Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 26-03-2025 10:39

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Novasoul (Ελλάδα), 26-03-2025 06:35

Voidwalker - Voidwalker - Heroes 3 map

recommend * more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 25-03-2025 22:41

Thank you ! - Chaos and Corruption - Heroes 3 map

One of my favorite map, good job! more...

Author: Le cong , 25-03-2025 16:14

:) - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I play as Brown, release hero with fly to kill necromancer 's 98 to get fly for Dessa. then I kill Replica to get DD, take Amagadon Blade and win. There's no need to use CoTK or capture all castle s=)) more...

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 24-03-2025 22:26

:) - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Yo! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how the rest of your playthrough goes! I'd love any feedback that you might have! I'm honored that you hold my map in high regard like that of Maygwan's! more...

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 16:18

All good! - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I also have to say that this is one of the greatest maps I've ever played!
The attention to detail, the replayability, it's all so good.

And I know how hard it is to make a map this big without some small errors like this getting through, so you have my sympathies :P

Author: 32167 , 23-03-2025 15:47

amazing map - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

What is going on everybody?!? Epic Map is really epic!
I'm still very far from the victory, but I can already say that the map is absolutely fantastic.
In my rating, the map is on the same level as the maps "Gelu the Necromancer part 2" & "Gelu and Hot 2.0".
The gaming e

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 23-03-2025 15:33

DD access - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

OK, so having knowledge about access to tents' areas has influence mainly on final bosses' fights, I was able to avoid morale and luck penalties. As for the game itself, It was slightly easier thanks to better stats from libraries and having extra towns with morale and luck bonus. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (Cz), 23-03-2025 14:59

:) - Finding Leena II - Heroes 3 map

Привет, Ирен и Василий, приятно снова вас слышать. Ваше здоровье! more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:34

See bellow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

Forgot to add like :) more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:31

Holy Cow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

The design is pure genius. I am in awe how many objects you were able to extract from towns. This map is level above any other map I have seen..

Amazing work Nalandor!

Btw, I have been toying with the idea of using some of those objects on battlefields that I plan to create. Would that be ok

Author: Technocrat , 23-03-2025 14:19

Good to know - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I remember I was testing the spawning, but perhaps I placed resources after.
I'll fix it.

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 13:36

Airship Yard - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Shipyards (and Airship Yards) check the available spots to spawn at the start of the game. If all of the cells are blocked, it doesn't matter if they become unblocked later, no ships will be able to spawn. more...

Author: aaa010203 , 23-03-2025 12:55

1 - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

Have you finished the game? It took a few days.
I hope you can share with me

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Heroes 3 - unit FAQ

by Nicholas Yu

* DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is Copyright 1999 Nicholas Yu under the international  *
|             Copyright laws.  Please contact the author via e-mail if you    |
|             wish to publish or reprint this work.  Anyone attempting to     |
|             pass this work off as his own will be sent to bed without       |
|             dinner and laughed at, because really, who would be lame enough |
*             to pretend to have written a game FAQ?                          *



