Author: Mistorm , 30-03-2025 08:47

Supremacy of the Lich King - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map

Thank you for beautiful map. more...

Author: j , 30-03-2025 08:44

question - Might and Magic - Heroes 3 map

did you actually fight pandora or just beat everyone else more...

Author: j , 30-03-2025 08:42

one more question - Might and Magic - Heroes 3 map

you mean take out all the pink towns before pandora becomes active. I can't believe anyone can actually beat Pandora more...

Author: MaddoxT (Hungary), 30-03-2025 01:21

Cool map! - Palm Beach - Heroes 3 map

Thanks for this map, I enjoyed playing.

I would have a question.
Is there a recommended setup for start like random starting town, heros, bonus?

I played with Tazar and he become OP soon :)

Awesome work, thank you once more for creating this map!

Author: EnergiaX . (Polska), 29-03-2025 17:42

bugs - Isabelle (CharleroyIII) - Heroes 5 map

I don't know why, but it crashes to the desktop when the bot moves more...

Author: EnergiaX . (Polska), 29-03-2025 17:17

The map is broken - Beowulf: Pride is the Curse - Heroes 5 map

There are many bugs. Buildings are placed incorrectly, you can't enter and quests are blocked more...

Author: Elisha , 29-03-2025 15:28

Great map - Rust, Cum and Dragons - Heroes 3 map

Hey great map i am on the second part and i can't find tge spyglass in order to open the blue gate can you help me please more...

Author: Chloe , 29-03-2025 03:16

one-way portals and HOTA patch - Kill the Gods - Heroes 3 map

How bad is the problem with one-way portals and the new HOTA patch on this map?

Unbearable or still fine? Will there be a new version?

Thanks a lot!

Author: Chloe , 29-03-2025 03:15

one-way portals and HOTA patch - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Has the issue with one-way portals and the new hota patch been fixed?

I heard the map is unbearable to play currently.

Author: Chloe , 29-03-2025 03:13

Fix? - Might and Magic - Heroes 3 map

Has the problem been fixed? more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 28-03-2025 19:55

Minor update - The Mysterious Island - Heroes 3 map

If you've already started a game in the previous version, don't worry! These are only minor changes that won't affect the overall gameplay—except perhaps for very experienced players looking to rush through the map as quickly as possible (which isn't necessarily the intended way more...

Author: lebedyan (Germany), 28-03-2025 15:32

Dr - Element Land - Heroes 3 map

there are three maps in zip file - element land, elemant land expert and hard. What is the difference? And which version is the hardest and most challenging? more...

Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 28-03-2025 12:56

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Gulo (Xian,China), 28-03-2025 11:23

Very thanks for your excellent map! - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I played several times and knew the map, finally,victory was achieved.Only one thing, purple hero BAAL will come back to the town Last Point, and gave some special weapons to hero [], I met [] had Cape of Silence that made Blind was impossible and no ways to win. But that is this map’s special char more...

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Heroes6 - Your opinions about Russia - map rating = 2 Likes

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Heroes 6: Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness


Added: 22-12-2017

Heroes 6 maps: Labyrinth | Xenna | 2 man 2 fight | No time for wolves

Author: dexter_06 (moscow), 19-01-2014 02:45
Hedgehog Dragon is very strong
give me a 50k

Author: Thanatoeil (ArchangelCastle), 30-12-2013 18:08
Nice and interesting map
We played this map in hotseat co-op mode [player blue (1) and player green (4) vs ai gold (3) and ai red (2)] and we had fun.
The landscape is well designed with nice combinations of decoration elements.
The 4 players are balanced and the ai players became tough opponents : it was not easy to defend our territories against invading ai's and the final battles (siege of ai towns) were hard fights.
The use of new elements from SoD (Dragon utopia, Hill fort,...) are welcome.

Some things could be improved :
- player 4 has no arena in his territory
- we couldn't reach the artifact merchant from player 3 (but the editor show a free way to this element)
- the lava lake in the center of player 3's territory can be entered (there is a passable tile in x144/z156)

The main defects :
- when scrolling on the map, the camera altitude works poorly (the camera isn't following the ground altitude). The Ubibad map editor contains a function that links the camera altitude to the ground altitude : in "Map properties", check the box "Camera height map", then in the 1st tool menu, in section "Non terrain height", use the "Edit terrain height" option to paint the map.
- there is only one type of terrain for all fights (i.e. all fights take place in the same battle field [dungeon type]).

Conclusion : I recommend this very enjoyable map. You made a good work, Evil Pure.
PS : we didn't experience any crash during our game (map version v1.1).

  Evil_Pure (Dortmund) writes:
05-01-2014 21:10


Thx for opinion. Artefact Merchant from Inferno terian you can take if you change Camera position.

  Evil_Pure (Dortmund) writes:
05-01-2014 21:12


and try to play another map Labirinth1.4 and pls say me how it is:))

  Thanatoeil (ArchangelCastle) writes:
08-01-2014 17:45

Playing Labyrinth

We are currently playing Labyrinth. I will make some comments once we will be finished, but our first impression is very positive.

Author: michel (France), 27-10-2013 20:35
crash map
carte bien agencee mais crash apres 2 mois ( j ai joue joueur 1 et la carte plante quand le second joueur ( IA ) entre en action
dommage ....
I played with player 1 and crash map when the second player ( IA ) play )
after 2 month

  Evil_Pure writes:
05-11-2013 00:35


i have until now this map played without errors many times.... maby you have some conflict with your video driver cards or something like that....

Author: Oleg (Minsk), 07-10-2013 21:29
Very good, but "das Glück"(((
Интересная карта, но виснет в середине игры. Играл за Святилище на втором уровне сложности. Захватил город в нижнем слева квадрате карты и игра повисла вскорости. Жаль, карта интересная

  Oleg (Minsk) writes:
08-10-2013 15:59


Играл за другие расы, тоже самое- виснет в середине игры

  Evil_Pure (Dortmund, Germany) writes:
09-10-2013 02:23


Hello, I played with my friends very often online this map, and I have found errors. Sometimes there are problems with u-play server, but not on the map ....

Author: Evil_Pure (Dortmund, Germany), 04-10-2013 17:22 Like
I wait your opinion...
If u find some Bugs please send me a note!

Best regards


  bogdan (USA) writes:
13-10-2013 22:23


The game crashes and it closes down after few months...tried to restarted but is the same problem..can it be fixed? tks

  Senthor (Cologne, Germany) writes:
14-10-2013 00:15


you should tell, when the game crashed. While starting/fighting/ri ding?

  Evil_Pure (Dortmund) writes:
14-10-2013 18:56


Like i say, i have played very often on-line this map with another friends and i have no errors...

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