Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 26-03-2025 10:39

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Novasoul (Ελλάδα), 26-03-2025 06:35

Voidwalker - Voidwalker - Heroes 3 map

recommend * more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 25-03-2025 22:41

Thank you ! - Chaos and Corruption - Heroes 3 map

One of my favorite map, good job! more...

Author: Le cong , 25-03-2025 16:14

:) - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I play as Brown, release hero with fly to kill necromancer 's 98 to get fly for Dessa. then I kill Replica to get DD, take Amagadon Blade and win. There's no need to use CoTK or capture all castle s=)) more...

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 24-03-2025 22:26

:) - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Yo! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how the rest of your playthrough goes! I'd love any feedback that you might have! I'm honored that you hold my map in high regard like that of Maygwan's! more...

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 16:18

All good! - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I also have to say that this is one of the greatest maps I've ever played!
The attention to detail, the replayability, it's all so good.

And I know how hard it is to make a map this big without some small errors like this getting through, so you have my sympathies :P

Author: 32167 , 23-03-2025 15:47

amazing map - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

What is going on everybody?!? Epic Map is really epic!
I'm still very far from the victory, but I can already say that the map is absolutely fantastic.
In my rating, the map is on the same level as the maps "Gelu the Necromancer part 2" & "Gelu and Hot 2.0".
The gaming e

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 23-03-2025 15:33

DD access - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

OK, so having knowledge about access to tents' areas has influence mainly on final bosses' fights, I was able to avoid morale and luck penalties. As for the game itself, It was slightly easier thanks to better stats from libraries and having extra towns with morale and luck bonus. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (Cz), 23-03-2025 14:59

:) - Finding Leena II - Heroes 3 map

Привет, Ирен и Василий, приятно снова вас слышать. Ваше здоровье! more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:34

See bellow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

Forgot to add like :) more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:31

Holy Cow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

The design is pure genius. I am in awe how many objects you were able to extract from towns. This map is level above any other map I have seen..

Amazing work Nalandor!

Btw, I have been toying with the idea of using some of those objects on battlefields that I plan to create. Would that be ok

Author: Technocrat , 23-03-2025 14:19

Good to know - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I remember I was testing the spawning, but perhaps I placed resources after.
I'll fix it.

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 13:36

Airship Yard - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Shipyards (and Airship Yards) check the available spots to spawn at the start of the game. If all of the cells are blocked, it doesn't matter if they become unblocked later, no ships will be able to spawn. more...

Author: aaa010203 , 23-03-2025 12:55

1 - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

Have you finished the game? It took a few days.
I hope you can share with me

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Heroes 7 patch 1.7 now available

Downloading this new update should be automatic on both Uplay and Steam.

Heroes 7 General

  • Removal of Level cap in skirmish maps.
  • Readjustment of Main menu Screen.
  • [Fixed] Targeting of certain creature armies.
  • [Fixed] Mini-map Settings are now saved.
  • [Fixed] Camera automatic height adjustment is smoothed and doesn't fall into "holes" on the map.
  • [Fixed] Camera clipping issues.
  • [Fixed] Human Player UPlay names are now only displayed in online Multi-player matches
  • [Fixed] Double click purchases the leftmost artifact at the artifact merchant .
  • [Fixed] Artifact set bonus are not applied to units
  • [Fixed] Equipping and un-equipping artifacts causing stat gain to be negative.
  • [Fixed] Stats do not update real time when exchanging artifact between heroes.
  • [Fixed] Hero movement bonuses are not highlight in stats from Hero Screen.
  • [Fixed] Artifacts giving bonus hero damage per level will sum current damage with the bonus and then multiply it with the hero level, instead of adding the multiplied bonus to the current damage.
  • [Fixed] A crash when trading item from equip to equip.
  • [Implemented] New key-bindings:
    • * Browse towns with left and right key (works in town screens and all town pop up’s)
    • * Toggle combat map grid with "G"
    • * Escape can now be (re-)assigned as key-bind
    • * Warfare Units now wait or skip turn, when pressing the wait or defend keys
  • [Implemented] Rendering on Wide-screen: Aspect ratio management has been improved in council hub (adaptive FOV) and adventure + combat modes (uses still a fixed FOV to avoid rendering glitches and image stretching in the edges caused by a low FOV but adds instead an unzoom offset).

