Author: Mistorm , 30-03-2025 08:47

Supremacy of the Lich King - Supremacy of the Lich King - Heroes 3 map

Thank you for beautiful map. more...

Author: j , 30-03-2025 08:44

question - Might and Magic - Heroes 3 map

did you actually fight pandora or just beat everyone else more...

Author: j , 30-03-2025 08:42

one more question - Might and Magic - Heroes 3 map

you mean take out all the pink towns before pandora becomes active. I can't believe anyone can actually beat Pandora more...

Author: MaddoxT (Hungary), 30-03-2025 01:21

Cool map! - Palm Beach - Heroes 3 map

Thanks for this map, I enjoyed playing.

I would have a question.
Is there a recommended setup for start like random starting town, heros, bonus?

I played with Tazar and he become OP soon :)

Awesome work, thank you once more for creating this map!

Author: EnergiaX . (Polska), 29-03-2025 17:42

bugs - Isabelle (CharleroyIII) - Heroes 5 map

I don't know why, but it crashes to the desktop when the bot moves more...

Author: EnergiaX . (Polska), 29-03-2025 17:17

The map is broken - Beowulf: Pride is the Curse - Heroes 5 map

There are many bugs. Buildings are placed incorrectly, you can't enter and quests are blocked more...

Author: Elisha , 29-03-2025 15:28

Great map - Rust, Cum and Dragons - Heroes 3 map

Hey great map i am on the second part and i can't find tge spyglass in order to open the blue gate can you help me please more...

Author: Chloe , 29-03-2025 03:16

one-way portals and HOTA patch - Kill the Gods - Heroes 3 map

How bad is the problem with one-way portals and the new HOTA patch on this map?

Unbearable or still fine? Will there be a new version?

Thanks a lot!

Author: Chloe , 29-03-2025 03:15

one-way portals and HOTA patch - Might and Magic Extended - Heroes 3 map

Has the issue with one-way portals and the new hota patch been fixed?

I heard the map is unbearable to play currently.

Author: Chloe , 29-03-2025 03:13

Fix? - Might and Magic - Heroes 3 map

Has the problem been fixed? more...

Author: Papyjama (Toulouse, France), 28-03-2025 19:55

Minor update - The Mysterious Island - Heroes 3 map

If you've already started a game in the previous version, don't worry! These are only minor changes that won't affect the overall gameplay—except perhaps for very experienced players looking to rush through the map as quickly as possible (which isn't necessarily the intended way more...

Author: lebedyan (Germany), 28-03-2025 15:32

Dr - Element Land - Heroes 3 map

there are three maps in zip file - element land, elemant land expert and hard. What is the difference? And which version is the hardest and most challenging? more...

Author: Ján KORDULIAK (Slovakia), 28-03-2025 12:56

Help - The Eye of Osiris - Heroes 4 map

How do I get to the portal in part where is castle Kattenburg?


Author: Gulo (Xian,China), 28-03-2025 11:23

Very thanks for your excellent map! - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I played several times and knew the map, finally,victory was achieved.Only one thing, purple hero BAAL will come back to the town Last Point, and gave some special weapons to hero [], I met [] had Cape of Silence that made Blind was impossible and no ways to win. But that is this map’s special char more...

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Heroes3 - Your opinions about Game of Thrones and Dragons - map rating = 1 Likes

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Download map Game of Thrones and Dragons - heroes 3 mapsDownload map Game of Thrones and Dragons - heroes 3 maps

   Download map -> Game of Thrones and Dragons

Heroes 3: In the Wake of Gods

The map tries to follow the overall story of the books /A Song of Ice and Fire/ (by George R.R. Martin):

/Game of Thrones
Clash of Kings
Storm of Swords
Feast of Crows
Dance of Dragons
Winds of Winter
Dream of Spring/

= How it has happened and will happen (pretty much, probably, surely).
You will fight your way to victory in "the war of five kings" and unite Westeros to defend the Realm against the looming Darkness beyond the wall. This means dozens of huge battles with armies tens of thousands strong!
Just follow the visions in flames that will lead you to victory.
Eventually you either win or die, to the last man, there is no middle ground.

Added: 30-07-2023

Heroes 3 maps: Riddle Me This... | Central city (Центральный град) | Quadruplets | The Empire of the World IV

Author: Andros Kleganen, 14-08-2023 19:00
Game of Thrones and Dragons 2023 UPDATE - Game of Thrones and Dragons
The map 2.2. version is how it should have been from the beginning: simple, massive, more freedom to move around and challenging without too many time deadlines. Around 111. day the Undead Whitewalkers will invade still...

