Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 26-03-2025 10:39

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Novasoul (Ελλάδα), 26-03-2025 06:35

Voidwalker - Voidwalker - Heroes 3 map

recommend * more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 25-03-2025 22:41

Thank you ! - Chaos and Corruption - Heroes 3 map

One of my favorite map, good job! more...

Author: Le cong , 25-03-2025 16:14

:) - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I play as Brown, release hero with fly to kill necromancer 's 98 to get fly for Dessa. then I kill Replica to get DD, take Amagadon Blade and win. There's no need to use CoTK or capture all castle s=)) more...

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 24-03-2025 22:26

:) - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Yo! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how the rest of your playthrough goes! I'd love any feedback that you might have! I'm honored that you hold my map in high regard like that of Maygwan's! more...

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 16:18

All good! - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I also have to say that this is one of the greatest maps I've ever played!
The attention to detail, the replayability, it's all so good.

And I know how hard it is to make a map this big without some small errors like this getting through, so you have my sympathies :P

Author: 32167 , 23-03-2025 15:47

amazing map - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

What is going on everybody?!? Epic Map is really epic!
I'm still very far from the victory, but I can already say that the map is absolutely fantastic.
In my rating, the map is on the same level as the maps "Gelu the Necromancer part 2" & "Gelu and Hot 2.0".
The gaming e

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 23-03-2025 15:33

DD access - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

OK, so having knowledge about access to tents' areas has influence mainly on final bosses' fights, I was able to avoid morale and luck penalties. As for the game itself, It was slightly easier thanks to better stats from libraries and having extra towns with morale and luck bonus. more...

Author: Nebel 74 (Cz), 23-03-2025 14:59

:) - Finding Leena II - Heroes 3 map

Привет, Ирен и Василий, приятно снова вас слышать. Ваше здоровье! more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:34

See bellow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

Forgot to add like :) more...

Author: Gryw , 23-03-2025 14:31

Holy Cow - The Necromancer`s Lieutenant - Heroes 5 map

The design is pure genius. I am in awe how many objects you were able to extract from towns. This map is level above any other map I have seen..

Amazing work Nalandor!

Btw, I have been toying with the idea of using some of those objects on battlefields that I plan to create. Would that be ok

Author: Technocrat , 23-03-2025 14:19

Good to know - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

I remember I was testing the spawning, but perhaps I placed resources after.
I'll fix it.

Author: gnollking , 23-03-2025 13:36

Airship Yard - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Shipyards (and Airship Yards) check the available spots to spawn at the start of the game. If all of the cells are blocked, it doesn't matter if they become unblocked later, no ships will be able to spawn. more...

Author: aaa010203 , 23-03-2025 12:55

1 - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

Have you finished the game? It took a few days.
I hope you can share with me

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Heroes 3 - hints

By King Hiss


1. Dungeon's Portal of Summoning

The Dungeon's Portal of Summoning acts as another dwelling. For the
first week, the creatures generated are from the last external dwelling
flagged on the world map. From the second week onwards, the creatures
generated are from a random external dwelling that you have flagged on
the world map. Therefore, if you are using the Dungeon army, you
should be choosy of what you flag on the world map, so as to use this
Portal of Summoning effectively.
2. Rampart's Dwarven Treasury

The Rampart's Dwarven Treasury generates 10% interest on gold at the
start of every week. Therefore, it may be better to hold out buying
some units or structures that you do not actually need near the end of
the week so that the 10% interest would be MUCH bigger.

3. Inferno's Castle Gate

The Inferno's Castle Gate is especially useful for defending your
Inferno towns if you have more than one Inferno town on the map. If
one of the towns is in danger of being attacked by an enemy hero and
your heroes are not able to rush back in time to save it, you can
simply recruit another hero, use the Castle Gate to zip to all the
Inferno towns you have and purchase as much units as you can get (in
addition to getting the +1 to Attack from the Order of Fire and the
collective spells from all the towns' Mage Guilds), then return to the
first town to await the enemy.

