Map Made with Equilibris 3.51 with Heroes 4 ULTIMATE below.
Please Read the attached TXT file as it contains important info!
Please Read the first day intro aswell. I know that is a lot, but to have some picture what to expect its good if you do not ignore it.
Difficulty has been optimized HIGHLY to impossible mode, but lower difficulties may work, exept some triggers what have been optimized for the impossible multiplier.
The Previous version was already long, and THIS one puts estimatedly 10-15 hours on top.
Expect Insane battles, with improved AI, hand crafted hero behaviours and spell usages, and extreme opponents. The old game got a new coat, i can promise you that :))
The story goes way above 170k characters now, so you will have something to strive for. I enjoyed every single moment creating THIS NEW version for you ALL, and i believe you will be entertained by it. And that is the most important! Have Fun Guys/Gals! The - - - 3.0 - - - IS HERE!
Author: noname (Zagreb), 07-03-2025 10:02 Like Map works - Rise of an Empire of Heroes 3.0 I have heroes4 gog and ultimate mod without equilibris and map works.
Author: Ston3M4son, 07-03-2025 00:36 Fighting Bad file - Rise of an Empire of Heroes 3.0 Hello all!
If someone still gets a "Bad map" message after they did the CLEAN install as i described, then i have one last idea why it could happen. ///but i highly doubt this is the reason as it was running on several other player`s game///
So i cleaned the editor`s toolset from all edited objects, characters, anything what could make conflict, and the map is on progress to be updated. I wrote the modifications in the first day intro on the TOP. and as you see for me it is running...
Author: Psoy (Canada), 05-03-2025 20:16 Map doesn't work - Rise of an Empire of Heroes 3.0 Map is not opening. Nothing helps. Equilibris mode is rubbish. Why are you doing maps in this useless mode?
Author: Ston3M4son, 26-02-2025 17:22 Final Version - Rise of an Empire of Heroes 3.0 The fixed and updated version what will be the FINAL version aswell, unless some serious issue is being discovered, is the version 3.1. The map is available. The 3.0 contains a serious bug what makes actually the End boss unreachable. It has been corrected in the 3.1
Author: kas (Romania), 23-02-2025 19:12 mods - Rise of an Empire of Heroes 3.0 so you are supposed to play this with equilibris 3.51 or with the ultimate mod?
Ston3M4son writes:
23-02-2025 20:24
mods - Rise of an Empire of Heroes 3.0
Ultimate mod is not needed. It is only recommended for the bigger screen resolution. ONLY Equilibris 3.51 is needed.
kas (Romania) writes:
23-02-2025 20:54
mods - Rise of an Empire of Heroes 3.0
cool, i will try it after you do the fixes, thx
Rise of an Empire of Heroes 3.0 walkthrough
So The reason of THIS Readme is because of the dozens of different mods, different versions, different combinations applied to the main game.
So IF you have coincidentally a combination what is NOT compatible you WILL get a "Map is bad" message
I can assure you, the map IS NOT bad.
To solve this problem there is a couple of things you have to do:
-Make a full CLEAN install of the game
-MAKE A FULL BACKUP of the DATA directory. THis step is ESSENTIAL and will save you a lot of headaches
-Then Install Equilibris 3.51 but check after the install that the files have been moved to the "Data" directory in your Heroes4 folder.
-Then run the game with the "h4mod.exe" executable
This is the easier solution
The more tricky is this, if the above does not solve the problem:
-AFTER you uninstalled everything from heroes, you have to manually delete in the registry. As windows is dumb, and even you uninstall something some things left there, and THESE can cause a huge conflict later on. I almost lost this map because of this.
So how you do it
After you uninstalled heroes, you go to win menu /run and regedit
there you search for expression : heroes, 3DO, New World Computing
and delete manually what is being found.
Then when there is nothing left, THEN make the steps above.
If you do this correctly, there is no way this map is giving you a "Map is bad" message
DURING creating this map, and rigorously testing it in between, my installed order was the following:
Heroes 4 BASE---> Gathering Storm ---> Winds of War ---> Heroes 4 ULTIMATE mod ---> Equilibris 3.51
The map is somehow NOT compatible with Equilibris 3.60 or 3.60 HD, or Greatest Mod. If you have those probably you will get a Bad map message.
You can try to install Equilibris 3.51 on top, but i think that will cause problems if you do not do a clean install.
BUT It is compatible with the AWESOME mod of Heroes4 ULTIMATE!! IF you install Equilibris 3.51 AFTER. So you can have the excellent feature of bigger screen resolution and still play with Equi modifications. You have to launch the game with "h4mod.exe"
Any critics, comments would be appreciated. to (but please tell me the WHY also)