I. POWER RATING AND GOLD EFFICIENCY ALGORITHMS: In order to best determine just exactly how good each unit and town is, I devised some arbitrary formulae and ability values in order to cold-heartedly calculate the exact pecking order. Many numbers were pulled randomly out of the Arbitr-O-Matic (TM) and in retrospect look wildly inaccurate; but once you devise your algorithm and are halfway through it, human laziness takes a certain precedence over righteous indignation or the search for the absolute truth. Fox Mulder I ain't. Basically, I used two numbers to determine the value of each unit. The first criterion, the Power Rating, is fairly self-explanatory. Basically, by adding up all the little things that make up each extraordinary beast in a totally arbitrary manner, that tells you how powerful that unit is. Obviously, a higher Power Rating indicates a more powerful creature. The second criterion, Gold Efficiency, is also very obvious; it's basically the cost efficiency of the creature in question. While some units are incredibly powerful, they are simply just not cost efficient. This may be the most important consideration for the resource-deprived hero. In terms of rating the various towns, I just added up the Power Ratings of all the units available in the town (in both regular and upgraded flavors) to get the town's Power Rating and took an average of the critters' Cost Efficiencies to get the same value for the town itself. A few factors are outside the scope of these particular algorithms, such as the costless creation of Skeletons through the handy-dandy Necromancy skill; but you can evaluate the worth of such determinants yourself when choosing between two roughly equivalent town types like the Fortress and the Necropolis. The rankings (based on the relative values of the other towns) seem to bear out popular opinion, such as the Castle Town being the most powerful and the Inferno Town being one of the worst, if not the absolute worst. Also, judging by the values of creatures of the same order and how they fit into the Thieves' Guild hierarchy of "Best Creature," I think I hit fairly close to the mark in most cases. Anyways, enough boring preamble, here's some equally boring mathematical stuff: Power Rating = (Avg. Dam. + Shots/3 + Attack + Defense + Health + Basic + Speed + Special) Gold Efficiency = Power Rating/(Gold(*)/2) (*): Non-gold resources count as 50 gold each Basic Ability Worth: Movement (Ground/Flying/Teleport): 0/5/7 Ranged Attack: 3 Special Ability Worth: No Retaliation: 5 Extra Attack/Double Damage/Additional Counterstrikes: 5 Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty: -5 Jousting: 5 Resurrection (Demonic/Rebirth/Undead/Angelic): 10/10/15/50 Hatred: 0 Petrify/Paralyze/Blind: 7 Death Stare/Aging: 9 Breath Weapon/Thunderstrike: 5 Poison/Disease/Curse/Ensnare/Dispel: 3 Drain Magic: 3 Area Attack (Fireblast/Death Cloud/Melee): 3/7/5 Fire Shield: 5 Morale/Luck Bonus/Intimidation (Single/All): 3/5 Regeneration: 3 Magic Resistance (+20/+40/Aura): 3/5/7 Spell Resistance (.5/.25): 3/6 Spell Immunity (Single/Few/Multiple): 3/5/7 Spell Vulnerability (Single/Few): -3/-5 Magic Conduit/Damper: 5 Spell Casting (Single/Multiple/Affect All): 3/5/9 Ballistics Skill (Basic/Advanced): 5/7 Big Gnashy Teeth (-40/-80): 5/10 Ranged Penetration: 3 II. TOWN UNITS I'll cut through all the suspense and just list the best and worst towns in terms of Power Rating and Cost Efficiency. The best towns are the Castle and Conflux and the worst are Inferno/Conflux and Dungeon, respectively in terms of Power Rating and Cost Efficiency. You can figure out all