4. Placing heroes inside town garrison

One thing that I've noticed many people did not know is that you can
station a hero inside the town garrison to defend the town just by
clicking the hero's picture and then clicking on the banner of the
garrison inside the town. This hero will not be visible on the world
map and thus cannot move. This way, you can recruit more heroes than
the maximum number of 8 heroes allowed. You can also use this method
if you have 2 heroes needing to use 1 town on the same turn to refuel
their spell points. Simply click 1 inside the town garrison and then
have the other hero enter. Wait 1 turn and the next turn, both heroes'
spell points will be back to maximum.

5. Defensive Fortress

The Fortress is arguably the worst town in the game. Overall, the
units are not as effective compared to the units of the other classes
and its sole ranged unit the lizardmen are pretty useless. Its Mage
Guild can only be upgraded to level 3. However, the Fortress is quite
good in defensive capabilities. Its dragonflies are among the fastest
units in the game, thereby giving you the opportunity to cast a spell
before your opponent. Its gorgons can withstand a lot of punishment.
You can also build the Glyphs of Fear and the Blood Obelisk, which
improves the garrison hero's attack and defense by 2 each. The
Fortress's moat is two hexagons wide instead of one. Other towns' moat
are only one hexagon wide (not to include the Stronghold which don't
have any moat).

World Map

1. Free boat using Summon Boat spell

You can get a free boat even if there is no boat or shipyard available
on the world map. Simply have your Water Magic skill at Advanced or
Expert level as well as the spell Summon Boat. Then, cast this spell
near the water and a boat will pop out of nowhere for your use, without
cost to resources (except the mana points used to cast the spell).

2. Using Fly, Dimension Door or Town Portal spell

The three abovementioned spells are movement-based magic on the world
map. Although similar, they have different uses. The Fly spell should
be used if you have many movement points but more limited mana points.
On the other hand, the Dimension Door spell, which can be cast up to a
maximum of four times per day with Expert Air magic, uses more of mana
points than movement points. Therefore, you can still move a bit after
the spell has been cast. At Basic Water magic, the Town Portal spell
sends you to the nearest friendly town. If this town is occupied by a
hero already, the spell fails. This spell is useful in that no matter
how far the nearest town is, the spell would take you there
instantaneously. However, remember to position your hero closer to the
town you wish to go to as compared to other friendly town or your hero
would be send to the wrong town. When cast at Advanced and/or Expert
level, you will be transported to the town of your choice, not the
nearest town like Basic level.

3. Movement based on slowest creature unit

The amount of movement points which you have on the world map is not
only based on your Logistics or Pathfinding skills or the artifacts you
picked up. It can also be reduced based on the slowest creature unit
in your army. Therefore, if you want to move fast, you may wish to
consider dropping some of the slowest units in your army.

4. Raising skeletons

When playing as the Necromancer, you can raise skeletons from enemies
you have defeated. It is also possible for your Necromancer to raise
the upgraded model, the skeleton warriors. To do this, you must not
have any skeletons in your Necromancer's army. One of the units must
be skeleton warriors and there must not be any empty slots in your
Necromancer's army. With these requirements fulfilled, you will get
skeleton warriors every time your Necromancer defeated his enemies.

5. Training various magic skills

Initially, I thought that the various magic skills such as Air, Water,
Earth and Fire are useless skills compared to the other skills which
you can learn, such as Offense and Logistics. I also did not upgrade
my Mage Guilds beyond Level 2 or use much spells except the Lightning
Bolt spell. However, I later found out that spells can become quite
powerful if you have the corresponding magic skill, not just in the
strength of the spell but also in the spell having extra effects. It
is not possible to list all the extra effects here so you should
experiment for yourself. You can actually win a battle against a much
superior army using magic alone. One basic example is that in the
first round, with Expert Earth magic, you can slow the enemy down to a
crawl using the Slow spell, enough time for you to pummel them with
ranged attacks and other magic. Most of enchantment type spells (like
Bloodlust, Slow, Cure) can target multiple targets at Expert level.
Therefore, Bloodlust at Expert level become Mass Bloodlust (target all
friendly creatures at once).

