As soon as you have found a beautiful castle to indulge in a little peace and quiet after all the warlike times, the damned green stuff crawls from the trees and looks for a fight.
Well then, hand me armor, sword and bow, and saddle my horse.
Prepare for a long, grueling war.
Language: German
Kaum hat man eine schone Burg gefunden, um sich nach all den kriegerischen Zeiten ein wenig Ruhe und Frieden zu gonnen, kriecht das verdammte Grunzeug von den Baumen und sucht Streit.
Nun denn, man reiche mir Rustung, Schwert und Bogen und sattle mein Pferd.
Stellt euch auf einen langen, zermurbenden Krieg ein.
Author: Betomeng, 14-03-2025 22:02 Really decent map :D - Verdammtes Gruenzeug I finished thss map on heroic it is really crazy but u can...many battles fights etc elf on this map are like undead, thank u 10/10 "D
Hermann (Austria) writes:
15-03-2025 23:51
Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
Thanks for the comment.
I didn't play on heroic difficulty myself.
I'm glad you had fun.
Betomeng (Serbia) writes:
16-03-2025 11:27
;) - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
Believe me its perfect map for heroic to many crazy things going on :D u cant predict AI actions and u need mentoring later on ofc and a lot of exp on this game, micro gaming, game mechanics, strategy, planing, u need to toy with AI with ur decoy heroes to gain time for building ur town ;) i have tried few times like 7 or 8 when u take early dwellings u are triggering Osir to hunt u at start of the week 2 :D and at first 3-4 months u play cat and mouse with AI u are mouse and after that u become stronger and stronger day by day...and when u think that u are mega strong then comes the challenge :D bcz green player have 3 towns near each other :D and the good one is that at late road some huge stats of neutrals joined ur army that is the key for the win :D and green player defend that blue player to good to be true hahahaha :D
Hermann (Austria) writes:
19-03-2025 02:09
Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
Hi Betomeng
Thank you for your analysis of the game!
It's been a few years since I made the map, so I can't remember in detail. My ambition was to create each card aesthetically beautiful, strategically diverse and balanced in order to keep the tension as long as possible.
It can't be too difficult either, but heroic only for good players. BRAVO!
I don't know if I'd win on my own card on heroic.
I feel that you enjoyed the game and that you had excitement and above all fun. That was also the meaning.
Greeting to Serbia
Author: val (ukraine), 30-01-2022 15:00 good - Verdammtes Gruenzeug very good
Author: Elliot Ng (United States), 05-08-2021 22:40 Great map, but extremely hard! - Verdammtes Gruenzeug So I tried to play this map on heroic and kept on losing. It seems that the only way to win is by using dark magic, and you have to be fairly lucky as well.
I do have a few questions:
1) Was there supposed to be a special hero in the harbor tavern? I didn't see anyone.
2) Strategically, what did you expect the player to do? I mean Burg Wacht already has enemy scouts and Ossir comes straight for you after 2 weeks and getting an ore mine is nearly impossible. Going underground is tough because you move like a turtle. The other haven towns are either not easily defendable or are hard to take because they are so well guarded. I ended up underground and fought the zillion phoenixes and only beat them after numerous tries.
3) I think Ossir and Blue in general is too powerful. He has ridiculous skills, a powerful army, and a nearly unassailable town with one way exits. I think unless your goal was for Ossir to win, there has to be more resources/options available for the player.
Of note, I am from the U.S. so I don't speak German, but I copied the text and translated, not that it did me much good lol!
Hermann (Austria) writes:
08-08-2021 12:02
Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
Thank you for your detailed comment.
Yes, the card is difficult, and heroically almost suicide.
For the past few weeks, it also took dark magic and luck.
To the questions:
1) No, random knight
2) Strategy: Earliest possible advance to the underground mines in the "safe" area. Defense of the ossirs, strengthening of the army.
Pincer attack on east and south flank against Ossir and then against Green.
Attack against dark elves (boss level) at the end.
3) No, Ossir has to hang :) Blue and green are powerful but time is against them.
OK, the one-way street is bad.
Little resources is a strategy.
There are - relatively harmless - to get 2 ore mines.
The phoenixes were guardians of the overworld.
Text: Only the last words of the dying farmer are important.
I also need the good Google translator and I hope that it is correct.
