Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 26-03-2025 10:39

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Novasoul (Ελλάδα), 26-03-2025 06:35

Voidwalker - Voidwalker - Heroes 3 map

recommend * more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 25-03-2025 22:41

Thank you ! - Chaos and Corruption - Heroes 3 map

One of my favorite map, good job! more...

Author: Le cong , 25-03-2025 16:14

:) - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I play as Brown, release hero with fly to kill necromancer 's 98 to get fly for Dessa. then I kill Replica to get DD, take Amagadon Blade and win. There's no need to use CoTK or capture all castle s=)) more...

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 24-03-2025 22:26

:) - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Yo! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how the rest of your playthrough goes! I'd love any feedback that you might have! I'm honored that you hold my map in high regard like that of Maygwan's! more...

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 16:18

All good! - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I also have to say that this is one of the greatest maps I've ever played!
The attention to detail, the replayability, it's all so good.

And I know how hard it is to make a map this big without some small errors like this getting through, so you have my sympathies :P

Author: 32167 , 23-03-2025 15:47

amazing map - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

What is going on everybody?!? Epic Map is really epic!
I'm still very far from the victory, but I can already say that the map is absolutely fantastic.
In my rating, the map is on the same level as the maps "Gelu the Necromancer part 2" & "Gelu and Hot 2.0".
The gaming e

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 23-03-2025 15:33

DD access - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

OK, so having knowledge about access to tents' areas has influence mainly on final bosses' fights, I was able to avoid morale and luck penalties. As for the game itself, It was slightly easier thanks to better stats from libraries and having extra towns with morale and luck bonus. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (Cz), 23-03-2025 14:59

:) - Finding Leena II - Heroes 3 map

Привет, Ирен и Василий, приятно снова вас слышать. Ваше здоровье! more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:34

See bellow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

Forgot to add like :) more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:31

Holy Cow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

The design is pure genius. I am in awe how many objects you were able to extract from towns. This map is level above any other map I have seen..

Amazing work Nalandor!

Btw, I have been toying with the idea of using some of those objects on battlefields that I plan to create. Would that be ok

Author: Technocrat , 23-03-2025 14:19

Good to know - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I remember I was testing the spawning, but perhaps I placed resources after.
I'll fix it.

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 13:36

Airship Yard - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Shipyards (and Airship Yards) check the available spots to spawn at the start of the game. If all of the cells are blocked, it doesn't matter if they become unblocked later, no ships will be able to spawn. more...

Author: aaa010203 , 23-03-2025 12:55

1 - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

Have you finished the game? It took a few days.
I hope you can share with me

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Heroes7 - Your opinions about The Second Gauntlet - map rating = 1 Likes

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Download map The Second Gauntlet - heroes 7 maps

   Download map -> The Second Gauntlet

Heroes 7: Heroes 7 original

As a contestant in The Second Gauntlet:
The Best of All Worlds, you need to fight your way through opponents and neutral creatures which both increasingly gain in strength. Unlimited hero leveling.

Added: 24-08-2016

Heroes 7 maps: Titan's Pass | Epiros | The Kontohori Case | Confrontation

Author: Антон (Россия), 18-04-2020 20:10
Хочу прокачаться дальше 30 уровня!!! - The Second Gauntlet
Почему то уровень героя на 30 максимальн ый?Подскаж

Author: Douglas Todd (Canada), 18-03-2020 05:34
The Second Gauntlet for HOMM 7 - The Second Gauntlet
Great map, off to an interesting start. Is there any work around the crashng bug?
I have auto save turned off and have doubled my RAM , running at 32gb now.

Author: Venzo (Sofia), 31-08-2019 16:19
Not happy - The Second Gauntlet
The trick with turning autosave off didn't work for me. Consider to advise players that THE MAP IS BROKEN. It was just waste of time :/ Too bad for your good work.

Author: Matt (Poland), 11-04-2019 15:01
Possibly a great map - The Second Gauntlet
Possibly a great map. Choice of "wet terrain" makes turns short. Limited gold income made it economically challenging. I reached level 50 with Dungeon faction Trickster Hero, still no army was particularly threatening. Maybe it was my luck, it was fun though.

Good play until needed load a save game. It turned out that all savegames files since particular moment (including new savegame made after opening one of older files) are corrupted - game just exits to desktop without any error message. Too bad.

Author: Danny (United States), 09-11-2017 16:19
map does not use patches - The Second Gauntlet
It seems that your maps somehow do not include any of the patches. This may be the reason for all the crashes. I would get crashes for things that were fixed in patches. Plus, if you just look at the stats for the minions, they do not include the latest patch balance changes. I can load other maps that include the patches, but yours do not.

Author: sandman (south africa), 14-04-2017 18:14
Found Gerdi - The Second Gauntlet
I was able to hire Gerdi (cost 4k in town) who came with a massive dwarf army. Is this a bug?

  Graxstar (USA) writes:
14-04-2017 21:39

Bug - The Second Gauntlet

Yes, it is a developer glitch. Even when I have indicated in the Map Editor that a certain hero is not be used as a possible hire, the game allows it anyway. I had the same problem with "Angel" until I made all the units in the army be garrisoned in the town rather than with the hero. At any rate, with The Second Gauntlet I won't change it because it may be fun for some to start out with an army that large. As far as I know no one has ever been able to complete this map because the game crashes before the player can complete it. This particular game has really tested the limits of what the game is capable to doing to the breaking point, but players have said they enjoyed playing it as far as they could go. One player apparently reached level 146 before the game crashed, which is pretty impressive.

  sandman (south africa) writes:
17-04-2017 23:46

large map woes - The Second Gauntlet

Yep the furthest I could go was 50-something, then it crashed, and guess what - all the save games are corrupt right back to the first one which was level 30. So I cannot be bothered. It was looking really promising too. Such a great disappointment that I have for this awesome franchise messed up by Ubi.

