Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 26-03-2025 10:39

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Novasoul (Ελλάδα), 26-03-2025 06:35

Voidwalker - Voidwalker - Heroes 3 map

recommend * more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 25-03-2025 22:41

Thank you ! - Chaos and Corruption - Heroes 3 map

One of my favorite map, good job! more...

Author: Le cong , 25-03-2025 16:14

:) - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I play as Brown, release hero with fly to kill necromancer 's 98 to get fly for Dessa. then I kill Replica to get DD, take Amagadon Blade and win. There's no need to use CoTK or capture all castle s=)) more...

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 24-03-2025 22:26

:) - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Yo! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how the rest of your playthrough goes! I'd love any feedback that you might have! I'm honored that you hold my map in high regard like that of Maygwan's! more...

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 16:18

All good! - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I also have to say that this is one of the greatest maps I've ever played!
The attention to detail, the replayability, it's all so good.

And I know how hard it is to make a map this big without some small errors like this getting through, so you have my sympathies :P

Author: 32167 , 23-03-2025 15:47

amazing map - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

What is going on everybody?!? Epic Map is really epic!
I'm still very far from the victory, but I can already say that the map is absolutely fantastic.
In my rating, the map is on the same level as the maps "Gelu the Necromancer part 2" & "Gelu and Hot 2.0".
The gaming e

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 23-03-2025 15:33

DD access - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

OK, so having knowledge about access to tents' areas has influence mainly on final bosses' fights, I was able to avoid morale and luck penalties. As for the game itself, It was slightly easier thanks to better stats from libraries and having extra towns with morale and luck bonus. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (Cz), 23-03-2025 14:59

:) - Finding Leena II - Heroes 3 map

Привет, Ирен и Василий, приятно снова вас слышать. Ваше здоровье! more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:34

See bellow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

Forgot to add like :) more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:31

Holy Cow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

The design is pure genius. I am in awe how many objects you were able to extract from towns. This map is level above any other map I have seen..

Amazing work Nalandor!

Btw, I have been toying with the idea of using some of those objects on battlefields that I plan to create. Would that be ok

Author: Technocrat , 23-03-2025 14:19

Good to know - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I remember I was testing the spawning, but perhaps I placed resources after.
I'll fix it.

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 13:36

Airship Yard - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Shipyards (and Airship Yards) check the available spots to spawn at the start of the game. If all of the cells are blocked, it doesn't matter if they become unblocked later, no ships will be able to spawn. more...

Author: aaa010203 , 23-03-2025 12:55

1 - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

Have you finished the game? It took a few days.
I hope you can share with me

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Heroes 7 patch 1.6 now available

Downloading this new update should be automatic on both Uplay and Steam.

Heroes 7 General

  • [Fixed] Start growth of elite dwellings of all factions (did not correspond to the growth rate).
  • [Fixed] An issue that would have a creature deal altered damage during its morale turn, if it had a critical hit or grazing hit during its regular turn.
  • [Fixed] Dialog at the end of a combat is not shown anymore if the combat is restarted via the pause menu.
  • [Fixed] An issue that would have creatures with certain abilities ignore and remove the Shadow Cloak buff.
  • [Fixed] An issue that would make the first creature lose the initiative bonus from "Hotheaded" when you would prepare and then unprepare the hero atatck during its turn.
  • [Fixed] An issue that would make the Sylvan Ballista attack twice even when attacking a target without a mark on it, if the hero has Natures Revenge on Expert rank.
  • [Fixed] "Nature's Wrath" ability (when a stack with marks on it died, the magic increase from the ability would not be removed).
  • [Fixed] Wrong power value of Moon Doe (was the same as Sun Deer)
  • [Implemented] A Tutorial Map is now available in the Tutorial Menu.
  • [Implemented] Added new neutral elite creature "Efreet".
  • [Implemented] Support for Steam Workshop.
  • [Improved] Content Scanning when enterring the menu.

