- Buffed AI
- Epic Mini Bosses
- Two Epic Final Boss Battles
- Lots of Epic Quests
- All spells and artifacts can be obtained. Many are restricted and some are extremely restricted.
- Epic difficulty level
- Ensure no player has "Artifact" as their Starting Bonus
Author: 32167, 23-03-2025 15:47 Like amazing map - Epic Map What is going on everybody?!? Epic Map is really epic!
I'm still very far from the victory, but I can already say that the map is absolutely fantastic.
In my rating, the map is on the same level as the maps "Gelu the Necromancer part 2" & "Gelu and Hot 2.0".
The gaming experience is like after playing Maygwan maps.
After your first map I expected something exactly like this.
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
24-03-2025 22:26
:) - Epic Map
Yo! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how the rest of your playthrough goes! I'd love any feedback that you might have! I'm honored that you hold my map in high regard like that of Maygwan's!
Author: Player, 22-03-2025 11:10 Like Finish - Epic Map Love the Epic map too
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
23-03-2025 00:47
Congrats! - Epic Map
Awesome! Thanks so much for playing my map! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and congrats on the win!
Author: G (Australia), 22-03-2025 01:58 Tough map, but enjoyable - Epic Map Love the map! Long time H3guy sub. Didn't realise you made the map until I read the in game messages.
I have not come close to beating it on impossible. I have tried different factions but have not been able to last longer than just after the 6 month time. I think I'm too slow to break out and explore as the AI has just so many more troops than me.
I won't give up and will try other things on fresh starts.
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
22-03-2025 03:06
:) - Epic Map
Hey there! Glad to hear you're enjoying my map and that you're a long time subscriber! I see you're from Australia. You wouldn't happen to be Rizn, would you?
Anyways, I would have to agree with you that it is important to break out into the map as soon as possible. Let me know how your next attempt goes!
Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 21-03-2025 01:16 Indeed epic - Epic Map I give top score. Map is very good. Some minor bugs only, golden dragons for free, as mentioned by Player already and some empty quest guards, f.e. 186,135 thus you can not get to neutral Factory town. Map is very challenging and has its unique concept: airships and sanctuaries are your main friends. One thing I have not liked, terrain seems empty (graphical design). Thankfully map is so intensive and interesting, that after some time I stopped to bother about design. You can obtain HotA and CoUK,so prepare one hero with necromancy skill for late late game. One thing I missed is DD spell,I saw in map editor, you can get all spells by doing Boots of levitation quest, but I was not able to get to all tents - area with tents seemed to me accessible only with DD on boat or I missed something.
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
21-03-2025 02:49
Thank you so much! - Epic Map
Thanks so much! I remember you from my other map, "The Devil Beneath You".
Thanks for pointing out the empty quest guards! They're meant to require you to defeat Engineer. I had them edited, but they must have reset when I changed Engineer a bit. I just fixed those along with the Gold Dragons issue and submitted an updated version! It should be posted soon!
Regarding the Keymaster's Tents, you can access the first 6 via Air Ship by docking off on a small and hidden patch of land in each area. They're hidden underneath the Magical Terrain. My intention was that the player would find out where they were by seeing the AI land on them. That, or if you happened to fly over them and notice the Anchor Icon light up.
I plan to constantly improve this map, including the aesthetics and any areas that might be a little empty. This wouldn't be possible without people like you taking the time to leave feedback, so again, thanks a bunch!
Sulim81 (Poland) writes:
21-03-2025 03:15
:) - Epic Map
Seems I am not carefull enough to search for hidden spots or maybe it is just lack of patience :) . Anyway, good to know,for sure I will play your map once again with different fraction, courious how having DD will influence my gameplay.
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
22-03-2025 03:02
:) - Epic Map
Let me know how your next playthrough goes! I'm looking forward to hearing about it!
Sulim81 (Poland) writes:
23-03-2025 15:33
DD access - Epic Map
OK, so having knowledge about access to tents' areas has influence mainly on final bosses' fights, I was able to avoid morale and luck penalties. As for the game itself, It was slightly easier thanks to better stats from libraries and having extra towns with morale and luck bonus.
Author: Player, 20-03-2025 12:40 Like oh no - Epic Map 130,126 -> 131,127
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
21-03-2025 02:31
Gold Dragons - Epic Map
Ah! Good catch! Thank you for taking the time to show me this! I've fixed this and submitted an updated version. Hopefully it will be posted in the next day or two!
Author: Karla (Mexico), 18-03-2025 00:42 Like This is great! - Epic Map I really like the details!!! I can see the effort in this map, I can’t wait to go thru all!
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
18-03-2025 01:11
Thank you! - Epic Map
Thanks so much! I did put a lot of time and effort into it! I plan to take the feedback I get and continue to update this map! Enjoy!
Author: Olexandr (Germany), 17-03-2025 23:43 At glance needs some polishing - Epic Map Sorry man, it is dumb. WTF?
Sorry for Russian interface, but why to duplicate Magic near from Magic University?
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
17-03-2025 23:52
Magic University - Epic Map
There is also one next to the Fortress & Cove Castles for the Purple, Orange, and Teal players. I wanted to offer all 4 schools of magic for all the players at that point in the game. I understand that the Conflux Castle also offers the 4 schools of magic, but in the event you cannot take it offer, you can always visit the University then then stay safe at the Sanctuary. Perhaps I'll just ban the Magic University from that Conflux Castle.
Heroes 3 Guy (United States) writes:
17-03-2025 23:53
Magic University - Epic Map
Take it over*
Karla (Mexico) writes:
18-03-2025 00:40
This is great! - Epic Map
I really like the details!!! I can see the effort in this map, I can’t wait to go thru all!