the grimy specific details by perusing the rest of this document. {{{---((--$ CASTLE UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1620 Power Ranking: 1st Average Efficiency: .456 Efficiency Ranking: 5th Unit: Pikeman Halberdier Cost: 60 Gold 75 Gold Damage: 1-3 2-3 Shots: None None Attack: 4 6 Defense: 5 5 Health: 10 10 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: None None Power: 25 28.5 Efficiency: .833 .760 Unit: Archer Marksman Cost: 100 Gold 150 Gold Damage: 2-3 2-3 Shots: 12 24 Attack: 6 6 Defense: 3 5 Health: 10 10 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Swift (6 hexes/turn) Special: Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Extra Attack Power: 27.5 40.5 Efficiency: .550 .540 Unit: Griffin Royal Griffin Cost: 200 Gold 240 Gold Damage: 3-6 3-6 Shots: None None Attack: 8 9 Defense: 8 9 Health: 25 25 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Very Swift (6 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: Additional Counterstrikes Additional Counterstrikes Power: 61.5 66.5 Efficiency: .615 .554 Unit: Swordsman Crusader Cost: 300 Gold 400 Gold Damage: 6-9 7-10 Shots: None None Attack: 10 12 Defense: 12 12 Health: 35 35 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Swift (6 hexes/turn) Special: None Extra Attack Power: 69.5 78.5 Efficiency: .463 .393 Unit: Monk Zealot Cost: 400 Gold 450 Gold Damage: 10-12 10-12 Shots: 12 24 Attack: 12 12 Defense: 7 10 Health: 30 30 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty None Power: 67 81 Efficiency: .335 .360 Unit: Cavalier Champion Cost: 1000 Gold 1200 Gold Damage: 15-25 20-25 Shots: None None Attack: 15 16 Defense: 15 16 Health: 100 100 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: Jousting Jousting Power: 162 169 Efficiency: .324 .281 Unit: Angel Archangel Cost: 3000 Gold 5000 Gold Damage: 50 50 Shots: None None Attack: 20 30 Defense: 20 30 Health: 200 250 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Extra Quick (12 hexes/turn) Very Fast (18 hexes/turn) Special: Hatred Hatred Resurrection (Angelic) Power: 307 433 Efficiency: .205 .173 {{{---((--$ DUNGEON UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1600 Power Ranking: 3rd Average Efficiency: .440 Efficiency Ranking: 9th Unit: Troglodyte Infernal Troglodyte Cost: 50 Gold 65 Gold Damage: 1-3 2-3 Shots: None None Attack: 4 5 Defense: 3 4 Health: 5 6 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: Spell Immunity (Single) Spell Immunity (Single) Power: 21 25.5 Efficiency: .840 .785 Unit: Harpy Harpy Hag Cost: 130 Gold 170 Gold Damage: 1-4 1-4 Shots: None None Attack: 6 6 Defense: 5 6 Health: 14 14 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: None No Retaliation Power: 38.5 47.5 Efficiency: .592 .559 Unit: Beholder Evil Eye Cost: 250 Gold 280 Gold Damage: 3-5 3-5 Shots: 12 24 Attack: 9 10 Defense: 7 8 Health: 22 22 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: None None Power: 54 62 Efficiency: .432 .443 Unit: Medusa Medusa Queen Cost: 300 Gold 330 Gold Damage: 6-8 6-8 Shots: 4 8 Attack: 9 10 Defense: 9 10 Health: 25 30 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Swift (6 hexes/turn) Special: Petrify Petrify Power: 66.3 75.7 Efficiency: .442 .459 Unit: Minotaur Minotaur King Cost: 500 Gold 575 Gold Damage: 12-20 12-20 Shots: None None Attack: 14 15 Defense: 12 15 Health: 50 50 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Very Swift (8 hexes/turn) Special: Morale Bonus (Single) Morale Bonus (Single) Power: 101 107 Efficiency: .404 .372 Unit: Manticore Scorpicore Cost: 850 Gold 1050 Gold Damage: 14-20 14-20 Shots: None None Attack: 15 