Author: Andros Kleganen, 08-08-2023 14:38
Game of Thrones and Dragons 2023 UPDATE - Game of Thrones and Dragons
The map 2.2. version is how it should have been from the beginning: simple, massive, more freedom to move around and challenging without too many time deadlines. Around 111. day the Undead Whitewalkers will invade still...

Author: Andros Kleganen, 31-07-2023 00:30
Game of Thrones and Dragons 2023 UPDATE - Game of Thrones and Dragons
The map 2.2. version is how it should have been from the beginning: simple, massive, more freedom to move around and challenging without too many time deadlines. Around 111. day the Undead Whitewalkers will invade still...

Author: Andros Kleganen, 30-07-2023 11:38
Game of Thrones and Dragons 2023 UPDATE - Game of Thrones and Dragons
The map 2.2. version is how it should have been from the beginning: simple, massive, more freedom to move around and challenging without too many time deadlines. Around 111. day the Undead Whitewalkers will invade still...

Author: Alex (United States), 24-09-2022 22:01
The map does not show up in my Game - Game of Thrones and Dragons
I have the complete version of the game. After downloading this map and extracted the h3m file into the Maps folder, I still cannot find the map in my game.

Author: Raydun, 11-08-2016 17:49
Small exploit - Game of Thrones and Dragons
So, you are supposed to lose your army to Tywin after taking King's Landing and retreating from battle, but you can completely preserve it. It goes something like this:
1. Retreat the Brotherhood on first turn to Storms End and give Stannis movement boost artifacts.
2. Use Davos to clear the sea near King's Landing of campfires (providing safe escape for Stannis)
3. Make sure you start your turn of taking King's Landing with Stannis on the edge of the sea for max movement.
4. After taking the city, use your fresh Admiral hat to summon a boat and quickly get away from green and red. (Presumably you already have exp. water on Stannis by then, shouldn't be a problem)

There is also a way to upgrade the cavaliers to champions for free on like turn 2-3 because of the stables on the road leading eastwards (You need two heroes among Davos/Richard/Brothe rhood for movement to pull it off). This (along with the free fire book that gives berserk) makes the map very easy. I could finish it in under 3 months time. The walkers were nowhere yet, I could just rush them.

Very nice map btw.

  Carlo (Italia) writes:
11-09-2023 17:13

mr. - Game of Thrones and Dragons

At the start, my heroes don't have any fire book that gives berserk... Where do I find it?

Author: Julo, 02-08-2016 17:35
perfect - Game of Thrones and Dragons
thank you for this map. I love Baron´s maps for heroes but because of my affection for Game of thrones this was the best map i ever played. It is very good and diversing your troops rightly to 3-4 main heroes is very chalenging. At the end with Jon white walkers are easy - one anti-hero made my huge losses but at that point i had too many troops that were whaited in another heroes.

Second time I played it I saved Denny as soon as possible, take cards of prophesy (not Dorn), rescude Jon and stop white walkers before the invasion... I ended at day 95 or something like that.

So again thank you for this perfect map.

Author: Thievy (Hungary), 28-06-2016 12:38 Like
Amazing map but buggy - Game of Thrones and Dragons
Thank you for this great map, I really enjoyed playing it.
Took me 5-6 restarts until I got the hang of it so I could get everything done and all creatures collected in the time frame. It was challenging and rewarding. However, the game decided 'You know what? You're too fast, lemme just UNLEASH THE WALKERS on you!' It did so several times on totally random occasions (day 55, day 62, day 66) and it just made the end of the map simply unplayable for me. Earlier stages it was enough if I reloaded a week old save but later on the whitewalkers gained access to black tent on the 3rd day of any week. I could barely get Dany on like day 60 and the whitewalkers attacked INSTANTLY (as opposed to day 111 when they are supposed to). It was unfair, couldn't do anything about it, ruined the game for me.
Anyway, if not for the game breaking scripts, it would be a fantastic map I believe. Massive respect for keeping it as close to the books' story as possible.

  Thievy (Hungary) writes:
28-06-2016 13:06

Bug? - Game of Thrones and Dragons

I checked what the problem was with the whitewalkers using cheats showing the whole map - the hero in teal castle just suddenly kills zounds behemoths with a crappy army! I don't know how that is possible, it did not do that for a long time, but now it will every time I load a save from anywhere. Weird.

