One person once has lost consciousness!! But having regained consciousness it(he) has come to be in not a familiar place on the horse and with army!! It(he) should begin life anew!!
Author: Jacek, 01-10-2024 22:54 Titan's Gladius and Amulet of the Undertaker - Jedi Story Where i find artefacts, can not find to reach 2 last place Titan's Gladius and Amulet of the Undertaker
sphinxx writes:
08-10-2024 22:59
:) - Jedi Story
orange hero titan has titans gladius. you will find him after defeating Qui-Gon Jinn.
amulet of the undertaker is behind a seers hut in the area behind the titans gladius quest guard.
Author: ujemuje, 20-08-2024 22:46 How tf i get diplomats ring - Jedi Story Hey, how do i get diplomats ring? I am righ before master gin and cant find it, i done everything before and forogt noting so from where i can get it?
sphinxx writes:
28-08-2024 15:22
:) - Jedi Story
you get diplomats ring in the seers hut before master gin.
there you need ambassadors sash.
you can find it behind angel city.
Author: dandan (Romania), 07-08-2024 21:27 Town Portal - Jedi Story I have Expert Wisdom, Expert Earth, Tome of Earth but I haven't Town Portal. Is TP an earth spell?
sphinxx writes:
09-08-2024 15:51
:) - Jedi Story
yes town portal is an earth magic spell.
are you playing the map in sod or hota?
dandan (Romania) writes:
09-08-2024 17:09
jedi story - Jedi Story
sphinxx writes:
10-08-2024 02:00
:) - Jedi Story
this map is for sod.
you wont get town portal with hota here.
you will also have some other issues.
for example in one case you wont reach the other end with water walk.
Author: nhat tan king (vietnamese), 16-07-2024 08:36 journey of destruction hero droid - Jedi Story If you have the items or soldiers as shown in the picture you will be able to attack the droid hero and this is the last hero you must attack to win :)
nhat tan king (vietnamese) writes:
16-07-2024 08:38
add picture - Jedi Story
add picture
nhat tan king (vietnamese) writes:
16-07-2024 08:40
add picture - Jedi Story
add picture
Author: Giuseff (italy), 14-04-2024 10:28 HELP ORB OF VULNERABILITY - Jedi Story where is? against azure dragon is impossibile without...
sphinxx writes:
14-04-2024 16:47
:) - Jedi Story
you get it at the very beginning.
there is a place where you can summon a boat.
then you'll find it.
Giuseff (italy) writes:
16-04-2024 17:12
where is ORB? - Jedi Story
LOL... there ar a lot of place where summin boat... more info? u have a pic?heeeeelppppppp
sphinxx writes:
16-04-2024 21:47
:) - Jedi Story
nhat tan king (vietnamese) writes:
16-07-2024 17:04
how to have spell summon boat - Jedi Story
When you have a castle and go to the sea and you have a land with a pandora box you need to defeat 2 azuare dragons 1 crytal dragon will have an adrial hat and a summon boat spell when worn.
Author: Elvin (Sverige), 11-02-2024 13:26 Jedi story - Jedi Story where can i find blackshard of dead knight?
sphinxx writes:
12-02-2024 02:13
:) - Jedi Story
you get it in a seers hut in the necromancers area
Author: Noa, 18-12-2023 18:32 How to get to the Orange Monolith? - Jedi Story Hi, great map!
I can't pass through the orange Monolith entrance.
I have waterwalk, and I can see there's a monolith there behind the volcano, but no horse icon.
Any way to solve it?
In the editor map I can see there's a passage.
sphinxx writes:
19-12-2023 20:01
:) - Jedi Story
you cant do it in hota
only in sod
Author: Sir Louis (Cracow, Poland), 02-11-2023 07:49 Like Great map - Jedi Story This map is great. This map and Lord of the rings are the best map in such type of journey game.
Author: Arganir (France), 09-07-2023 18:42 SOJ Unreachable - Jedi Story Ship, water walk, boots. Nothing ping me the possibility to go to the fountain... :/
The icone just don't pop.
sphinxx writes:
09-07-2023 23:15
:) - Jedi Story
you first have to sail with the boat behind the castle. then you can reach it.