Heroes 7 Gameplay

  • [Fixed] Animation speeds for creatures affected by TimeControl spell
  • [Fixed] Breath of Light of the Gold Dragon. It affects now the correct area.
  • [Fixed] Sound corruption when hovering creatures using spells that push them
  • [Fixed] Hero stats not updating when trading/equipping/unequipping items in trade window.
  • [Fixed] Animation getting stuck in recruitment window when switching aoc's
  • [Improved]  A limit to the combat Idle animations to make them scale with CombatSpeed only up to 200%

Heroes 7 Balancing

  • Reduced gold cost of elite and champion creatures.
  • Decreased bonus of core dwelling growth upgrades.
  • Set damage type of Pixies and Sprites to "Might".
  • Increased cooldown of Dragon Vein from daily to weekly.
  • Nerfed the spells Retribution, Celestial Armour and Sylanna's Bounty.
  • Reduced randomness in Fire Wall spell damage variation.
  • Reduced mana cost of Regeneration spell and regeneration resurrects dead creatures.
  • Nerfed Warlord's Fury ability.
  • Changed Archery ability to buff the attack value of ranged creature instead of increasing their range.
  • Increased damage of fire magic and water magic ultimate abilities (Fire Mantle, Frostbite).
  • Buffed Paragon skill rank effects.
  • Changed bonus of "Gladiator Helmet" to +2 Might

Heroes 7 Multiplayer

  • [Fixed] Crash in the lobby when the host started the game and one of the players unchecked being ready.
  • [Fixed] Game going OOS (Out of Syncs) when the AI attacked the player during AI's turn.
  • [Fixed] Game going OOS when starting a second match in a row on maps with a Merchant building.
  • [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases right at the start of the match
  • [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases after a combat duo to Exp discrepancy.
  • [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases during the AI's turn.
  • [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases duo to Resource discrepancy.
  • [Fixed] Game going OOS after loading a multiplayer savegame.
  • [Fixed] GUI being available to early for the Host while still being in AI's turn.
  • [Fixed] A bug where some singleplayer Cheat effects could be carried over to a multiplayer match.
  • [Fixed] A possible crash when trying to load a Multiplayer Savegame while not connected to the internet.
  • [Fixed] Adventure map hero tooltip getting displayed during another players combat.
  • [Fixed] Engaging AI players in Sim turns leading to the game getting Stuck.
  • [Fixed] Wrong heroes getting selected automatically in sim turns when coming back from another players combat.
  • [Fixed] Wrong heroes getting selected automatically in sim turns sometimes when another player does certain actions
  • [Implemented] When another player starts a combat in sim turns, there is now a 3 seconds window in which you get notified about it and can still finish whatever you are currently doing.
  • [Implemented] When a necromancy popup is forced to be closed (for example when another players starts a combat) the remaining stacks are getting automatically merged into the heroes army.

Heroes 7 Level Design

  • [Implemented] Global Cooling skirmish map
  • [Implemented] Two autumn, Sylvan themed combat maps

  • Scenario Mirym's Journey
    • [Fixed] Obelisk Hunt Quest Markers would not disappear after visiting the Obelisk

  • Scenario The Story of Solmyr and the Efreet
    • [Fixed] Player can choose Factions for AI 4
  • Irresponsible Wars
    • [Fixed] Area of control of 'player 5' to include Sawmill.
    • [Fixed] An unreachable stack of creatures in the top right corner of the surface.
  • Ivan Map 2
    • [Fixed] A conversation between Seamus and Wilhelm where you could see Wilhelm in both sides of the dialogue.
  • Stronghold 3
    • [Fixed] Map will not end if an enemy remains on the Castelroc-island

  • Stronghold 4
    • [Fixed] House Materia would not end his turn after fighting in the Fort
    • [Improvement] Questmarker for Quest Teamwork added