6. Defeating Steadwick

This tip is for those playing the campaign game, the scenario whereby
you have to capture the city of Steadwick, guarded by the super-powered
General Kendal. He is VERY powerful, with loads of units and stats
that make your most powerful hero look like a wimp. However, the
objective of the scenario is to CAPTURE Steadwick, not defeat Kendal.
Therefore, for those of you who does not wish to spent months (game-
time) building a few big armies to defeat this powerhouse, do the
following. First, train up one of your heroes in speed (Expert
Logistics, movement enhancing artifacts, no slow creature in the army).
Then, after defeating the last garrison before your hero arrived at
Steadwick, have one of your other expendable heroes move close to
Steadwick, just enough so that General Kendal will use up nearly all
his movement points to come forward and make mincemeat of this hero.
Have your speedy hero stand somewhere behind, just out of reach of
Kendal. By the way, there is also a Castle nearby with stables which
can make him even faster. He does not even need much troops (just give
him one Champion is enough). Wait one turn and Kendal would bring ALL
his troops from Steadwick just to kill your expendable hero. However,
if you followed the above conditions correctly, he would not be able to
attack your speedy hero or get back to Steadwick before expending his
movement points. When it is your turn to act, simply move your speedy
hero into the unprotected city and you have won!

7. No movement penalty

An army made up of only units native to the same terrain will not
suffer any movement penalty when traversing its native terrain (eg. a
Witch with only Fortress units has no movement penalty when traveling
on swampland).

8. Bonus campaign

After you have completed all 6 campaigns, there will be one bonus
campaign, "Seeds of Discontent", which takes place after the war with
the Necromancers. Here, you take the part of Faruk Welnin, a man who
wish to free the Contested Lands from both AvLee and Erathia. To get
this bonus campaign, just load your latest save game after you watch
the final movie.

Battles & Spells

1. Creature unit's special ability

One important feature to note in Heroes 3 is that many creature units
have their own special abilities. I will be discussing some of the
units' special abilities but for those not discussed, you can right-
click on the unit's picture and read about it yourself. Learning about
what each creature can do and applying it will greatly enhance your

2. Creature spells

Some creature units can cast their own spells, such as the genie's
random beneficial spell and the ogre mage's Bloodlust spell. If you
have these creatures in your army and some empty slots, you can
separate these creatures and thus cast as much spells in one round as
you are able to split up your genie or ogre mage units, eg. if you have
3 empty slots and some ogre magi, you can split them up and place them
in the 3 empty slots. Now, you will be able to cast Bloodlust 4 times
in one round! You only need one creature per slot to do this!

3. Using Behemoths

A good way to use Behemoths or Ancient Behemoths is to have your hero
learn the Tactics skill (which the barbarian class seems to learn
easily). At the start of the battle, move your Behemoths as close to
the enemy as possible. Then, start the battle. Except for faster
enemy creatures, your Behemoths will usually be able to move first.
Just move him over to the enemy and attack. Because of the Behemoth's
ability to reduce the defense of the creatures it is attacking, you can
severely damage the creatures you are attacking. A very powerful first
strike indeed!

4. Waiting for enemy to get close before shooting at them

For creatures with ranged attacks, there is a difference between a
broken arrow and an unbroken arrow when you move the cursor over your
enemy creatures. An unbroken arrow definitely causes more damage to
the creatures than a broken arrow. Therefore, it is usually best for
your ranged creatures to use the "wait" feature for a non-ranged enemy
creature unit to move closer first before shooting.

5. Creatures with no retaliation to attack first

Many creatures, eg, naga queens, vampire lords, have the ability of no
retaliation to their attacks. Therefore, against very powerful enemy
units, it is best for these creatures to act first before the other
units (but if possible after the ranged units). Then, have one of your
more powerful units attack after that. This way, you can minimise your

6. Dendroids

Dendroid soldiers have the ability to entangle the unit it is
attacking. If the enemy unit is entangled, it cannot move until the
dendroid moves or is attacked by another unit.

