Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 21-03-2025 03:15

:) - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Seems I am not carefull enough to search for hidden spots or maybe it is just lack of patience :) . Anyway, good to know,for sure I will play your map once again with different fraction, courious how having DD will influence my gameplay. more...

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 21-03-2025 02:49

Thank you so much! - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Thanks so much! I remember you from my other map, "The Devil Beneath You". 

Thanks for pointing out the empty quest guards! They're meant to require you to defeat Engineer. I had them edited, but they must have reset when I changed Engineer a bit. I just fixed those along with the

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 21-03-2025 02:31

Gold Dragons - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Ah! Good catch! Thank you for taking the time to show me this! I've fixed this and submitted an updated version. Hopefully it will be posted in the next day or two! more...

Author: Sulim81 (Poland), 21-03-2025 01:16

Indeed epic - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

I give top score. Map is very good. Some minor bugs only, golden dragons for free, as mentioned by Player already and some empty quest guards, f.e. 186,135 thus you can not get to neutral Factory town. Map is very challenging and has its unique concept: airships and sanctuaries are your main friends more...

Author: Player , 20-03-2025 12:40

oh no - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

130,126 -> 131,127 more...

Author: Doctor (Воронеж, Россия), 19-03-2025 23:05

Легионы тьмы - The Dragon's child. Legions of Darkness - Heroes 7 map

Спасибо за отзыв. Обязательн о учту пожелания про тренировоч ный лагерь и артефакты (90% артефактов на карте случайные, и их в сумме довольно много, поэтому не задумывалс я именно над увеличение м дальности передвижен ия). Что касательно ожидания начала недели после завоевания гарнизона противника , я так more...

Author: Maximus (Украина), 19-03-2025 17:00

Легионы тьмы - The Dragon's child. Legions of Darkness - The Dragon's child. Legions of Da - Heroes 7 map

Благодарю за чудесную серию приключени й Кайды и с нетерпение м жду финальную (на сколько я понимаю) карту. Легионы тьмы прошел дважды, второй раз потратил чуть больше трех месяцев. Вылеты начались в конце третьего месяца. Касательно пожеланий: 1. Хотелось бы иметь хотя бы один тренировоч ный лагерь н more...

Author: aaa010203 , 19-03-2025 08:17

! - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

Save the file
I'll ask on Discord for you.

Author: Hermann (Austria), 19-03-2025 02:09

Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Verdammtes Gruenzeug - Heroes 5 map

Hi Betomeng
Thank you for your analysis of the game!
It's been a few years since I made the map, so I can't remember in detail. My ambition was to create each card aesthetically beautiful, strategically diverse and balanced in order to keep the tension as long as possible.
It can't

Author: Greg (Stuttgart), 18-03-2025 23:53

quest - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

I defeated the rogues with 4 liches (the one lich from start + 3 power liches you gain from defeating the peasants), about 40 skeletons from necromancy and from the skeleton transformer that transformed the peasants in front of it (the peasants always join you).
This should already be enough to de

Author: Lê cong , 18-03-2025 23:28

Quest - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

How can u finish the quest " defeat rogues" with Red? more...

Author: Jozsef Perger (Magyarország), 18-03-2025 11:13

Probléma - Land of Gambling Luck - Heroes 3 map

8.2.1 a játék lefagy a piros nem csinál semmit . more...

Author: Greg (Stuttgart), 18-03-2025 10:27

Very beautiful map - The Second Crusade - Heroes 3 map

Finished on month 8, week 4, day 6 with red.
In my opinion Angel Wings are necessary to win the scenario, I can't think of a way to finish this only with berserk (too many creatures on the final heroes).
I first took the Angel Wings (which indeed should be a little bit harder to get), diploe

Author: Heroes 3 Guy (United States), 18-03-2025 01:11

Thank you! - Epic Map - Heroes 3 map

Thanks so much! I did put a lot of time and effort into it! I plan to take the feedback I get and continue to update this map! Enjoy! more...

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| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | ... | 71-74 |

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The battle of wills - Heroes 6 original The battle of wills

by Leandra
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 original
Added 12-11-2017
Rating : 6
Rate this map
Download : 6869
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 8
Players : 8
Teams : 0
The battle of wills - Your opinions [58]
Heroes 6 original - The battle of wills underground
A long time ago lived eight friends together in harmonie and freedem in a fertile country. Over the last one hundred jears the friends distanced themselves from each other and went their one way. The friends became foreigners. They realized soon that they can not live longer together peacefully, because of mistrust and afraid of each other. They agree that there is in future only one place in this country for one hero.
Let the battle of wills begin!