Elliot Ng (United States) writes:
13-08-2021 14:56
Thanks for your work - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
After playing the map without the intent of definitely having to win it, I was able to appreciate it a lot more. I am impressed at how detailed the map is and how well hidden many things are. The forest paths which only allows the Sylvan elves to pass through is a nice touch as well. It almost seems like you can make a story out of this scenario. The elves living in an enchanted forest now sensing the emergence of the underground threat of dark elves. The humans alarmed by their sudden appearance and caught in between their conflict. The phoenix serving as guardians to keep the peace. Outstanding work, keep it up!
Author: Elliot Ng (United States), 05-08-2021 22:07 Great map, but extremely hard! - Verdammtes Gruenzeug So I tried to play this map on heroic and kept on losing. It seems that the only way to win is by using dark magic, and you have to be fairly lucky as well.
I do have a few questions:
1) Was there supposed to be a special hero in the harbor tavern? I didn't see anyone.
2) Strategically, what did you expect the player to do? I mean Burg Wacht already has enemy scouts and Ossir comes straight for you after 2 weeks and getting an ore mine is nearly impossible. Going underground is tough because you move like a turtle. The other haven towns are either not easily defendable or are hard to take because they are so well guarded. I ended up underground and fought the zillion phoenixes and only beat them after numerous tries.
3) I think Ossir and Blue in general is too powerful. He has ridiculous skills, a powerful army, and a nearly unassailable town with one way exits. I think unless your goal was for Ossir to win, there has to be more resources/options available for the player.
Of note, I am from the U.S. so I don't speak German, but I copied the text and translated, not that it did me much good lol!
Author: Silo (Krak), 24-07-2021 16:20 WTF - Verdammtes Gruenzeug When I visit Tawern next to harbor I get Sylana Ancients instead (hero lvl up). So I cannot hire new hero. Can annyone help? I am using game version 5.63
Hermann (Austria) writes:
24-07-2021 19:42
Verdammtes Grünzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
The tavern for hiring a hero is misrepresented?
Does this apply to ALL taverns in version 5.63?
Unfortunately, this is not a good thing as it is a key scene and is therefore game over.
If this is a general problem with this version, I will write an upgrade.
If you want, I can send you a modified map p. Send a mail.
Silo (Krak) writes:
24-07-2021 22:58
mail - Verdammtes Gruenzeug Thanks. below I attach picture as an evidence
Author: Fosgen, 02-07-2021 18:13 Map - Verdammtes Gruenzeug This map is great, like all the other maps of the author! Thanks! I play all day, I didn't find any shortcomings. The author likes to make maps for people. I want to ask if the author is planning a map for necromancers? Sorry for the crooked English. Greetings from Konigsberg!
Hermann (Austria) writes:
03-07-2021 22:14
Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
Thanks for the great praise!
The balance is difficult to create an interesting, challenging map for "professionals" and casual gamers alike.
I'm happy when it works.
An indirect necromancer map = "The Three Brothers". Have previously published under> Prototype
Author: Hermann (Austria), 02-07-2021 11:10 Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug Warning spoilers: impossible on your own, share your task with a second hero (key master). It works, but barely.
good luck and have fun!
Author: Fosgen, 02-07-2021 10:50 Map - Verdammtes Gruenzeug Which castle should I capture in a week?
Hermann (Austria) writes:
02-07-2021 11:29
Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
One last piece of advice, sir.
Act wisely and go to the harbor pub immediately.
A hero is waiting there who knows his bloody craft masterfully.
Take him into your service, you will sorely need him, for killing harmless peasants is truly no heroic deed.
Arashiyama (Deutschland) writes:
29-09-2021 11:16
Loosing after a Week - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
I dont get it, i have to capture a Castle in a Week but what ever i do i just cant find a castle. is it a bug that im loosing after a week because im not having a castle?
Hermann (Austria) writes:
29-09-2021 22:27
Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug
Frustrated, please don't
Surely you have already stood in front of the blue gate.
To pass you need the key from the key master.
This camps on the offshore island.
There is not enough time (1 week) alone.
Hire a second hero in the harbor tavern and share the work.
Time is short, but enough.
Maybe it will take a few tries, but then a long and exciting adventure will be tempting!
Tip: Difficulty = easy
Have fun
P.S. Generally you have to own a castle within a week.
You can change that when creating a map.