7. Armageddon spell

This is a level 4 spell that is very powerful. The offset is that it
affects all creatures on the battlefield, regardless of friend or foe.
However, there are certain creatures which can counter this problem.
Gold and black dragons are immune to at least level 4 spells and efreet
sultans and fire elementals are immune to fire magic. Thus, you can go
into battle against a much superior army with just these creatures and
cast Armageddon spell to your heart's content, causing enormous damage
to the enemy without suffering any yourself!

8. Selecting heroes

Whenever you wish to hire heroes from taverns, you are given the choice
of 2 heroes. Sometimes, you may not want either of the heroes, either
because their race is incompatible with your castles or because they
have very lousy specialty skills (eg. Navigation in most scenarios).
Therefore, you can try restarting the scenario if you are just
beginning or save and then reload the game on the seventh day of the
week. See what heroes you can hire the next round and if you are not
satisfied with them, just reload the game. However, some heroes appear
less often than others. Some good heroes (in my opinion) include Sir
Christian (start with ballista) and Solymr (Chain Lightning specialty).

9. Vampire lords attacking low level units

Vampire lords have the ability of no retaliation and also of
regeneration. Therefore, it is quite an effective unit to use, as
while attacking an enemy, it also sucks the energy from it and
transfers the energy into itself. This allows it to restore lost
health points, and even to revive those within the unit which have
already be killed. This can be used most effectively against weak
units that are numerous in numbers. This only applies to "living"
creatures, so it does not work on Gargoyles, Golems, and all

10. Cyclops against castle walls

The Cyclops and Cyclops kings have the ability to knock down castle
walls during siege battle on castles. This will help very much if you
need to get your troops into the castle quickly but do not have
sufficient ballistic power. You can also use them to aim for the
damaging castle archers.

11. Dragon flies to dispel beneficial spells

Besides being one of the fastest units in the game, dragon flies have
the ability to dispel any beneficial spells cast on enemy troops, eg.
Bless, Prayer. Just attack the enemy unit as per normal.

12. Some creatures can be positioned to damage more than 1 unit

Some creatures can attack more than one adjacent enemy. These include
the hydra and the cerebrus hound. Therefore, with some smart
positioning, you can go in-between 2 enemy units whenever there is a
chance and do damage to both the enemy units. These attacks cannot be

13. Champions' charging bonus

The champions have their attack statistic increased when charging at
and attacking an enemy unit in the same round. The further away from
the enemy unit at the start of the round, the higher the increase in
attack. The distance is measured by the squares of the battle terrain.
When attacking an enemy unit, it is therefore best to move your
champions all the way around him to take advantage of this ability.

14. No melee penalty for medusas and evil eyes

The Dungeon class is perhaps overall the most powerful class in the
game. Besides the black dragons, it have two ranged units, the medusas
and evil eyes, which are quite powerful and numerous for low level
units. Both units do not suffer any penalty for close combat fighting.
Furthermore, the medusa may actually benefit from close combat as then,
it has the additional ability of stone curse.

15. Death Ripple and Destroy Undead spells

Both the Death Ripple and Destroy Undead spells are spells that affect
multiple units. The Death Ripple spell affects all living units on the
battle screen (subject to the unit's magic resistance) while the
Destroy Undead spell affects all Undead (Necropolis) units. While the
damage caused to each unit initially is not much, you can upgrade the
respective magic skills to cause more damage. Just be careful of your
own units as they can also be damaged by the spell if they are of the
same type as the targeted units. The Destroy Undead spell is
especially useful in the campaign "Song for the Father" as nearly all
the foes you face are undead.
16. Sacrificing weak troops by putting them beside powerful ranged
units, forcing them to attack

Some of the ranged units can be very damaging on your units. In some
circumstances, you may want to stop the ranged units from shooting at
your vital units, usually your own ranged units, but your only unit
closest to the enemy is so weak that it is bound to die by the
retaliatory attack if you use it to attack the ranged unit. The enemy
unit would then still be able to shoot at your vital units. In this
case, you should consider sacrificing this unit to save your vital
units from being cut down. Just move your weak unit to stand beside
the enemy ranged unit but DO NOT attack it. In this way you will force
it to act by moving away or killing your weak unit and thereby losing
its opportunity to shoot. This allows your own ranged units to attack
and your hero to cast a spell at the enemy ranged unit with less
casualties suffered.