Author: Victarion, 05-07-2015 21:53
why those massive troops? - Game of Thrones and Dragons
Hey Andros,

congratulations on a superb map which I enjoyed playing so much. As HOMM3 is the only computer game I play (sometimes) I have seen all kinds of maps and the experience of this one easily ranks in the top ten (maybe because I am also a huge fan of ASOIAF;).
Sadly, I can only say that about maybe 90 percent of the map, as I was not able to finish it. It always crashed during the end game because the whitewalkers combined their troops up to a strength where the game couldnt handle it anymore. I am not an expert but my programmer friends have told me that the program can only handle the numbers up to a certain point which is determined by the amount of bits the software operates with.
In HOMM3 many maps deal with this problem, although many times it just happens because the player collects too much money - which doesnt let the game crash but simply empties the treasury (this did happen to me too with your map btw).
So, long story short, I would like to suggest to you that you fix the problems the map has in the end game simply by cutting one or even two zeroes off any troops that the player or AI starts with and off those which are added through later events or found on the map. From my experience I can say that there is no big difference in fighting with 10000 against 7000 and fighting with 1000 against 700... or even 100 against 70. I am sure that playing your map would be much more enjoyable if you do so.
I know that I could probably finish your map if I start over from an early savegame, but at the moment I am not motivated to do so, as I tried to finish it in several ways from late saves and didnt succeed - I think the only save option would be to prevent all the whitewalkers from meeting... but to do that I would have to start from maybe the middle again.
So I really hope that you consider my suggestions so that future players of your map wont get as frustrated as I did. And finally, I would have to agree with Snowman - the game would be much less easy if Melisandre didnt have the fire spell book from the start.
Thanks for a very nice map man - keep up the good work!

  Valery (Lyon, France) writes:
05-07-2015 23:01

era - Game of Thrones and Dragons

And if game was for Era and not 3.58, this would have been a few minutes bug fix, directly in the game scripts.

Author: Andros Kleganen, 06-04-2015 12:35
5th update 4/5/2015
The map updated to ~1.05 version 5.4.2015:

Added enough resources weekly / every second week from castles (timed events);
terrain modified, especially in Reach and Vale;
too many minor changes to list.

If the game still crashes in the end game (win7), reload the last autosave, and use the cheat "WOGEYEOFSAURON " to reveal the map and end turn, and the game should continue to work.

  Snowman writes:
25-06-2015 17:26


Is it a problem if you conquer first the south and then go north(underground)? If it is not supposed to happen - shouldn't made berserk and fire magic available, as well as waterwalk :) With it only challenging fight was with Tywin so far. Middle 3rd Month - only Dorn, Iron Islands, South-west and Briene areas are left to conquer. Don't know why those resources bonuses are for, since there are too many treasuries. Will see soon if Undeads are real problem though. Anyway nice map, but because of this Berserk it is too easy for now. When I re-play it I will probably not use it, to play as intended :)

Author: Krychu (Poland), 09-03-2015 22:50
I have some issue with this map. Im putting .h3m file in /maps direction but i can't see this map in game and i cant start playing. Is there any option to somehow update maps list or something? I have H3 complete from and win 8.1

  Andros Kleganen writes:
06-04-2015 12:37

Heroes 3 WoG 3.58


This map is for Hereos 3 In the Wake of Gods 3.58. Please download and install it into your Heroes folder. Also, I recommend to download Heroes 3 HD Launcher for free from H3 community website (google it).

Author: Andors Kleganen (Finland), 14-04-2014 12:38
3rd update 4/14/2014
The map is now updated. Minor updates and improvements, some terrain edited, should be more challenging, interesting, balanced. Overall better playability and should be no bugs.

There should be no crashes, unless the Whitewalkers combine their troops too much (causing -43209x troops), just make sure you are ready for them.

Also, WoG in Win7 might cause some crashes so make sure to always do the following:
"After you start WoG press ctr+alt+del - Task Manager -> Processes -> H3WoG -> Set affinity -> x to Processor 0 (instead of all 2 or 4 marked)."

  Beretto (Poland) writes:
20-07-2014 22:19


Well i really enjoyed playing this map ( over 10 hours spended) so thank you for creating it. If your still trying to improve it maybe try to add some real portraits (from movie) for heroes; capturing units south west from the wall is quite annoying ( cause u ve got to deal with boltons and take untis with Stannis in same time); and there are still some crashes when white walkers spawn.

