After long and terrible wars, the kingdoms of Vallaria finally succeeded in settling their differences. Intended to last for many years, a peace treaty was signed. It lasted only two. The reason? The arrival of Thoran, the Wizard King.
Eternal Love
by Hans C.
Type Heroes 3 The Restoration of Eratia
Added 17-09-2017
Rating : 4 Rate this map
Download : 6304
E sigur acum cã Armatele Reunite ale Focului se pun in miscare. Mortii ies din morminte. Din pãcate, fostii aliati nu au fost de acord sã vã coalizati impotriva Diavolului, care deja are garnizoane, dar Golemii de Diamant vor sã te ajute. Cauta locul unde ei cresc, strange 1000 ºi "dusmanii moor"...
This is an adventure of less than epic proportions. Join Blademan on his quest for musical world dominance, (and save the world in the process.)
Any resemblance of Characters in this story to real persons is a real shame for the persons who they resemble.
E sigur acum cã Armatele Reunite ale Focului se pun in miscare. Mortii ies din morminte. Din pãcate, fostii aliati nu au fost de acord sã vã coalizati impotriva Diavolului, care deja are garnizoane, dar Golemii de Diamant vor sã te ajute. Cauta locul unde ei cresc, strange 1000 ºi "dusmanii moor"...
The Drowned Kingdom
by David Forgacs
Type Heroes 3 The Restoration of Eratia
Added 12-04-2023
Rating : 1 Rate this map
Download : 2447
Bug fixes, balancing and many error fixes to make the gameplay more enjoyable.
Some updates to mention:
- Likelihood of getting “super artifacts” like Tome of earth-air, Angel wings, Spellbinder’s hat etc ” are set to almost zero.
- Disabled “super spells” like Resurrection, Town portal, Dimension door, Fly.
- Fixed when monster likely to join the hero. Now the probability of joining for great forces isn’t possible.
- Fixed typos and grammar mistakes in the rumors.
Our Kingdom lived pacefully next to its neighbour, the mysterious Drowned Kingdom for many years. An outpost province founded near the border to observe them.
This day last month there's no answer coming from the province. The King sent Christian throught the deep jungle to find out what happened..
by Ferry
Type Heroes 3 The Restoration of Eratia
Added 12-04-2017
Rating : 5 Rate this map
Download : 7741
The War Of The Ring!
This was my attempt at the War of the Ring, The map grew big and lost a bit of focus
but i believe this map could be heroes III on its own.... Its a big adventure, there are alot of mini quests and
you can play as aragorn, saruman, gandalf, the witchking, etc i tried to put as much refrence to the movies
and books i could but it still had to be playable, i just got armageddons blade today and i plan on making changes to it.
This is my best map ever . at least 80 hrs build time. I welcome feedback or suggestions...
by Grigor Minchev
Type Heroes 3 The Restoration of Eratia
Added 08-09-2017
Rating : 2 Rate this map
Download : 3997
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Impossible
Can be Human : 1
Players : 8
Teams : 2 Aaron - Your opinions [16]
Transport the Grail to Zandan. However, if Aaron is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost.
For three asses
by Michail Nosov
Type Heroes 3 The Restoration of Eratia
Added 28-12-2017
Rating : 1 Rate this map
Download : 5228