17. Chain Lightning spell
The Chain Lightning spell is a rather useful spell in that it can
inflict good damage on multiple units in one turn. The downside of
this spell is that it does not discriminate between friend or foe. No
matter how many enemy units are on the screen, it would still inflict
damage to four units (five if your Air Magic skill is at Advanced
level), including your own units if they are closer to the targeted
unit or there are less than four (or five) enemy units. Therefore, you
may hesitate in using this spell then. There is one way to still use
this spell in the mentioned situations. For some people, before
engaging powerful enemy heroes or wandering monsters in battle, they
would usually save the game first so that after the battle, they can
review the fight and reload the game again so as to fight again and
thereby reduce the damage caused. You can use this to reload the game
and before engaging the enemy unit, split up one creature from one of
your troops. It is best if he can move fast. When you need to use the
Chain Lightning spell, position him in such a way that when you use it
the next round, the only casualty in your army is the lone creature.
This would greatly reduce the general damage suffered by your units.

18. Using Fire Wall spell for certain terrain

During battle, the Fire Wall spell is best use in terrain where there
are obstacles in the way, such as a ridge, which forces more than one
enemy unit to move a specific route. Cast the Fire Wall right in the
path of the advancing enemy units. In this way, the enemy units cannot
avoid going around the Fire Wall to bypass it. Take note that it
should only be used against walking units and not flying ones. Another
way to use this is to place the Fire Wall right in front of your ranged
unit if it appears that the enemy wants to concentrate on it and have
more than one unit moving towards it.

19. Against elementals, use vulnerable magic

When fighting against elementals, you should use classes of magic which
it is more vulnerable to. Check the description of the elemental unit
to find out which class of magic to use against which type of

20. Against golems, avoid using magic

Golems, especially obsidian golems, are very resistant to magic.
Unless you have no other choice, avoid using magic against them.

21. Advanced Resurrection spell

The Resurrection spell is very useful at Advanced level. The creature
units that you resurrect will stay with you even after the battle. At
Normal level, your resurrected units can only be used for the battle
and will disappear after that.

22. Using Scholar skill

The Scholar skill is used to trade spells between heroes. You need
only one of them to have the skill. This skill is very useful in
having all your heroes learn up to level 4 spells of all of them
combined without having spend time visiting all the castles. The best
way to trade spells is to have the hero with the Scholar skill click on
each hero from one end of the map to the other end, and then back


The following fellows have shared with me some of the hints that I have
mentioned above:

Guy, Blitz, City Hunter.

And also special thanks to Stephanus Rudiyanto Natari for pointing out
some extra info and correction to this work.

Thanks, guys!


T h e R e s t o r a t i o n O f E r a t h i a

XI.Luck and morale*
XII.Random features*
* - planed for future versions

I. Disclaimer
This article is provided "as is" in an attempt to help the
gamers about the game "Heroes of Might and Magic 3", by New
World Computing.

This article carries with it no warranties of any kind
regarding it's use or usefulness, and the author of this article
claims no responsibility whatsoever regarding the same.

This article was created by it's author without any direct
input from New World Computing, and, therefore, any questions
regarding the information provided in this article should be
directed solely to it's author.

This article is Copyright 1999. All rights reserved.

II. Introduction

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is a fantasy turn-based strategy
game. The action takes place in Erathia, a land of myth and legend,
where the warlords are fighting for resources and domination.

