Author: qiT (Thailand), 10-01-2025 18:39 Amazing Work - Ports and Portals I really enjoy this map. Thank you so much for your hard work. Keep working!!
Author: Muckepuck (Germany), 21-01-2022 15:44 Very Good Map - Ports and Portals This is a very nice map.
Author: Huihui Zhang (Chengdu, China), 07-07-2021 18:45 Like Bugs - Ports and Portals The map is great, but the dewells are unrelated to their belonged forts. Could you please fix it? And if you don't mind, I can fix it if you send me the uncooked version.
Author: Huihui Zhang (Chengdu, China), 07-07-2021 18:41 Bugs - Ports and Portals The map is great, but minor mistakes exist. The dewells are unrelated to their belonged forts, which make their existance meaningless. So could you please fix it. Or I can fix it if you send me the uncooked version.
Author: fiur (fomer H5 map maker) (Norge), 08-04-2021 22:49 very nice map - Ports and Portals Very nice map for sure!!! but....
I'm not able to hire troops from any of the Forts... :( . (Can only let my troops travel from my town till the forts.... another thing.... can't release any prisoners... (the screen pop's up and then nothing.... :(
Author: Tincoteanu Valentin (Germania), 11-02-2021 07:40 Like One of the Best map - Ports and Portals More maps pls
Author: hordiX, 21-01-2021 18:42 Excellent - Ports and Portals Thx a lot, one of the best.
Author: Spoiler (GH, USA), 19-11-2020 00:19 Like Nice Map - Thank you - Ports and Portals First custom map I've even played. Great job. It was a lot of fun.
Author: Reonel (HU), 01-11-2020 16:22 A small bug, excellent map! - Ports and Portals Best map, ever so far :)
bug: at player 5 (blue) we coudn't release the prisoner (lvl 14), the pre-b attle screen popped, but there wasn't any enemy in the window. Screen and game became bugged after that.
Author: Mourny (Odense), 06-07-2020 20:48 Great map! - Ports and Portals What a fantastic map,played it through several times already. I just have one question: Is it even possible to find the tear of asha, I've tried digging everywhere around the area where its supposed to be buried, but it looks like its hidden in the clifs where you cant reach it. Can you maybe change the location? Best regards and hope you make more maps! Btw the AI works better on this map, than any other large map i've played. You actually get some decents fights against the AI
Oleksandr (Украина) writes:
02-02-2022 17:25
bug with asha tear - Ports and Portals
I have the same problem
Author: Helena (Den Dolder), 22-06-2020 12:10 Like Excellent! - Ports and Portals I had not played H7 for some time but this one made it very worthwhile! Only playing on UltraHD resolution became slow once most of the map had been discovered. But this is probably due to the H7-engine and not the map since other more recent games perform better. Hurray for the mapmaker!
Author: Oleg (Gomel), 18-06-2020 11:29 Like Exelent! - Ports and Portals The map is made excellently! I’ve been playing Heroes for a hundred years )), Maps of this level I can count on the fingers of one hand! Thank you so much!
Карта сделана превосходн о! Играю в Героев уже сотню лет, Карты такого уровня могу пересчитат ь по пальцам одной руки! Огромное спасибо!
Author: dan (United Kingdom), 01-06-2020 20:07 Very good map - Ports and Portals one of the best maps i have ever played, very rich and challenging , highly recommended.