle.
Question: what month did you free Giselle?

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
19-12-2023 02:36

Ah! - Portishead

Ah, now I understand, you want
keep the book of fire magic :) it's not necessary, you can do it without it, but what do you think :)

  The_worst_Heroes3_player writes:
19-12-2023 19:02

Where enemy got their gold - Portishead

I think this is where a slow playthrough makes it harder - one of the enemies had access to a dwarven treasury, and at a point their gold overflowed, so they had more than enough! They probably financed the necro army merger...

I am not the best Heroes3 player, but I am determined (also searching for a tavern so I can wear down the enemy with armageddon - there must be a reason you gave it to us!)

  sphinxx writes:
19-12-2023 20:24

:) - Portishead

Only orange has access to tresuries. Don't know to what extent the ai can push the resources back and forth. Yes, enemies army will be bigger if you play slowly but yours should grow too. And no, there is no tavern on the map and Armageddon won't help you much.

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
19-12-2023 21:11

-- - Portishead

I've been thinking about it all day :)
The Necro numbers don't go to my head, but I take it as a fact.
Playing very slowly will inevitably lead to Ai having more and more money as time goes by, and the remaining treasures will accumulate these funds multiple times. And in the end, Ai splits them up. Which happened during your game. As sphinxx writes, the player should have an increasingly large army against time, but there is one fact that a slow (weaker) player will have big losses. And that doesn't compare to that. I confess that I did not think of this complication.
Well, this map must be playable even for slower players, although I don't like to prepare another update. Was there anything else that complicated your game? Thanks for the opinions!

Author: Nolan, 26-11-2023 02:49 Like
Great map - Portishead

Author: Наипуш (Россия), 25-11-2023 15:41
Тупик - Portishead
Автор, карта шикарная. Подскажи, пожалуйста:
1 либо где взять 10 фангармов
2 либо как пробраться к кулону отрицательности
либо же мне вообще в другую сторону? :)
только что убила Октавию и Ко, дальше тупик

  wasilix writes:
25-11-2023 22:37

- - Portishead

Вам нужен кулон. Судя по вашему описанию, скорее всего вы не пробили Йога или пропустили его (сразу направо после того, как сели в лодку в землях варваров). Через него вы выйдете к кулону.

  sphinxx writes:
26-11-2023 04:37

:) - Portishead

думаю йога она пробила но не заметила что там еще есть скрытый проход над подземными воротами

Author: Darek (Niemcy), 19-11-2023 18:17
100%!!!! - Portishead
super mapa, gram w nią już drugi raz

Author: Marko SKORIC (Serbia), 18-11-2023 23:37
i hate bosses! - Portishead
no fkin clue how to solve this battle. i killed hugo easily few days ago, but he probably transfered all units to this thing and now what? i tried with forgetfulness and blind, but he casts dispell/antimagic or teleports... i have Ironfist of the Ogre and Armor of the Damned, i tried different setups, but nothing works when disbalance is this huge. and this is probably just midgame, hell knows what are endgame enemies. 3 days of playing and im forced to rage quit?
i hate bosses! - Portishead

  wasilix writes:
19-11-2023 00:22

- - Portishead

No need to rage quit. First, you can fight him at any time. Second, just try doing it without ironfist or aotd. You'll notice that he's much less likely to dispel.

  sphinxx writes:
20-11-2023 02:13

:) - Portishead

try with armor of the damned but without forgetfullness, only with blind.
but you have to let one shooting unit unblinded otherwise he will cast dispel.

  OAK writes:
20-11-2023 20:49

hey - Portishead

hey guys, thanks for the feedback and moral support! i managed to kill that basterd yesterday, i spent 1 hour on constant replay of that single combat. forgetfulnes was a must to cast first, because any of his shooting stacks would delete the best of my army (sharpshooters). i listened to wasil and i didnt use combination artifacts, AI did use dispell/cure anyway, but it was in later round when i already had him. honestly, if i remember correctly, it was simple luck which gave me the win - enemy skipped one turn cause of moral (it didnt happen in previous battle attemps, no idea why it happened in last try, i didnt have antimoral artifacts equipped) and i managed to get "free" additional round for crucial blind. i was very very upset, i tried many many combination of spells/artifacts, but AI had answer to everything, resurrecting his shooters to attack my sharpshooters with 0 defense (because of frenzy), teleporting, cloning, dispelling my force field etc. when i hear people underestimating expert water magic... it was not only army difference, just compare our att/def/sp and you will understand my pain. when i watch your battle clips it looks smooth for you, but it was a nightmare for me. sorry for my initial post, my head was hot and i saw comments here saying some fights should be harder, so i detonated. i havent finished map yet, currently on month 11 and about 1/4 of the map is still uncovered, so i guess i need few months more and probably more battles like this untill the end. it is impossible to play this map without consulting map editor, not only because of secret passages, but also map objects can be misleading, like for example 130-106 (not a city), or 246-196 (not a whirlpool), underworld locations are not synchronizated with world map... extremely low luck/moral bonus buildings close to cities, low resource mines, low gold income and hard gold management (city without even town hall / decision on which units to invest), rough terrain (swamps, even with pathfinding and/or boots i need 3-5 days to collect units), 80% of sea chests was empty so its a waste of movement to take them... i have a feeling that greatly respected author of this map created this one for sadistic reasons :) my hard disk will die soon because of autosave files for this map.

Author: Darek (Niemcy), 18-11-2023 10:32
100%!!!! - Portishead
super mapa, gram w nią już drugi raz

Author: Asylum, 16-11-2023 10:12
Annoying thing - Portishead
I am enjoying the map, but I got completely stuck because I entered the burning ships area as Gelu without water walk, now I can't go any further and I also can't go back to Astra to learn it, because both ways are blocked by holes. The only way for me now is loading save file from long ago, which really sucks.

Please fix this.

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
16-11-2023 17:33

Uff, uff uff :) - Portishead

Hi Asylum, I have to say that you are treating me well :)
First of all, I think it's a big player mistake to let Gelu go on an unknown journey without giving him all the spells with Astra. On the other hand, I understand the frustration when you find out after hard work that you have to go back.
We have already dealt with that situation here and the WW spell has been added to Rampart, so you don't have to go back until you meet Astra, but you only need to go back to the moment when you got on the ship with Gelu and take the spell from the city.
Hole: the hole is there on purpose, because if you could land again the whole following quest would be pointless and it would break the story.
This whole map is very complex and almost everything here has a purpose (meaning) and it's not okay to ignore anything because it can backfire.
Anyway, I will do one more update and put the WW spell in the place where Gelu will definitely need it.
I just hope that Evgenij will not send me to the appropriate places :)

Author: Don (Estonia), 10-11-2023 01:18 Like
Wow - Portishead
15 years I've been playing this game and this is 100% one of the best maps I have ever played. The difficulty was perfect, it certainly wasn't easy and I spent hours on some fights figuring out the tactics. This map really pushed my boundaries in terms of figuring out new tactics. At the same time it was enjoyable, never did I feel frustrated or rushed. No nasty time limits and I could take my time.
Finished the map on month 30. Very well done map, can't wait for more!

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
16-11-2023 17:19

thx - Portishead

Hi Don, thanks for the Like! Cheers:)

Author: Darkness (VN), 05-11-2023 16:16
Complete map in 36 month :D - Portishead
Good map!!!!!!!!

  Nebel 74 (CZ) writes:
16-11-2023 17:18

thx - Portishead

Thanks for the Like, I'm glad you liked the map.

| 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-130 |

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