III. Castles

Sources of Castles:
-you already have them
-building a fort in a town
-capturing neutral or enemy towns or castles

At the beginning of most maps you own a castle and a hero. Your hero has
a few weak monsters, so for you to win the game you must provide your
hero with more and powerful monsters. It is better to have more than
one hero, because there's so much to do: explore the map, control mines
for resources, defeat monsters, visit different places on the map and much
more, so it will be almost impossible to do this with only one hero without
getting your ass kicked by enemies. There are two ways to purchase monsters
and heroes: one, by visiting creature dwellings, some defended by armies
that are hard to beat, and taverns or jails that are very rarely met, and two,
by buying them from your castle's dwellings and tavern. Don't forget that
if you do not have a castle for seven days you loose the game, so if
you choose the first way your castle will remain undefended and eventually
will be captured and you will surely loose. The best way is the second way
complemented by the first, because by controlling external dwellings you
increase the number of the creatures produced in a week by your castle's
dwellings of the same type. Also, the castle is your main source of gold,
spells and various skills depending on your type of castle. In some castle
you can build boats, buy artifacts, resources, etc.
There are many ways to develop a castle, but not all are good. Here is one:

Castle: Day 1 - Archers' Tower Day 8 - Town Hall
Day 2 - Blacksmith Day 9 - Mage Guild 1
Day 3 - Barracks Day 10 - Marketplace
Day 4 - Stables Day 11 - City Hall
Day 5 - Training Grounds Day 12 - Griffin Tower
Day 6 - Citadel Day 13 - Monastery
Day 7 - Castle Day 14 - Upg. Barracks or
Mage Guild 2
For all this you need: 34500 gold, 70 wood, 40 ore, 7 crystal, 2 mercury,
2 sulfur, 2 gems. Assuming you're playing at normal skill you will only
need: 14500 gold, 50 wood and 20 ore which are not very hard to get. And
don't forget that you can choose gold or resources at the advanced options
before you begin a game.
Tip: If you have enough gold you can build Portal of Glory in day 14!
You can try this:
1 - Town Hall 2 - Blacksmith 3 - Barracks 4 - Mage Guild 1
5 - Monastery 6 - ! Portal of Glory ! 7 - Citadel

Dungeon: 1 - Harpy Loft 8 - Town Hall
2 - Pillar of Eyes 9 - Mage Guild 1
3 - Chapel of Stilled Voices 10 - Blacksmith
4 - Manticore Lair 11 - Marketplace
5 - Labyrinth 12 - City Hall
6 - Citadel 13 - Resource Silo
7 - Castle 14 - Mage Guild 2
What you need: 37500 gold, 41 wood, 56 ore, 5 c, 10 m, 10 s, 15 g
Normal skill : 17500 gold, 21 wood, 36 ore, 5 gems

Necropolis: 1 - Graveyard 8 - Town Hall
2 - Estate 9 - Blacksmith
3 - Mage Guild 1 10 - Marketplace
4 - Mausoleum 11 - City Hall
5 - Hall of Darkness 12 - Necromancy Amplifier
6 - ! Dragon Vault ! 13 - Tomb of Souls
7 - Citadel 14 - Castle
What you need: 33000 gold, 50 wood, 60 ore, 5 c, 5 m, 15 s, 5 g
Normal skill : 13000 gold, 30 wood, 40 ore, 5 sulfur

Inferno: 1 - Hall of Sins 8 - Town Hall
2 - Demon Gate 9 - Blacksmith
3 - Hell Hole 10 - Marketplace
4 - Mage Guild 1 11 - City Hall
5 - Fire Lake 12 - Resource Silo
6 - Citadel 13 - Kennels
7 - Castle 14 - Capitol
What you need: 45000 gold, 40 wood, 45 ore, 0 c, 3 m, 3 s, 3 g
Normal skill : 25000 gold, 20 wood, 25 ore

Tower: 1 - Parapet 8 - Town Hall
2 - Golem Factory 9 - Blacksmith
3 - Mage Guild 1 10 - Marketplace
4 - Mage Tower 11 - City Hall
5 - Altar of Wishes 12 - Castle
6 - Golden Pavilion 13 - Capitol
7 - Citadel 14 - Upg. Altar of Wishes
What you need: 43000 gold, 50 wood, 50 ore, 13 c, 7 m, 7 s, 13 g
Normal skill : 23000 gold, 30 wood, 30 ore, 3 c, 3 g