  • Necropolis 3
    • [Fixed] Sounds of previous Sequence are playing after loading a savegame

  • Necropolis 5
    • [Fixed] Missleading Questmarker for Quest "Expand the Well of Souls" (note: not for existing savegames)
  • Academy 2
    • [Fixed] Masfars Ultimate Paragon Skill has no description

  • Haven 3
    • [Fixed] Pressing ESC to skip Intro leads to a blocker

  • Haven 2
    • [Fixed] Skipping Dialogues with ESC leads to a blocker

Heroes 7 Map Editor

  • Script Editor
    • * New triggers
      • * Hero won at Battle Site
      • * Hero lost at Battle Site
    • * New conditions
      • * Quest is pending/activated/completed/failed
      • * Event is activated/deactivated
      • * Player is from Faction
      • * Building is from Faction
      • * Army has Creatures
      • * Army has Creatures from Faction
      • * Army is commanded by Hero
      • * Army is commanded by Hero from Faction
      • * Army is controlled by Player
      • * Army is controlled by Player from Faction
    • * New actions
      • * Activate Event
      • * Deactivate Event
      • * Fire Event
      • * Fail Quest
      • * Advance Quest Objective Stage
      • * Complete Objective
      • * Fail Objective
      • * Remove Minimap Tracking Object
      • * Set Dwelling Creatures Pool
      • * Set Town Dwelling Creature Pool

  • [Fixed] PlayerStarts spawn Heroes that are disabled from map properties
  • [Fixed] Some Heroes appear twice in the Heroes tool on creating a Scenario mapModified the [Fixed] Template maps to have to also include the 1.4 Patch saturation changes
  • [Fixed] The Editor doesn't prompt the user to save the map on clicking the Publish Map button
  • [Improved] Learn Spell for Hero" action checks prerequisites and gives visual feedback if the spell is learnt
  • [Fixed] Dark lighting in the Editor's minimap and 2D views
  • [Fixed] Forbidden spells could still appear in Arcane Shrines
  • [Fixed] that the Editor doesn't prompt the user to save the map on clicking the Publish Map button[
  • Fixed] Dwellings set up to sell random elite creatures sold champion creatures instead

  • RMG
    • * Fixed maps with underground having incorrect area sizes caused by inconsistencies in the underground size setting
    • * Fixed some buildings sinking into the terrain
    • * Speed optimization
    • * Increased the size of the Normal template and tweaked it to allow 4 players
    • * Building placement balancing and tweaks
    • * Fixed a crash from selecting 200% neutral army strength

  • [Improved] Transfer Hero Artifacts" action gives visual feedback about the transfered artifacts
  • [Improved] Modified the Template maps to have to also include the 1.4 Patch saturation changes
  • [Improved] Added visual feedback if creatures are received
  • [Improved] Polished Editor GUI
  • [Implemented] Any change in Event state will now update quest status
  • [Implemented] Mermaid to Creature Tool
  • [Implemented] Custom Heroes/Artifacts are now listed first
  • [Implemented] Added Steam Workshop publishing tool (Steam SKU Only) which allows to publish custom made maps and campaigns
mib at 2015-12-17 13:48 wrote:
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Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss 1.6.1 - Download Section

Heroes 7 News

Heroes 3 map: "Atlantic Revolutions"

Heroes 3 New map: "1797:Northern Italy campaign"

Heroes 7 maps

Heroes 7 patch 2.2 now available

Heroes 7 Creatures Fortress

Heroes 7 patch 1.8 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.7 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.6 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.5 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.4 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.3 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.2.1 now available

Heroes 7 cheats

Heroes 7 available!!! - Launch Trailer

Heroes 7 - closed beta 2 now available!

Heroes 7 screenshots

Heroes 7 Elves faction

Heroes 7 Dwarves faction

Heroes 7 Academy faction

Heroes 7 Haven faction

Heroes 7 release date: 29 September 2015

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