16 Defense: 13 14 Health: 80 80 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Quick (11 hexes/turn) Special: None Paralyze Power: 137 150 Efficiency: .322 .286 Unit: Red Dragon Black Dragon Cost: 2500 Gold + 1 Sulfur (2550) 4000 Gold + 2 Sulfur (4100) Damage: 40-50 40-50 Shots: None None Attack: 19 25 Defense: 19 25 Health: 180 300 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Quick (11 hexes/turn) Super Quick (15 hexes/turn) Special: Breath Weapon Breath Weapon Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Immunity (Multiple) Hatred Power: 291 422 Efficiency: .114 .103 {{{---((--$ FORTRESS UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1490 Power Ranking: 6th Average Efficiency: .454 Efficiency Ranking: 6th Unit: Gnoll Gnoll Marauder Cost: 50 Gold 70 Gold Damage: 2-3 2-3 Shots: None None Attack: 3 4 Defense: 5 6 Health: 6 6 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: None None Power: 20.5 23.5 Efficiency: .820 .671 Unit: Lizardman Lizard Warriors Cost: 110 Gold 130 Gold Damage: 1-3 2-3 Shots: 12 24 Attack: 5 5 Defense: 6 7 Health: 12 12 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Power: 31 37.5 Efficiency: .564 .577 Unit: Serpent Fly Dragon Fly Cost: 220 Gold 240 Gold Damage: 2-5 2-5 Shots: None None Attack: 6 6 Defense: 8 8 Health: 20 20 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Very Quick (13 hexes/turn) Special: Dispel Dispel Power: 54.5 58.5 Efficiency: .495 .488 Unit: Basilisk Greater Basilisk Cost: 325 Gold 400 Gold Damage: 6-10 6-10 Shots: None None Attack: 11 12 Defense: 11 12 Health: 35 40 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: Petrify Petrify Power: 77 86 Efficiency: .474 .430 Unit: Gorgon Mighty Gorgon Cost: 525 Gold 600 Gold Damage: 12-16 12-16 Shots: None None Attack: 10 11 Defense: 14 16 Health: 70 70 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Swift (6 hexes/turn) Special: None Death Stare Power: 113 126 Efficiency: .430 .420 Unit: Wyvern Wyvern Monarch Cost: 800 Gold 1100 Gold Damage: 14-18 18-22 Shots: None None Attack: 14 14 Defense: 14 14 Health: 70 70 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Quick (11 hexes/turn) Special: None Poison Power: 126 137 Efficiency: .315 .249 Unit: Hydra Chaos Hydra Cost: 2200 Gold 3500 Gold + 1 Sulfur (3550) Damage: 25-45 25-45 Shots: None None Attack: 16 18 Defense: 18 20 Health: 175 250 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: Area Attack (Melee) Area Attack (Melee) No Retaliation No Retaliation Power: 259 340 Efficiency: .235 .192 {{{---((--$ INFERNO UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1470 Power Ranking: 8th Average Efficiency: .438 Efficiency Ranking: 7th Unit: Imp Familiar Cost: 50 Gold 60 Gold Damage: 1-2 1-2 Shots: None None Attack: 2 4 Defense: 3 4 Health: 4 4 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: None Magic Drain Power: 15.5 23.5 Efficiency: .620 .783 Unit: Gog Magog Cost: 125 Gold 175 Gold Damage: 2-4 2-4 Shots: 12 24 Attack: 6 7 Defense: 4 4 Health: 13 13 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Swift (6 hexes/turn) Special: Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Area Attack (Fireblast) Power: 32 42 Efficiency: .512 .480 Unit: Hell Hound Cerberus Cost: 200 Gold 250 Gold Damage: 2-7 2-5 Shots: None None Attack: 10 10 Defense: 6 8 Health: 25 25 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Very Swift (8 hexes/turn) Special: None Area Attack (Melee) Power: 52.5 59.5 Efficiency: .525 .476 Unit: Demon Horned Demon Cost: 250 Gold 270 Gold Damage: 7-9 7-9 Shots: None None Attack: 10 10 Defense: 10 10 Health: 35 40 