Stronghold: 1 - Wolf Pen 8 - Town Hall
2 - Cliff Nest 9 - Mage Guild 1
3 - ! Behemoth Lair ! 10 - Blacksmith
4 - Orc Tower 11 - Marketplace
5 - Ogre Fort 12 - City Hall
6 - Citadel 13 - Mage Guild 2
7 - Castle 14 - Upg. Cliff Nest
What you need: 38000 gold, 80 wood, 60 ore, 14 c, 4 m, 4 s, 4 g
Normal skill : 18000 gold, 60 wood, 40 ore, 4 c

Rampart: 1 - Homestead 8 - Town Hall
2 - Enchanted Spring 9 - Mage Guild
3 - Dendroid Arches 10 - Blacksmith
4 - Unicorn Glade 11 - Marketplace
5 - Dwarf Cottage 12 - City Hall
6 - Citadel 13 - Mage Guild 2
7 - Castle 14 - Capitol
What you need: 40500 gold, 50 wood, 30 ore, 14 c, 4 m, 4 s, 14 g
Normal skill : 20500 gold, 30 wood, 10 ore, 4 c, 4 g

Fortress: 1 - Lizard Den 8 - Town Hall
2 - Wyvern Nest 9 - Mage Guild
3 - Serpent Fly Hive 10 - Blacksmith
4 - Gorgon Lair 11 - Marketplace
5 - Basilisk Pit 12 - City Hall
6 - Citadel 13 - Hydra Pond
7 - Castle 14 - Upg Lizard Den
What you need: 39500 gold, 80 wood, 50 ore, 0 c, 7 m, 17 s, 0 g
Normal skill : 19500 gold, 60 wood, 30 ore, 7 s

Explore the map as much as you can. Visit all places you see. Take all
resources on the map. Control as many mines as you can, even if you don't need
that resource you can trade it for other things(gold, artifacts, different
resources), and this way you limit your enemy's production. Don't forget the
obelisks, they help you find the Grail, and with the Grail you're half way
to victory. To build the Grail structure you have to take the Grail into a
city and visit the hall, you will be asked if you want that city to be the
Grail's permanent home so you have to be carefully which city you choose
because once built the Grail structure remains there, so if you build it in
a weak town you're enemies might capture it and you don't want that to happen.
There can be only one Grail structure in a game. The Grail Structure increases
creature production with 50%, adds 5000 gold per day to your treasury and a
special bonus.

Table with special Grail bonuses in different castles:
Castle - Colossus: + 2 morale to all allied heroes
Dungeon - Guardian of Earth: + 12 Spell Power to hero defending castle
Necropolis - Soul Prison: + 20% Necromancy skill to all allied heroes
Inferno - Deity of Fire: every week will be the week of imp (+15)
Tower - Skyship: +15 Knowledge to defending hero and shows entire map
Stronghold - Warlords' Monument: +20 Attack to hero defending castle
Rampart - Spirit Guardian: +2 luck to all allied heroes
Fortress - Carnivorous Plant: +10 Attack and Defense to defending hero

A new feature implemented in Heroes3 allows you to give resources to other
players(human or computer), so if an ally of yours is in trouble you can
help him by giving him gold, for example. To give resources you have to go
to the marketplace and click on the "Give Resources" button.
The Tavern is a good place to visit, not just for hiring heroes, you can
hear rumours and visit the Thieves Guild to see how your enemy is doing. If you
have just defeated an enemy, you can look for him in the tavern at the beginning
of the following week, you might find him and you can hire him to fight for
you. When you retreat or surrender your heroes, go as soon as you can to the
tavern to rehire him or you'll lose him.
There are many advantages depending on the type of castle, e.g. in Castle
you have the stables that boosts your speed for that week, in Dungeon build
the Portal of Summoning to have eight types of creatures available for
purchasing, in Necropolis you have the Cover of Darkness, a big disadvantage
for enemies, then there's the Escape Tunnel in Stronghold which allows you to
retreat during a siege, and the list continues. It doesn't matter what kind of
castle you have, if you know how to take advantage of it you can defeat
a Castle even with a Fortress. Just keep playing!

