Author: ogogo (Lithuania), 19-04-2024 10:32

bug-hint - Призраки Солтмарша - Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Heroes 3 map

Thank you,

Author: wasilix , 19-04-2024 09:51

- - Призраки Солтмарша - Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Heroes 3 map

Just in case if you didn't find a workaround mentioned in this thread in Russian: it's possible to find a flyshipyard (whatever this thing is called), and use it to fly over to these tents. Not sure if that's the intended way, but in case basilisk quest is bugged, that's a workar more...

Author: wasilix , 19-04-2024 09:50

- - Призраки Солтмарша - Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Heroes 3 map

People in this thread mentioned in Russian, that it's possible to find a flyshipyard (whatever this thing is called), and use it to fly over to these tents. Not sure if that's the intended way, but in case basilisk quest is bugged, that's a workaround you can use. more...

Author: Mango (Vietnam), 19-04-2024 00:53

-5 power by doing quest - Ira the Mage - Heroes 3 map

I also got stuck in Efreet fight, but after that i remembered the seer that give you -5 power by doing his quest. Hope this help s/o get stuck in the future.
Its near the stable right before you water walk to get into the fight

Author: Andor (UK), 18-04-2024 23:29

Feedback - Battle Royale - Heroes 3 map

SPOILER: Some of this issues might be caused by Wogification and new terrain I guess.

So the artifacts that are on islands for some reason AI doesn't touch them.

Few buildings that I couldn't reach:
Lizard Den around middle of the map
Refuge camp North on the map south of the Cast

Author: Andor (UK), 18-04-2024 23:19

Edit - Battle Royale - Heroes 3 map

There are a few issues on the map, nothing major.

A few unreachable places
More important one, the first Quest Tower lvl 20 req is passable so you can go in there at any level.

Author: Honey Locust (Usa), 18-04-2024 18:30

Crystal dragons - Battle Royale - Heroes 3 map

Your intuition is right but I won’t spoil the surprise beyond that ;) it’s a small reward but a nice one nonetheless! They’re set to the default spawn / growth, some of my play tests the CPU actually took them out but I guess if no one does early on they quickly get out of hand.

There are some ot

Author: Honey Locust (Usa), 18-04-2024 18:27

Thanks! - Battle Royale - Heroes 3 map

Good to know! I will work on some fixes when I get more feedback so I can upload it all at once. What places were unreachable? I thought I blocked off that tower correctly but I guess not! more...

Author: Al (Canada), 18-04-2024 17:53

Great map - Island of Rabbits - Heroes 4 map

Awesome map! 10/10 would recommend more...

Author: Andor (UK), 18-04-2024 17:52

Edit - Battle Royale - Heroes 3 map

There are a few issues on the map, nothing major.

A few unreachable places
More important one, the first Quest Tower lvl 20 req is passable so you can go in there at any level.

Author: Andor (UK), 18-04-2024 14:52

Thank you! - Battle Royale - Heroes 3 map

What an amazing map.

The only regret is that I never found out what lied behind the (in my case) Hordes of Crystal dragons that probably guarded some treasure related to the tents.

No one really had the army to defeat then, either because they were to many, WOGification or just the fact that

Author: Francois (France), 18-04-2024 13:08

Not buggy, but Heroes VV.V mod version 1.36 necessary - Armageddon Blade - Heroes 7 map

Thank you for your comment.
I don't understand some bugs. Before releasing it, my brother and I tested this map and found no bugs (I ALWAYS test my maps before publishing them).
1- There is no fight to recover the Armageddon Blade, you just have to find Sir Christian's tomb. So I don

Author: tom (kitchener, canada), 18-04-2024 12:50

Fun map but a little buggy - Armageddon Blade - Heroes 7 map

Like the map. nice job. FYI finding it a little buggy. heroes disappear if you leave them in castle to defend. once they defend castle they are gone by next turn. could not recover hero by sending a second hero to prison to battle. you get to battle but you don't get the prisoner. had to battl more...