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Swift (6 hexes/turn) Special: None None Power: 68 74 Efficiency: .544 .548 Unit: Pit Fiend Pit Lord Cost: 500 Gold 700 Gold Damage: 13-17 13-17 Shots: None None Attack: 13 13 Defense: 13 13 Health: 45 45 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: None Resurrection (Demonic) Power: 92 103 Efficiency: .368 .294 Unit: Efreet Efreet Sultan Cost: 900 Gold 1100 Gold Damage: 16-24 16-24 Shots: None None Attack: 16 16 Defense: 12 14 Health: 90 90 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Very Quick (13 hexes/turn) Special: Spell Immunity (Few) Spell Immunity (Few) Fire Shield Power: 155 166 Efficiency: .344 .302 Unit: Devil Arch Devil Cost: 2700 Gold + 1 Mercury (2750) 4500 Gold + 2 Mercury (4600) Damage: 30-40 30-40 Shots: None None Attack: 19 26 Defense: 21 28 Health: 160 200 Movement: Teleport Teleport Speed: Quick (11 hexes/turn) Extra Fast (17 hexes/turn) Special: Hatred Hatred No Retaliation No Retaliation Luck Intimidation (All) Luck Intimidation (All) Power: 263 323 Efficiency: .191 .140 {{{---((--$ NECROPOLIS UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1490 Power Ranking: 6th Average Efficiency: .438 Efficiency Ranking: 7th Unit: Skeleton Skeleton Warrior Cost: 60 Gold 70 Gold Damage: 1-3 1-3 Shots: None None Attack: 5 6 Defense: 4 6 Health: 6 6 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: None None Power: 21 25 Efficiency: .700 .714 Unit: Walking Dead Zombie Cost: 100 Gold 125 Gold Damage: 2-3 2-3 Shots: None None Attack: 5 5 Defense: 5 5 Health: 15 20 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Very Slow (3 hexes/turn) Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Special: None Disease Power: 30.5 39.5 Efficiency: .610 .632 Unit: Wight Wraith Cost: 200 Gold 230 Gold Damage: 3-5 3-5 Shots: None None Attack: 7 7 Defense: 7 7 Health: 18 18 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: Regeneration Regeneration, Magic Drain Power: 49 54 Efficiency: .490 .470 Unit: Vampire Vampire Lord Cost: 360 Gold 500 Gold Damage: 5-8 5-8 Shots: None None Attack: 10 10 Defense: 9 10 Health: 30 40 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: No Retaliation No Retaliation Resurrection (Undead) Power: 71.5 100.5 Efficiency: .397 .402 Unit: Lich Power Lich Cost: 550 Gold 600 Gold Damage: 11-13 11-15 Shots: 12 24 Attack: 13 13 Defense: 10 10 Health: 30 40 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Area Attack (Death Cloud) Area Attack (Death Cloud) Power: 80 96 Efficiency: .356 .320 Unit: Black Knight Dread Knight Cost: 1200 Gold 1500 Gold Damage: 15-30 15-30 Shots: None None Attack: 16 18 Defense: 16 18 Health: 120 120 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: Curse Curse Double Damage Power: 185 196 Efficiency: .308 .261 Unit: Bone Dragon Ghost Dragon Cost: 1800 Gold 3000 Gold + 1 Mercury (3050) Damage: 25-50 25-50 Shots: None None Attack: 17 19 Defense: 15 17 Health: 150 200 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Ultra Quick (14 hexes/turn) Special: Morale Intimidation (All) Morale Intimidation (All) Aging Power: 239 307 Efficiency: .265 .201 {{{---((--$ RAMPART UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1600 Power Ranking: 3rd Average Efficiency: .500 Efficiency Ranking: 3rd Unit: Centaur Centaur Captain Cost: 70 Gold 90 Gold Damage: 2-3 2-3 Shots: None None Attack: 5 6 Defense: 3 3 Health: 8 10 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Very Swift (8 hexes/turn) Special: None None Power: 24.5 29.5 Efficiency: .700 .656 Unit: Dwarf Battle Dwarf Cost: 120 Gold 150 Gold Damage: 2-4 2-4 Shots: None None Attack: 6 7 