Author: MACIEK (czaple Polska), 23-05-2023 19:45 JEDI STORY - Jedi Story CHCE MIEĆ TĄ MAPE
Author: Scsa (Hungary), 01-04-2023 15:12 sword of judgement unreachable - Jedi Story Hi, sword of judgement seems unreachable from behind the Price House castle. What did I do wrong?
Thanks, Istvan
sphinxx writes:
01-04-2023 21:48
:) - Jedi Story
you first have to sail with the boat behind the castle. then you can reach it.
Scsa (Hungary) writes:
01-04-2023 22:47
:) - Jedi Story
Author: Vladimir (Russia), 29-12-2022 11:14 Hota - Jedi Story Есть версия для хота?
sphinxx writes:
29-12-2022 23:10
:) - Jedi Story
Можешь поискать в интернете но не думаю.
Author: Vladimir (Russia), 29-12-2022 08:24 Ok - Jedi Story Понятно
Author: Vladimir (Russia), 28-12-2022 17:23 please help - Jedi Story it doesn't work waterwalk
Author: Vladimir (Russia), 28-12-2022 14:02 it doesn't work - Jedi Story it doesn't work
sphinxx writes:
29-12-2022 00:38
:) - Jedi Story
Должно работать с хождением по воде. Если не работает то ты скорей всего играешь в хоту а эта карта для стандартной версии третьих героев..
Author: Vladimir (Russia), 27-12-2022 23:11 help! - Jedi Story it doesn't work :(
sphinxx writes:
27-12-2022 23:40
:) - Jedi Story
At 43:26
Author: Vladimir (Russia), 27-12-2022 21:22 Thank you - Jedi Story Thank you, this is one of the best games I've been through
Author: Vladimir (Russia), 27-12-2022 18:00 help! - Jedi Story how to pick up the sword of justice behind the prince's house?
sphinxx writes:
27-12-2022 20:50
:) - Jedi Story
with waterwalk or boots of levitation
Author: sphinxx, 21-12-2022 21:55 walkthrough - Jedi Story here is a walkthrough of this map
Author: Dimitrije Trkulja (Serbia), 27-09-2022 07:22 Help - Jedi Story Hi guys can anyone help me where to find diplomat ring
sphinxx writes:
21-12-2022 21:53
:) - Jedi Story
after you defeat legion of air elementals there will be a seers hut where you can trade the ambassadors sash for diplomats ring. you can find ambassadors sash right from angel city.
Author: Cone, 09-08-2022 21:04 recanters cloak - Jedi Story Hi all,
Im in the end of the map but still can`t find the artefact recanters cloak pls help
sphinxx writes:
21-12-2022 21:52
:) - Jedi Story
there is a sign between emperators castle and yodas castle. you find the recanters clock under it.
Cone (pol) writes:
25-01-2023 15:31
Angelic Aliance (Sandals of the saint) - Jedi Story
Thank you sphinxx for help I got it.
I still missing the artifact Sandal of the saint to complete the Aliance sword and go through with last towns and the map, where do I need to look for that? Please help
Cone (pol) writes:
25-01-2023 18:40
Angelic Aliance (Sandals of the saint) - Jedi Story
Thank you sphinxx for help I got it.
I still missing the artifact Sandal of the saint to complete the Aliance sword and go through with last towns and the map, where do I need to look for that? Please help
sphinxx writes:
25-01-2023 22:00
:) - Jedi Story
at 01:55:02
Cone (pol) writes:
25-01-2023 22:28
Done - Jedi Story
Thank you for that:) Map is done:) What a relief;)
Author: Cone, 28-07-2022 23:24 What next? - Jedi Story I defeat the gods of E,W,A,F and don’t now what to next?
I’m still didin’t beat the azure dragons to reserve wings Artifact do I need to do it to complete the map?
Cone writes:
29-07-2022 14:42
What next - Jedi Story
Never mind I funded
Author: wasilix, 17-07-2022 20:52 Playthrough - Jedi Story Hi there!
I picked this map for a playthrough based on its high rating. However, to be honest I've come to expect much more the top single player maps:
1. There are very few memorable fights, vast majority of the fights are easily won with blind-clone/res.
2. Many hidden events, you'd better play with SoD_SP showing them for you and/or with the editor.
3. Fight balance seems to be quite off. Some of the bosses along the way are won in autocombat with close to zero losses, while some others at roughly same point during the game may have army 10x that. Some enemy heroes have stats deficit up to and even beyond 50 points.