Divided country - Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness Divided country

by Leandra
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness
Added 08-12-2017
Rating : 1
Rate this map
Download : 5786
Size : Huge
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 8
Players : 8
Teams : 0
Divided country - Your opinions [36]
Les Terres Royales ( Royal Countries ) - Heroes 6 original Les Terres Royales ( Royal Countries )

by MJ-farwest (from France)
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 original
Added 10-10-2017
Rating : 5
Rate this map
Download : 4630
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 5
Players : 5
Teams : 5
Les Terres Royales ( Royal Countries ) - Your opinions [35]
Heroes 6 original - Les Terres Royales ( Royal Countries ) underground
Ring the Hallali before the defeat.... or victory !
Very large map . .special to the best player
(for easy map : play the 5th player Sanctuary)

Sonnez l'Hallali avant la defaite .. ou la victoire !
Carte tres grande ..reservee aux elites
(pour jeu facile: jouer le player 5 sanctuary )

The Kingdom of Alaron - Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness The Kingdom of Alaron

by Oleg Merz
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness
Added 11-05-2017
Rating : 2
Rate this map
Download : 4753
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 5
Teams : 5
The Kingdom of Alaron - Your opinions [30]
Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness - The Kingdom of Alaron underground
After a black wedding kingdom was left without a ruler.

Orbis - Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness Orbis

by Azrail
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness
Added 02-01-2018
Rating : 2
Rate this map
Download : 5018
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 8
Players : 8
Teams : 0
Orbis - Your opinions [20]
Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness - Orbis underground
Bellum omnium contra omnes

Poland - Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness Poland

by Evil_Pure
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness
Added 10-09-2017
Rating : 1
Rate this map
Download : 2101
Size : Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 4
Players : 4
Teams : 0
Poland - Your opinions [18]
This map is made for 4 players...

Les Portes Secretes ( The Secret doors ) - Heroes 6 original Les Portes Secretes ( The Secret doors )

by MJ-farwest (from France)
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 original
Added 29-01-2018
Rating : 3
Rate this map
Download : 3738
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 5
Players : 5
Teams : 0
Les Portes Secretes ( The Secret doors ) - Your opinions [17]
Heroes 6 original - Les Portes Secretes ( The Secret doors ) underground
pour un jeu parfait choisir : (Perfect game Please follow this : )
Player 1 Inferno
Player 2 Haven
Player 3 Stronghold
Player 4 Necropolis
Player 5 Sanctuary
Jadis , des portes secretes permettaient de joindre aisement toutes les vallees..mais depuis, les temps ont bien changes ! ( At the beginning, secret doors could easily join all the valleys...but now, times have changes!

Katz und Maus - Heroes 6 original Katz und Maus

by Leandra
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 original
Added 14-12-2017
Rating : 3
Rate this map
Download : 1908
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 6
Players : 6
Teams : 0
Katz und Maus - Your opinions [16]
Wer sich schnell und leise, flink und geschickt bewegt, der hat hier die Chance als Maus die Katze zu besiegen.
Du uberlege in Ruhe durch welches Portal du dich bewegen magst, denn eventuell gibt es kein Zurück und du sitzt wie eine Maus in der Falle!

Der innere Ring - Heroes 6 original Der innere Ring

by Senthor
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 original
Added 10-07-2017
Rating : 3
Rate this map
Download : 2107
Size : Medium
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 8
Players : 8
Teams : 0
Der innere Ring - Your opinions [15]
Heroes 6 original - Der innere Ring underground
Every Player has an save area to rise an Army, use the Teleporter to head to the Underground, in the Middle of the Underground is "the inner Ring" the Battlezone.
Direct yourself to one of the four cardinal directions to give you an advantage or capture the town in the Middle!

If u wont play vs very big and hard Monster stacks, set the Monster growth to medium or low :))

The Seven Shards of Remembrance - Heroes 6 original The Seven Shards of Remembrance

by Annoxiouse
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 original
Added 03-02-2018
Rating : 2
Rate this map
Download : 2951
Size : Extra Large
Difficulty : Normal
Can be Human : 1
Players : 1
Teams : 0
The Seven Shards of Remembrance - Your opinions [14]
Heroes 6 original - The Seven Shards of Remembrance underground
Idea and creation of Fun map and Trailer by Stephan Mueller aka. Annoxiouse and Alexander Schneider, Knut Arnold, Matthias Droll.

| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | ... | 71-74 |

Heroes 6 original | Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness

Folder to put Heroes 6 Maps is "My Documents"\Might & Magic Heroes VI\Scenario\.

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Heroes 6 Patch 1.7 and Patch 1.7.1 released

Add-on Heroes 6 Danse Macabre

Heroes 6 Patch 1.5.2 released

Heroes 6 Patch 1.5 and Patch 1.5.1 released

Heroes 6 FAQ with Ubisoft

Heroes 6 Pirates of the Savage Sea - new heroes

Add-on Heroes 6 Pirates of the Savage Sea

Heroes 6 Patch 1.4 released

Heroes 6 Patch 1.3 released

Heroes 6 Forge faction creatures

Heroes 6 Patch 1.2.1

Heroes 6 Patch 1.2

Heroes 6 Maps

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