Heroes 7 Gameplay

  • [Fixed] A bug that the upgraded Firewall did not stop creatures stepping on it.
  • [Fixed] a bug that Drain Life of Vampires controlled by Lucretia would not work.
  • [Fixed] a bug that the Implosion spell from a scroll or an artifact would ignore creature immunities.
  • [Fixed] Units cannot move on moral turn if the enemy unit was killed.
  • [Fixed] Heropedia button not available in combat PopUp.
  • [Fixed] Stats not updating when moving item from hero1 equip to hero2 equip in trade window.
  • [Fixed] Sweep Retaliation.
  • [Improved] Sylsai's second starting skill to "Warcries" in order to fix the issue of him starting with "Warfare" on expert level.
  • [Fixed] Recruit all from outside Dwellings.
  • [Fixed] Hero Selection available when specific hero was set
  • [Fixed] Arcane Knowledge not correctly transitioning between Campaign Heros.
  • [Improved] Extended third level span of "Shrine of the Seventh Dragon" to the new level cap of 999.

Heroes 7 Balancing

  • [Improved] Reduced the resurrection rate of the "Eternal Servitude" ability to 25%.
  • [Improved] Gnoll Hunter's "Opportunity Attack" is only triggered once per combat round.
  • [Implemented] Diminishing returns - When the "Incapacitated" de-buff wears off, it applies the "Immune to Incapacitation" buff for two combat rounds.
  • [Implemented] A cap to the number of raised creatures for the Necromancy skill and the "Ghost Ride" ability.

Heroes 7 Multiplayer

  • [Fixed] Combat getting stuck for one of both players in some cases.
  • [Fixed] An Issue in Sim Turns that would un-toggle end turn when just accessing the town screen.
  • [Fixed] An Issue where you could not deploy your units in a combat against AI in some situations.
  • [Fixed] Game getting stuck when attacking an empty AI hero in sim turns.
  • [Fixed] Game going out of Synch when surrendering an combat to AI.
  • [Fixed] An issue where a hero could get stuck interacting with a caravan in sim turns.
  • [Fixed] Random skill window opens for all the player in a session of normal turn.
  • [Improved] The ability for players to connect to each other (NAT-Punchthrough).
  • [Improved] Host enters in the Map even if the Client quits the Game on the Map Loading screen.
  • [Implemented] Inviting friends through the UPlay-Overlay now works properly when the invited already has a game open himself.
  • [Implemented] Inviting friends through the UPlay-Overlay now works properly if you try to invite the same friend twice.

Heroes 7 Level Design

  • [Implemented] Lost tales of Axeoth: Unity.
  • [Implemented] Created CM_Academy_Garden combat map.
  • Dungeon Map 4
    • [Fixed] Game progression gets stuck when user pass the turn just before conversation of Merikh,Gloria and Wilhelm appears.
  • Necropolis Map 4
    • [Fixed] Necropolis map 4 crashes after taking over the enemy city for the main quest.

Heroes 7 Map Editor

  • [Fixed] Combatmap templates not including all tileset paint layers.
  • [Fixed] Combat Map Obstacles placed outside the Grid keep their position.
  • [Fixed] Removed duplicate and imprinted spells from all spell lists.
  • [Fixed] That FPS drops to approx 4-6 if the user switches to underground surface and clicks on create new combat map.
  • [Fixed] Destroyed teleporters don't appear as repaired after save/load on custom maps.
  • [Fixed] Minimap not focusing on underground when using the "switch layer" button.
  • [Fixed] Quest rewards do not carry over between campaign maps when a hero as a persistent item equipped and other persistent items for the same slot in the inventory.
  • [Fixed] Editor crashes if the user deletes any Hero/Creature from the map and then changes its property from the Object Browser.
  • [Fixed] The Visual drop-down list is displayed empty in the Hero Tool.
  • [Fixed] The user is unable to add text to the line of a dialogue.
  • [Fixed] Battle-sites with multiHero enabled tooltips.
  • [Fixed] Custom Artifacts do not display bonuses in-game.
  • [Fixed] The user can't create artifact sets.
  • [Fixed] The Editor crashing when opening the Random Fort properties.
  • [Implemented] New Script Editor Condition "Has Resource Percentage".
  • [Implemented] +15% Saturation LUT to the Combatmap templates.
  • [Implemented] RMG: lights are no longer created for Artifacts and Resources in the underground
  • create new combat map.
  • [Implemented] Made BattleSite properties accessible in the Map Editor.
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Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss 1.6.1 - Download Section

Heroes 7 News

Heroes 3 map: "Atlantic Revolutions"

Heroes 3 New map: "1797:Northern Italy campaign"

Heroes 7 maps

Heroes 7 patch 2.2 now available

Heroes 7 Creatures Fortress

Heroes 7 patch 1.8 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.7 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.6 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.5 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.4 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.3 now available

Heroes 7 patch 1.2.1 now available

Heroes 7 cheats

Heroes 7 available!!! - Launch Trailer

Heroes 7 - closed beta 2 now available!

Heroes 7 screenshots

Heroes 7 Elves faction

Heroes 7 Dwarves faction

Heroes 7 Academy faction

Heroes 7 Haven faction

Heroes 7 release date: 29 September 2015

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