Defense: 7 7 Health: 20 20 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Very Slow (3 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: Magic Resistance (+20) Magic Resistance (+40) Power: 44 49 Efficiency: .733 .653 Unit: Wood Elf Grand Elf Cost: 200 Gold 225 Gold Damage: 3-5 3-5 Shots: 24 24 Attack: 9 9 Defense: 5 5 Health: 15 15 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Extra Attack Power: 45 51 Efficiency: .450 .453 Unit: Pegasi Silver Pegasi Cost: 250 Gold 275 Gold Damage: 5-9 5-9 Shots: None None Attack: 9 9 Defense: 8 10 Health: 30 30 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Very Swift (8 hexes/turn) Extra Quick (12 hexes/turn) Special: Magic Damper Magic Damper Power: 72 78 Efficiency: .576 .567 Unit: Dendroid Guard Dendroid Soldier Cost: 350 Gold 425 Gold Damage: 10-14 10-14 Shots: None None Attack: 9 9 Defense: 12 12 Health: 55 65 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Very Slow (3 hexes/turn) Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Special: Ensnare Ensnare Power: 94 105 Efficiency: .537 .494 Unit: Unicorn War Unicorn Cost: 850 Gold 950 Gold Damage: 18-22 18-22 Shots: None None Attack: 15 15 Defense: 14 14 Health: 90 110 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: Blind Blind Magic Resistance (Aura) Magic Resistance (Aura) Power: 160 182 Efficiency: .376 .383 Unit: Green Dragon Gold Dragon Cost: 2400 Gold + 1 Crystal (2450) 4000 Gold + 2 Crystal (4100) Damage: 40-50 40-50 Shots: None None Attack: 18 27 Defense: 18 27 Health: 180 250 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Super Swift (10 hexes/turn) Fast (16 hexes/turn) Special: Breath Weapon Breath Weapon Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Immunity (Multiple) Power: 288 382 Efficiency: .235 .186 {{{---((--$ STRONGHOLD UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1500 Power Ranking: 5th Average Efficiency: .488 Efficiency Ranking: 4th Unit: Goblin Hobgoblin Cost: 40 Gold 50 Gold Damage: 1-2 1-2 Shots: None None Attack: 4 6 Defense: 2 3 Health: 5 5 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: None None Power: 17.5 21.5 Efficiency: .875 .860 Unit: Wolf Rider Wolf Raider Cost: 100 Gold 140 Gold Damage: 2-4 3-4 Shots: None None Attack: 7 8 Defense: 5 5 Health: 10 10 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Very Swift (8 hexes/turn) Special: None Extra Attack Power: 31 39.5 Efficiency: .620 .564 Unit: Orc Orc Chieftain Cost: 150 Gold 165 Gold Damage: 2-5 2-5 Shots: 12 24 Attack: 8 8 Defense: 4 4 Health: 15 20 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Power: 36.5 46.5 Efficiency: .487 .564 Unit: Ogre Ogre Mage Cost: 300 Gold 400 Gold Damage: 6-12 6-12 Shots: None None Attack: 13 13 Defense: 7 7 Health: 40 60 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: None Spell Casting (Single) Power: 73 97 Efficiency: .487 .485 Unit: Roc Thunderbird Cost: 600 Gold 700 Gold Damage: 11-15 11-15 Shots: None None Attack: 13 13 Defense: 11 11 Health: 60 60 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Quick (11 hexes/turn) Special: None Thunderstrike Power: 109 118 Efficiency: .363 .337 Unit: Cyclops Cyclops King Cost: 750 Gold 1100 Gold Damage: 16-20 16-20 Shots: 16 24 Attack: 15 17 Defense: 12 13 Health: 70 70 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Very Swift (8 hexes/turn) Special: Ballistics Skill (Basic) Ballistics Skill (Advanced) Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Power: 129 139 Efficiency: .345 .253 Unit: Behemoth Ancient Behemoth Cost: 1500 Gold 3000 Gold + 1 Crystal (3050) Damage: 30-50 30-50 Shots: None None Attack: 17 19 Defense: 