  Graxstar (USA) writes:
18-04-2017 06:25

Having Hope - The Second Gauntlet

Maybe I am thinking pie-in-the-sky but I was hoping that by Ubisoft severing ties with Limbic that they will find a different, and hopefully much better, developer for HOMM 8. And, hopefully, a much better Map Editor, because that is what helps keep the franchise alive. I am amazed that Heroes 3 maps are still being made and played on a regular basis. I even bought the GOG Heroes 3 Complete Edition and downloaded HOTA so I can get in on some of the fun.

Author: sandman (south africa), 26-03-2017 16:31
levelling cap - The Second Gauntlet
Hi my hero stopped levelling at 31 - any idea what could be wrong?

  Graxstar (USA) writes:
27-03-2017 03:03

Leveling Cap - The Second Gauntlet

Not being able to get past level 31 I do not understand. The person who wrote just before you reached level 146 before the game crashed.

  sandman (south africa) writes:
14-04-2017 01:06

played again - The Second Gauntlet

I played the map again and no problem with level cap. I found that the AI is not as strong as the AI in Gauntlet 1. Maybe it's to do with the creeps being too strong so the AI leaves them alone. Also all of a sudden loading the savegame keeps crashing the game so that's a waste of a good few days :(

Author: Random. (Donetck), 04-10-2016 10:38
Outstanding one! - The Second Gauntlet
Даже с отключенны ми автосейвам и после 146 уровня игру продолжить не удалось. Но карта очень приятная и интересная .

Author: Herak (Prague), 03-10-2016 13:49
Not for hot seat? - The Second Gauntlet
Hi man, we have been trying to play this map on one computer but it did not even appear in the multiplayer scenarios (in single player only). This map if for single player only? Or can there be something done so it would be playable for more than one player? Thank you.

  Graxstar (USA) writes:
04-10-2016 05:14

Single Player Only - The Second Gauntlet

Yes, this map is single player only. My map, War of the Elementals, is multiplayer. Single player and multiplayer maps are entirely different in the way the game needs to be designed.

  Herak (Prague) writes:
11-10-2016 11:21

Skirmish maps - The Second Gauntlet

Hi, already played all your multiplayer maps with my friends ;-). Will be happy if there will be more eventually. Do you start by creating generated map or do you make your maps from the scratch (or it varies with each map)? May the force be with you.

Skirmish maps - The Second Gauntlet

  Graxstar (USA) writes:
12-10-2016 00:19

Map Creation - The Second Gauntlet

All but two of my maps so far have been started with a generated map, which helps to some degree. Of course, those have many errors and otherwise impassable areas plus I tweak so much stuff that I wonder if it was worth it.

Author: Leo (VN), 26-09-2016 07:03
Tks - The Second Gauntlet

Author: Vojta (Prague), 06-09-2016 11:01
Thanks a lot. - The Second Gauntlet
Yeas, another Grextar map. They are great!

I am also working in map editor, trying to produce a good and big map, it takes ages (editor sucks and sometimes your work does not save). So I appreciate that someone makes maps...

  Graxstar (USA) writes:
06-09-2016 20:46

Map Editor - The Second Gauntlet

I look forward to playing your map. It does take time and, as you said, you "save" something and than go back and find out it wasn't done. It can be frustrating. I was hoping for better with the latest update but it was more of the same with a few extra dwarven related items. So much of the map has to be done before you save it for the first, it is a big risk.

  Vojta (Prague) writes:
27-09-2016 15:07

Map editor - The Second Gauntlet

Hey, I am still working on my map. And yes, I still freezes when I save sometimes. But I will finish the map in autumn, I am too close to give up now. :-) Thanks for all the maps that you have made!

  Vojta (Prague (CZ)) writes:
24-10-2016 10:53

Publishing map – problem... - The Second Gauntlet

Hi man, I have finished my map and it is sort of ready to be published. BUT. Publishing fails every time (from main editor and from the Unreal editor as well), it starts but after a minute it just shows "Failed!" message after some time.

Do you have some tips how to overcome this?

I was thinking that this might be solved by sending the map source file so maybe you could try publishing in your editor if you would be willing to help...



  Graxstar (USA) writes:
22-11-2016 00:44

Sorry I missed this post - The Second Gauntlet

Apparently you got it to work after a while because you created (and published) a great map. How did you overcome the problem?

Author: Олег (Homiel'), 04-09-2016 16:19 Like
Super! - The Second Gauntlet
Map developed great! Thank you!

  Graxstar (USA) writes:
06-09-2016 20:42

Thank you - The Second Gauntlet

And thank you for the great rating as well.

Author: Graxstar (USA), 26-08-2016 16:18
Map Updated - The Second Gauntlet
Game freeze after dialogues has been fixed.

  Олег (Homiel') writes:
04-09-2016 16:25

my opinion - The Second Gauntlet

I have another problem, after a long game autosave just not loaded! It is not a question to the map, and plumbers that created the game (((

  Graxstar (USA) writes:
06-09-2016 18:50

Autosaves - The Second Gauntlet

I have found that disabling autosave works for the most part. Of course, every time the game updates it re-enables the autosave feature.

  Олег (Homiel') writes:
10-09-2016 22:26

Thank you for the good advice! - The Second Gauntlet

Really save steel load and the later stages of the passage of the map! The only time I was able to go through a huge map to the end! Hero I have developed up to level 81! ))) It is only when disabled autosave game!

Спасибо за дельный совет!
Действител ьно игра стала загружатьс я и на поздних стадиях её прохождени я! Единственн ый раз я смог пройти огромную карту до конца! Герой у меня развит до 81 уровня! ))) И только когда отключил автосохран ения игры!

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