I have to admit, that maybe my experience was spoilt by access to some creatures that may haven't been intended for the player: 7k+ wyverns and 3k+ rust dragons. Without these some of undead fights might've been quite a bit more costly (not really sure though that it would've made these fights any more balanced), but I don't think that it would drastically change difficulty of the other fights.
That said, I think the map can still be enjoyable (and it was enjoyable for many people in the past) if you aren't really looking for challenging fights, but instead you are looking for a map kick some behinds without having to sweat, and if you don't mind having to look into the map editor often.
PS: whatever you miss in the game, be sure to pick up tome of earth and orb of vulnerability in the starting underground after you get Admiral's hat.
Author: Dewa (Bandung, Indonesia), 17-04-2022 17:36 Help me please - Jedi Story How to find summon boat skill, I'm stuck, can't us water walk coz the way is to far
sphinxx writes:
21-12-2022 21:45
:) - Jedi Story
you get necklace of ocean guidance in one of the seers huts in the beginning. after that you get the sea captains hat on the water. you cant miss it. then you can summon boats.
Author: No, 28-02-2022 08:31 Annoyance - Jedi Story Help how do I get to the orange one way monolith... Because the ledge that I am supposed to water walk on it being taken by weekly creatures.... Help
sphinxx writes:
21-12-2022 21:40
:) - Jedi Story
i dont exactly know which monolith you mean. in sod you cant use colours for monoliths as far as i know. so maybe you play this map in hota. in hota you can disable monster/plague weeks in map settings. in sod you need the SoD_SP plugin for this.
Author: charmanlokillo (Spain), 14-12-2021 18:57 Nice one - Jedi Story Finished again after years not playing. 10/10 map. Maybe the path is too long cause you need to go back for some artifacts or creatures..
sphinxx writes:
21-12-2022 21:26
:) - Jedi Story
there are two tomes of earth magic on the map. probably you forgot one. otherewise there arent really long paths..
Author: Mica, 30-10-2021 20:33 Oh my F***ing god... - Jedi Story Gave up my Tome of Earth and i need the freaking Cornocopia to pass on. And i left the artifact at the beginning of the map. And i can not return because of One-Way Portals. F*ck this.
Where can
sphinxx writes:
21-12-2022 21:24
:) - Jedi Story
there is another tome of earth magic. you can find it left from Total city above the gold mine.
Author: archieatkins, 01-09-2021 16:31 Gold Golem Crash - Jedi Story Hi Everyone, I am getting a total game shutdown immediately after fighting the gold golems early on. Fortunately it is near the start so I have played through a few different times and its always the same.
Marmot (Belarus) writes:
02-09-2021 22:10
Game crash - Jedi Story
Very strange. I finished thip map 10 years ago and all was normal. Does you play this map in WoG or HotA? If so - don't do it. This map is for Shadow of death / Complete / Platinum version only. If you play in right version, does you use HD mod (and HD+ option which repair some bugs)? Can you give us your savegame (in Google drive, for example)? Where is these gold golems?
Archieatkins writes:
02-09-2021 22:20
Gold golems - Jedi Story
Hi thanks for the reply. I am playing shadow of death. I was using the single player mod and noticed that if I removed this it was fine but if I played with the single player add on it crashes. It’s the gold golems before the gold mine after getting the earth tomb
Author: chrisp1v, 15-07-2021 15:18 Town portal? - Jedi Story Am I supposed to get townportal somewhere on the map? Also where do I find the dilomants ring?
sphinxx writes:
21-12-2022 21:18
:) - Jedi Story
town portal - after you get admirals hat you should go again to the location where you started the map from. there is a place where you can summon a boat. you will find some useful stuff there. you will find the tome of earth magic left from the subterranian gate.
diplomats ring - after you defeat legion of air elementals there will be a seers hut where you can trade the ambassadors sash for diplomats ring. you can find ambassadors sash right from angel city.
Author: Jonathan Folkesson (Sverige), 24-06-2021 20:39 Review - Jedi Story Absolute trash map tbh. Do not recommend