If you enjoy creating maps for h3 maybe try to make Daenerys capturing Westeros with Dario and Selmy ( including Essos), that would be cool.

  Andros Kleganen writes:
09-04-2015 19:28

1.05 update


Sorry for a very late reply, but the map has now been improved couple of times. THERE IS DAENERYS in the map, and She was in there from the very first version: in South map's Southeast corner's prison. There are still time constraints in the first half of the game, they should be no problem if you read the instructions and plan ahead. Hopefully the map is overall better again.

Author: Andors Kleganen (Finland), 02-10-2013 21:07
MAP update1D: 2nd version 10/1/2013
The map is now update1d and corrected.

Starks are facing "Red Wedding" (the enemy AI couldnt ever destroy Starks swiftly).

The end game is now a real challenge: the White Walkers' numbers have multiplied many times from the previous, and they are way more difficult to defeat (but possible).

The battle for Winterfell against Boltons is properly more challenging and more rewarding.

The game is more interesting and challenging with the Brotherhood (in the Mid-South map) and in the North beyond the Wall and in the Northern Vale.

I also added some minor improvements: better terrain, speeches, etc. And Stannis now looks like Stannis (=Clancy).

Give me your feedback! Thanks.

  Ben Ginat writes:
12-10-2013 13:45


I love the changes you made...feels just right.

Author: Andors Kleganen, 20-06-2013 00:51
New version coming up soon
I'm releasing a new and improved version soon after midsummer, in near weeks. No huge changes, but rather making the map more interesting and challenging. And making sure there are no major flaw possibilities, no 'leaks' (e.g. Starks conquering Lannisters etc.).

  Danny (Somewhere, Earth) writes:
19-09-2013 09:15

Leaked Stark - lol

What do you know, in 3rd day I leaked Stark to Lannisters - opened all dark blue guards with Beric and zbang!; in 6th day Monseiur Lannister died. So much for your leaks.

  Andors Kleganen writes:
02-10-2013 20:56

Correction: map update1d finally

Hi, the map you played had not yet been update1d. Now it is, as of 10/1/2013. Now that does not happen, as the Starks are in the position of "Red Wedding" (since the enemy AI was always too sloppy to destroy them and defending their castles).

Author: arcisas (Koszalin, Poland), 03-06-2013 01:24
Great Map!
Thank You very much for amazing map. I have just finished it. Could you write me PM about your idea on final marriage (why him) (I don't want to spoil). :)

  Andors Kleganen writes:
03-06-2013 23:35

Thank you all!

I started a forum thread some time ago:
http://heroescommuni p3?TID=38975

Few observations afterward: I dont think the map is that hard once you've read the instructions/readme and you get the idea and know what to expect. If you succeed in the timeframe and get most or all of the events, it might even be easy. I just wasn't sure how new players would absorb the idea, and not give up immediately, so I put there plenty of troops events.

Also, if you feel somewhat overwhelmed in the beginning, dont give up! After your MUST-defeat just after Kings Landing (when you are supposed to lose all your troops against the RED/GREEN/ORANGE), you will eventually get many more troops in the North and South. You are supposed to move to North with just some ~2.000 troops. And, your enemies will NOT have just 1 or 3 giant doomstacks that decide the entire game. No, rather there will be literally dozens of somewhat even battles with thousands of troops.

All in all, Heroes 3 has been so far the best possible game to produce Ice and Fire novels by G.R.R.M. -- I mean just look at the creatures, spells, artifacts, heroes, the scale of battles and their nature (+7 creature dwellings...).

I dont think there is a better game so far out there for this epic story! (For example, Crusader Kings II Game of Thrones mod was just absolutely terrible, IMO.)

PS. Sorry about some grammatical or other errors in the events: I was in a serious hurry to finish the map when I did (job, LIFE, summer, etc.).

  MP writes:
26-10-2013 12:49


Hey man, I´ve been having some difficulties at the end of the 4th month. When whitewalkers were supposed to made their move, the game just froze and couldn´t carry on. I tried several times with the same problem encountering. Any ideas how to fix that?

  Andors Kleganen (Finland) writes:
29-10-2013 22:23

Try an earlier save game

That's all I can advice. It does this freezing sometimes but not always, and can be prevented by making different moves.

Author: Ken (USA), 21-05-2013 07:16
Looks Interesting
Surprised there is no discussion yet. Played about three days. Much to do early. Need to go back. Let tyrian out before I could attack him.

It's almost a little overwhelming but should be interesting to replay.

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