17 19 Health: 160 300 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: Big Gnashy Teeth (-40) Big Gnashy Teeth (-80) Power: 245 397 Efficiency: .327 .260 {{{---((--$ TOWER UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1610 Power Ranking: 2nd Average Efficiency: .504 Efficiency Ranking: 2nd Unit: Gremlin Master Gremlin Cost: 30 Gold 40 Gold Damage: 1-2 1-2 Shots: None 8 Attack: 3 4 Defense: 3 4 Health: 4 4 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: None Ranged Hand-to-Hand Penalty Power: 15.5 19.2 Efficiency: 1.03 .958 Unit: Stone Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyle Cost: 130 Gold 160 Gold Damage: 2-3 2-3 Shots: None None Attack: 6 7 Defense: 6 7 Health: 16 16 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: None None Power: 41.5 46.5 Efficiency: .638 .581 Unit: Stone Golem Iron Golem Cost: 150 Gold 200 Gold Damage: 4-5 4-5 Shots: None None Attack: 7 9 Defense: 10 10 Health: 30 35 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Very Slow (3 hexes/turn) Slow (5 hexes/turn) Special: Spell Resistance (.5) Spell Resistance (.25) Power: 57.5 69.5 Efficiency: .767 .695 Unit: Magi Arch Magi Cost: 350 Gold 450 Gold Damage: 7-9 7-9 Shots: 24 24 Attack: 11 12 Defense: 8 9 Health: 25 30 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: Magic Conduit Magic Conduit Ranged Penetration Power: 73 85 Efficiency: .417 .378 Unit: Genie Master Genie Cost: 550 Gold 600 Gold Damage: 13-16 13-16 Shots: None None Attack: 12 12 Defense: 12 12 Health: 40 40 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Quick (11 hexes/turn) Special: Hatred Hatred Spell Casting (Multiple) Power: 90.5 99.5 Efficiency: .329 .332 Unit: Naga Naga Queen Cost: 1100 Gold 1600 Gold Damage: 20 30 Shots: None None Attack: 16 16 Defense: 13 13 Health: 110 110 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Special: No Retaliation No Retaliation Power: 169 181 Efficiency: .307 .226 Unit: Giant Titan Cost: 2000 Gold + 1 Gem (2050) 5000 Gold + 2 Gems (5100) Damage: 40-60 40-60 Shots: None 24 Attack: 19 24 Defense: 16 24 Health: 150 300 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Ultra Quick (11 hexes/turn) Special: None Hatred Power: 242 420 Efficiency: .236 .165 {{{---((--$ CONFLUX UNITS $--))---}}} Total Power: 1470 Power Ranking: 8th Average Efficiency: .583 Efficiency Ranking: 1st Unit: Pixie Sprite Cost: 25 Gold 30 Gold Damage: 1-2 1-3 Shots: None None Attack: 2 2 Defense: 2 2 Health: 3 3 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: None No Retaliation Power: 20.5 28 Efficiency: 1.64 1.87 Unit: Air Elemental Storm Elemental Cost: 250 Gold 275 Gold Damage: 2-8 2-8 Shots: None 24 Attack: 9 9 Defense: 9 9 Health: 25 25 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Very Swift (8 hexes/turn) Special: Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Vulnerability (Few) Spell Vulnerability (Few) Spell Casting (Single) Power: 57 72 Efficiency: .456 .524 Unit: Water Elemental Ice Elemental Cost: 300 Gold 375 Gold Damage: 3-7 3-7 Shots: None 24 Attack: 8 8 Defense: 10 10 Health: 30 30 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Slow (5 hexes/turn) Swift (6 hexes/turn) Special: Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Vulnerability (Few) Spell Vulnerability (Few) Spell Casting (Single) Power: 60.5 75.5 Efficiency: .403 .403 Unit: Fire Elemental Energy Elemental Cost: 350 Gold 400 Gold Damage: 4-6 4-6 Shots: None None Attack: 10 12 Defense: 8 8 Health: 35 35 Movement: Ground Flying Speed: Swift (6 hexes/turn) Very Swift (8 hexes/turn) Special: Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Vulnerability (Few) Spell Vulnerability (Few) Spell Casting (Single) Power: 66 78 Efficiency: .377 .390 Unit: Earth Elemental Magma Elemental Cost: 400 Gold 500 Gold Damage: 4-8 6-10 Shots: None None Attack: 10 11 Defense: 10 11 Health: 40 40 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Slow (4 hexes/turn) Swift (6 hexes/turn) Special: Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Vulnerability (Single) Spell Vulnerability (Single) Spell Casting (Single) Power: 74 83 Efficiency: .370 .332 Unit: Psychic Elemental Magic Elemental Cost: 750 Gold 800 Gold Damage: 10-20 15-25 Shots: None None Attack: 15 15 Defense: 13 13 Health: 75 80 Movement: Ground Ground Speed: Extra Swift (7 hexes/turn) Ultra Swift (9 hexes/turn) Special: Spell Immunity (Multiple) Spell Immunity (Multiple) Area Attack (Melee) Area Attack (Melee) No Retaliation No Retaliation Power: 142 154 Efficiency: .379 .385 Unit: Firebird Phoenix Cost: 1500 Gold 2000 Gold + 1 Mercury (2050) Damage: 30-40 30-40 Shots: None None Attack: 18 21 Defense: 18 18 Health: 150 200 Movement: Flying Flying Speed: Super Quick (15 hexes/turn) Blazing Fast (21 hexes/turn) Special: Breath Weapon Breath Weapon Resurrection (Rebirth) Power: 246 315 Efficiency: .328 .307 III. BEST UNITS BY LEVEL AND TYPE What do some of these results mean? Quite frankly, not a whole lot. Really, who gives a crap that the Lizardman is the best unupgraded Ranged unit in terms of Cost Efficiency? Unless such scraps of knowledge fulfill some obscure urge of yours to acquire pointless tidbits and factoids, I'd heartily recommend skipping over the rest and just reading whatever pertains to your real interests, such as best upgraded units per level. LEVEL 1 (Regular): LEVEL 1 (Upgraded): Power Rating: Pikeman Power Rating: Centaur Captain Cost Efficiency: Pixie Cost Efficiency: Sprite LEVEL 2 (Regular): LEVEL 2 (Upgraded): Power Rating: Air Elemental Best by Power Rating: Storm Elemental Cost Efficiency: Dwarf Best by Cost Efficiency: Battle Dwarf LEVEL 3 (Regular): LEVEL 3 (Upgraded): Power Rating: Griffin Power Rating: Ice Elemental Cost Efficiency: Stone Golem Cost Efficiency: Iron Golem LEVEL 4 (Regular): LEVEL 4 (Upgraded): Power Rating: Basilisk Power Rating: Vampire Lord Cost Efficiency: Pegasi Cost Efficiency: Silver Pegasi LEVEL 5 (Regular): LEVEL 5 (Upgraded): Power Rating: Gorgon Power Rating: Mighty Gorgon Cost Efficiency: Dendroid Guard Cost Efficiency: Dendroid Soldier LEVEL 6 (Regular): LEVEL 6 (Upgraded): Power Rating: Black Knight Power Rating: Dread Knight Cost Efficiency: Psychic Elemental Cost Efficiency: Magic Elemental LEVEL 7 (Regular): LEVEL 7 (Upgraded): Power Rating: Angel Power Rating: Archangel Cost Efficiency: Firebird Cost Efficiency: Phoenix GROUNDED (Regular): GROUNDED (Upgraded): Power Rating: Hydra Power Rating: Ancient Behemoth Cost Efficiency: Gremlin Cost Efficiency: Hobgoblin FLYING (Regular): FLYING (Upgraded): Power Rating: Angel Power Rating: Archangel Cost Efficiency: Pixie Cost Efficiency: Sprite RANGED (Regular): RANGED (Upgraded): Power Rating: Cyclops Power Rating: Titan Cost Efficiency: Lizardman Cost Efficiency: Master Gremlin IV. PROPS AND SLOPS Thanks for wading through this entire document (assuming, of course, that you didn't just skip to the bottom to avoid lethal doses of drudgery). Props: My girlfriend - for enduring this FAQ-writing with an inhuman patience. 3D0 - for publishing such an addictive game. Prof. Mitra - for giving me plenty of time to write this FAQ during Software Engineering. Slops: 3D0 - for publishing such an addictive game.
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