A long time ago lived eight friends together in harmonie and freedem in a fertile country. Over the last one hundred jears the friends distanced themselves from each other and went their one way. The friends became foreigners. They realized soon that they can not live longer together peacefully, because of mistrust and afraid of each other. They agree that there is in future only one place in this country for one hero.
Let the battle of wills begin!
Divided country
by Leandra
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness
Added 08-12-2017
Rating : 1 Rate this map
Download : 5786
pour un jeu parfait choisir : (Perfect game Please follow this : )
Player 1 Inferno
Player 2 Haven
Player 3 Stronghold
Player 4 Necropolis
Player 5 Sanctuary
Jadis , des portes secretes permettaient de joindre aisement toutes les vallees..mais depuis, les temps ont bien changes ! ( At the beginning, secret doors could easily join all the valleys...but now, times have changes!
Katz und Maus
by Leandra
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 original
Added 14-12-2017
Rating : 3 Rate this map
Download : 1908
Wer sich schnell und leise, flink und geschickt bewegt, der hat hier die Chance als Maus die Katze zu besiegen.
Du uberlege in Ruhe durch welches Portal du dich bewegen magst, denn eventuell gibt es kein Zurück und du sitzt wie eine Maus in der Falle!
Der innere Ring
by Senthor
Type Heroes 6 Heroes 6 original
Added 10-07-2017
Rating : 3 Rate this map
Download : 2107
Every Player has an save area to rise an Army, use the Teleporter to head to the Underground, in the Middle of the Underground is "the inner Ring" the Battlezone.
Direct yourself to one of the four cardinal directions to give you an advantage or capture the town in the Middle!
If u wont play vs very big and hard Monster stacks, set the Monster growth to medium or low :))