IV. Heroes

Sources of heroes:
- the castle's tavern
- the town's tavern
- adventure map's taverns
- prisons

Now, the heroes have unique abilities, so you might wanna check the hero
before you hire him. E.g. if you have a Necropolis is best to hire the
heroes who have the increased necromancy skill, for every level of
experience they get a 5% necromancy bonus. Or from Tower you can hire the
hero with the Chain Lightning speciality. Not only from Tower, but from any
other castle you can get this hero. So it's a good idea to visit the tavern
every week.

Heroes that deserve to be hired from any castle:

Loynis the Cleric
Secondary Skills Basic Wisdom, Basic Learning
Unique Ability Loynis's proficiency with the Prayer spell allows him
to cast it with increased effect, based on his level
compared to the level of the target unit. (the bonus
is greater on weaker units)

Isra the Death Knight
Secondary Skills Advanced Necromancy
Unique Ability Isra receives a 5% per level bonus to her Necromancy

Alagar the Druid
Secondary Skills Basic Wisdom, Basic Sorcery
Unique Ability Alagar's proficiency with the Ice Bolt spell allows
him to cast it with increased effect, based on his
level compared to the level of the target unit.
(greater bonus on weaker units)

Xyron the Heretic
Secondary Skills Basic Wisdom, Basic Scholar
Unique Ability Xyron's proficiency with the Inferno spell allows him
to cast it with increased effect, based on his level
compared to the level of the target unit. (greater
bonus on weaker units)

Lord Haart the Knight
Secondary Skills Basic Leadership, Basic Estates
Unique Ability Lord Haart receives a 5% per level bonus to his
Estates skill.

Aislinn the Necromancer
Secondary Skills Basic Necromancy, Basic Wisdom
Unique Ability Aislinn's proficiency with the Meteor Shower spell
allows her to cast it with increased effect, based on
her level compared to the level of the target unit.
(greater bonus on weaker units)

Vidomina the Necromancer
Secondary Skills Advanced Necromancy
Unique Ability Vidomina receives a 5% per level bonus to her
Necromancy skill.

Gunnar the Overlord
Secondary Skills Basic Tactics, Basic Logistics
Unique Ability Gunnar receives a 5% per level bonus to his Logistics

Kyrre the Ranger
Secondary Skills Basic Archery, Basic Logistics
Unique Ability Kyrre receives a 5% per level bonus to her Logistics

Thorgrim the Ranger
Secondary Skills Advanced Magic Resistance
Unique Ability Thorgrim receives a 5% per level bonus to his
Resistance skill.

Alamar the Warlock
Secondary Skills Basic Wisdom, Basic Scholar
Unique Ability Alamar's proficiency with the Resurrection spell
allows him to cast it with increased effect, based on
his level compared to the level of the target unit.
(greater bonus on weaker units)

Deemer the Warlock
Secondary Skills Basic Wisdom, Advanced Scouting
Unique Ability Deemer's proficiency with the Meteor Shower spell
allows him to cast it with increased effect, based on
his level compared to the level of the target unit.
(greater bonus on weaker units)

Solmyr the Wizard
Secondary Skills Basic Wisdom, Basic Sorcery
Unique Ability Solmyr's proficiency with the Chain Lightning spell
allows him to cast it with increased effect, based on
his level compared to the level of the target unit.
(greater bonus on weaker units)

You'll find out that some heroes will bring resources to your kingdome, so
if you need a specific resource look for that hero.
- sulfur: Calid the Heretic
- gems: Saurug the Battle Mage
- mercury: Rissa the Alchemist
- crystals: Sephinroth the Warlock

More to come...

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