Author: Alex (Switzerland), 18-04-2024 07:23

Single player is too easy - This is Legion - Heroes 3 map

On the one hand, I like the idea of the map - all players start with strong armies and towns are well-guarded. However, the AI simlpy cannot compete with a human player here:
1. AI cannot combine combination artifacts, yet getting the one near your starting town is the main priority in the early ga

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Прохождение Героев 5 | Кампания 2 - The Demon | Миссия 2 - The Promise

Прохождение других миссий и компаний

Скоростное прохождение второй кампании Героев 5 на сложности Heroic

Это дополнение рассчитанное на продвинутых игроков, поэтому подробностей минимум - просто расписаны ходы героев по дням (все даты в формате "месяц.неделя.день"). Прохождение базируется на получении вызова огненных элементалей: спасибо 2agmihoshi за идею. Необходимые умения и способности: Expert Logistics - Pathfinding - Navigation - Scouting, Expert Summoning - Master of Conjuration - Fire Warriors, Basic Gating - Consume Corpse, Expert Attack - Frenzy - Tactics - Archery, после получения вышеперечисленного можно взять и прокачать до эксперта Luck или Sorcery.

Миссия 2: The Promise

Бонус: Phantom Forces.

Если с прошлой миссии у вас нет саммона, нужно выкопать его на первом левелапе, опять же добежав до него на квиккомбате. Когда поймаете Summoning, можно пробежаться на автобое до конца миссии, благо она короткая, чтобы понять, в каком порядке брать умения, чтобы достичь Expert Summoning и Fire Warriors. Если что-то одно из этого не получается взять, в крайнем случае можно оставить на первый левелап следующей миссии. Также необходима будет Tactics.

1.1.1 Пробиваем Scouts, стоящих на дороге. Не сходя с дороги бьем Spectres. Присоединяем Hell Hounds, стоящих у своего жилища, в само жилище не заходим. Убиваем Obsidian Gargoyles.

1.1.2 Победив выскочивших из засады Assasins, поднимаем сундук на опыт. Бежим на северо-запад и убиваем Liches (чтобы пройти их без потерь, нужно иметь тактику, тогда можно успеть их заблокировать одиночной собачкой), поднимаем охраняемый ими сундук.

1.1.3 Побеждаем Minotaur Guards, преграждающих дальнейший путь. Идем дальше по дороге, убиваем Archers и посещаем охраняемую ими конюшню.

1.1.4 Бьем Dark Raiders, понимаем очередной сундук - присоединяются Assasins. Присоединяем стоящих на дороге Horned Overseers, посещаем повышалку +1000XP и побеждаем охрану Inferno Military Outpost. Нанимать кого-либо не обязательно.

1.1.5 Убиваем Gremlins и Iron Golems, подбираем охраняемый последними сундук. Если хочется, можно подобрать и лежащую тут кучку золота (+5000), чтобы потом проапгрейдить войска в форте, но это опять же не обязательно. Идем дальше по дороге, бьем War Dancers, посещаем повышалку +1SP.

1.1.6 Бежим по дороге, пробиваем вампиров, поднимаем последний сундук.

1.1.7 Идем дальше по дороге, не сворачивая в пустыню. Убиваем Djinns, охраняющих форт, посещаем флаг и оазис, бьем случайных монстров пятого уровня, стоящих севернее и бежим по направлению к мавзолею (Внимание! Если посетить форт, то не успеете закончить миссию на этом ходу). Навстречу выбегает вражеский герой, побеждаем его. Затем бой со вторым героем, который можно и проиграть.

Миссия пройдена за 7 дней.

Written by Игорь ICQ# 171361159

Guest at 2013-05-12 17:06 wrote:
Максим at 2013-05-05 18:01 wrote:
Андрей at 2013-04-06 23:06 wrote:
анисим at 2012-06-27 11:45 wrote:
Valesik at 2012-05-24 01:47 wrote:
Балу at 2012-04-28 20:50 wrote:
игорь at 2012-01-11 17:11 wrote:
Guest at 2011-08-23 19:53 wrote:
Guest at 2011-08-04 02:47 wrote:
beryllium at 2011-07-07 12:57 wrote:
diana at 2011-07-05 12:45 wrote:
Кир at 2011-07-01 19:15 wrote:
Guest at 2011-06-27 16:31 wrote:
Наталья и сын at 2011-06-24 20:31 wrote:
111 at 2011-06-06 00:46 wrote:
pavel at 2011-03-24 16:37 wrote:
дмитрий at 2011-02-08 22:40 wrote:
ОЛЬГА at 2007-01-02 10:00 wrote:
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